Rohan Javet Beg Profile picture
Journal account turned Op-Ed column. Fairly good reader. Excellent ranter. Thread author. Conversational lubricant. RT ≠ endorsement. It's a pleasure.
Aug 28, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
UMNO just made crystal clear who their first target will be if they win GE15 in a landslide.

The judiciary.

They will no longer take impunity 4 granted. Now, they'll proactively stack panels with Art Haruns and even amend the Federal Constitution if they get their supermajority As far as they see it, they're fighting for their literal freedom.

If Malaysian law was ever given the opportunity to scrutinize UMNO corruption through a clear and unbiased lens, as they feat it did in Najib's SRC trial, they're all going to jail.
Aug 24, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
Tbh, I'm not worried about a royal pardon. The backlash would be far too severe and even if one succeeded, the SRC trial was just 1 of 5 to go.

What concerns me is the possibility of a successful, prolonged disinformation campaign that steadily rehabilitates the Razak clan. I fear how insidious networks of trolls, propagandists and opportunistic influencers have very real power to gaslight the nation and whitewash Najib's crimes.

All that's required is coordination, strategic mutual amplification and some PR savvy to "read the room".
Aug 23, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Let's take a moment to soak this in.

Najib Tun Razak, a former PM and heir of an esteemed political dynasty, both of which should've made him untouchable in Malaysia, has been tried and convicted for his crimes in a court of law.

This should be the norm. Not the exception. While it's important to focus on analyses like 'What happens in UMNO now?' or 'What does this mean for Zahid?', maybe the narrative on this could also focus on the historical nature of this event and what it means for relationship between the rakyat and its elected leaders.
Jul 17, 2022 8 tweets 3 min read
Due to a foreign labor shortage, the Malaysian migrant industrial complex, long accustomed to lethal exploitation of disempowered migrant workers on a mass scale, lashes out at Malaysian workers for being able to demand fairer compensation.

Get fucked, I say. Local workers having a "poor work ethic" has long been doublespeak that translates to "we can't hold Malaysians to the same level of predatory abuse without repercussions."
Feb 12, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
I'll be fair in my criticism of MUDA, I don't think they're any kind of Trojan Horse. 1/5 However, I do think the party was deliberately ambiguous on policy and rhetoric because they were aiming for exponential growth in popularity and membership through sheer force of personality at a time when disillusionment with the status quo was high.

Feb 11, 2022 22 tweets 4 min read
I tested positive for Covid on 1st February and have been in quarantine for even longer than that.

Today, my home surveillance order is officially over and I have fully recovered.

So here's my experience. Firstly, my sister tested positive on 20th January through RTK-Antigen after developing symptoms n immediately underwent self-quarantine.

We worked out a routine. When to provide meals, periodic updates on her overall condition etc

(My idea to install a dog door was shot down)