Rogue POTUS Staff Profile picture
Anonymous patriots. Authors of "Being Rogue". Country over traitors.
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Nov 2, 2020 10 tweets 2 min read

Every state has mechanisms to prevent double votes. If you are anything less than 100% certain that your mail-in ballot will be received no later than TOMORROW, you can use these to LEGALLY VOTE IN PERSON despite your ballot already being mailed. (1/10) Step one - Verify.
You must be 100% sure that your ballot has been delivered, or will be delivered TOMORROW. Ignore any other suggested deadlines. After tomorrow is too late, even if it's not supposed to be. Don't take the risk. (2/10)
Sep 22, 2020 20 tweets 4 min read
Labor Dept is proposing new rules that will have severe economic repercussions, and trying to hide them from you. And they're being fast tracked to approval while the public is distracted by COVID, the election, and now the SCOTUS pick also. Here's a synopsis. (1/x) In short, Scalia wants to deliver one comprehensive gut-punch to undermine much of the fundamental labor protections that certain moronic fringe elements of the GOP have long claimed are too burdensome on the economy. Make most people independent contractors. (2/x)
Sep 19, 2020 14 tweets 3 min read
No merit to the theory that a quick RBG replacement is needed for election day court battles. Here's why. (1/x) First, and perhaps most definitively, is that with RGB's passing, the court sits at a 5/3 ideological split, in favor of the right. This is starkly different than Scalia's death, which caused a 4/4 split. (2/x)
Aug 11, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
For all the talk of uniting behind whomever it would be, it's fascinating how many people rushed to complain about not getting "their" pick, even when it hadn't been announced yet. Dems, for the love of America, converts over choir singers.

#BidenHarris2020 This is an example of how converts are lost. Instantly reducing Harris to someone you only can "work with", based on heavy qualification, is the kind of angst the reelection campaign will capitalize on and turn into a billboard.

Aug 1, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
Realistically speaking, Harris and Rice are likely to be at the bottom of the list. Harris? Pfft. Rice is paradoxically perhaps the most qualified for the job, on paper, yet the least desirable pick. Here's why... "I'm a bridge" is about more than whose best to take over in 2024. He knows there's a very real chance that he won't be around by then. He's said he wants to pick someone who is ready to take over on day one. But any good leader knows the best way to do that is about the team.
Apr 2, 2020 14 tweets 3 min read
Apparently many people don't seem to understand how reelectable POTUS is, how badly the Democrats often play into his hands, and how the apparatus around him both governs his administration and turns what you think is weakness into strengths. So let's explain. (1/x) It all starts with the reelection campaign that, unprecedentedly, has existed since day one of his term. Remember, it's run by his family. First they collect and analyze data, through polling, facebook mining, and other ways. Some are likely illegal, but you know...prove it.
Mar 31, 2020 5 tweets 1 min read
In this episode of "Who Wants to be a Dictator" POTUS uses a lifeline to phone a friend. (1/5) In a nutshell POTUS whines to Putin that "we have this COVID-19 thing we're dealing with, it's really hard on our economy, this oil thing is making it (economic hardship) worse. And this will make it harder for me to get reelected. Please play nice with OPEC." (2/5)
Mar 20, 2020 8 tweets 2 min read
We've been keeping a spreadsheet of daily total COVID-19 cases in several of the worst affected countries, and doing some simple calculations on growth rates. Something terrifying is emerging, especially in the past few days. (1/8) Not virologists here. This is mostly a curiosity project. First, we calculate a country's growth rate over the previous day's total cases. Then, we calculate the average rate. Then, we calc two "predictions" for the next day, based on those rates. (2/8)
Mar 9, 2020 5 tweets 1 min read
Do not use terms like "Trump Virus" or "CPAC Virus" regarding COVID-19. POTUS has spread lies and propaganda. The response should be to overwhelm the discussion with pure, accurate, detailed, technical, yet straight forward scientific information. No counter propaganda. (1/5) The media should stop using generic "coronavirus" term. It's meaninglessly vague, was only useful when all we knew was that it was a "novel corona virus," and that stopped being the case months ago. We know know that, specifically, it's a strain of the SARS virus. Say so. (2/5)
Dec 24, 2019 4 tweets 1 min read
All the Congressional cultists, if we have to listen to one more detached, vapid lunatic tirade we're going to run head first into a brick wall, because the only two ways that nonsense has any value are blind religious fervor, and severe brain damage. #AiringofGrievances The terror and panic that's in your hearts is painfully obvious in every decibel of your nauseating diatribes. This is the only way you can release the excess of your emotions to prevent yourselves from crying hysterically.
Dec 24, 2019 5 tweets 2 min read
Excuse us former President @BarackObama, did you really say that women are better leaders than men? How do you manage to rein in your party's headlong rush over the lunacy cliff, then jump off yourself days later? #AiringofGrievances Women aren't better leaders than men. Men aren't better leaders than women. Every individual has whatever talents DESPITE their race, gender, religion, and all other -ism statuses. THAT is equality. You are just being sexist.
Dec 24, 2019 5 tweets 2 min read
Will @HillaryClinton please shut the hell up! You are an absolutely miserable witch and a tragically pathetic politician. You're such a lousy politician you lost an election to Donald Trump! #AiringOfGrievances The fact is that you never should have lost, period! It doesn't matter that Putin stuck his nose where it doesn't belong. It still shouldn't have been enough. How could you have been so damn stupid as to completely ignore the rust belt!
Dec 24, 2019 4 tweets 2 min read
As for you Mr. @VP, you could have been sitting in the Oval by now. You should have been sitting in the Oval by now. The whole plan was always for you to be sitting in the Oval by now. But after you burned countless allies, you don't even want the Oval now! #AiringOfGrievances It's always the same old story with you. It's time to make the move so you send loyal followers into the line of fire—but after they've bloodied themselves for the team, you decide you need to wait longer. Either shit, or get off the pot, would you!?
Dec 24, 2019 4 tweets 1 min read
Let's start with the obvious, Mr. President. You're a traitorous, lying piece of scum with less class than the kissing cousin “roommates” at Larry's Trailer Park. What kind of POTUS takes a call from the Canadian PM in his underwear—then brags about it!?! #AiringofGrievances Aside from your obvious complete absence of loyalty to the country, the worst tragedy about your presidency is that you absolutely hate the job and don't want the job. You just want the praise and adoration of a public you're bilking by channeling tax dollars into your pockets.
Dec 19, 2019 4 tweets 1 min read
There are three fundamental possibilities behind Pelosi's (potential) delay on impeachment articles. One could be very smart, one unwise, and one would be just plain contemptible. First possibility is that the delay will be used to clean up the mess impeachment became and apply real pressure on GOP Senators. This is the best case, and would be smart. But sadly, it's inconsistent with her normal tactics.
Nov 28, 2019 5 tweets 1 min read
If you're reading this and it's still Thursday, log off. Come back tomorrow. No politics today, neither online nor offline. Why are you liking this? Log off.
Nov 17, 2019 14 tweets 3 min read
Why the Dems have blown it again. Hunter Biden is the side show the GOP want everyone to focus on so that nobody sees what's really going on. Mission accomplished, apparently. While you were looking, Dems missed their chance to crack something wide open. Here it is... Did you catch the Q by Castor asking whether she had info about POTUS weaponizing Ukraine corruption? Allegation hadn't even been made, but before the hearing he had already made preparations to refute it. 3:26:00->…
Mar 28, 2019 6 tweets 2 min read
Absolutely none of the public discussion seems to grasp the true significance of anything surrounding the results of the Special Counsel's investigation. And Cong. Dems aren't helping b/c the "release the report" mantra is a red herring barking up the wrong tree. Mueller's investigation has been cut short. AG Barr successfully spooked Mueller into fearing Barr was planning to sandbag him at least, if not summarily terminate the whole thing. That convinced Mueller it was necessary to hurry up and get a [effectively partial] report out.
Jul 21, 2017 15 tweets 2 min read
OH! Don't you want to wait for Mueller first? Why the rush the petty things when you drag your ass on what really matters? You're such a god damned phony. “If it's true” (we know it is) that DTJ met with Natalia V, then POTUS should be impeached. Now!
Jun 13, 2017 15 tweets 2 min read
It is an honor to oppose this catastrophe of a POTUS who betrays his country to Russians for a business loan. (Thread) There is a full force “crackdown” w/ POTUS ready to possibly pull the plug on Reince at moment's notice. Stage set for trickle down firings.
Jun 11, 2017 12 tweets 4 min read
@TheBorogove @SeaQuestMDR This question is why we have the POTUS we do. @TheBorogove @SeaQuestMDR The constitution makes no guarantees of a perfect government with perfect elected officials. To the contrary, it expects corrupt people.