Ron Michaels Profile picture
Founder, Univ. Tech Commercialization Institute; Founder, AZ Ronald McDonald House, Mentor/Coach, XVIIIth Airborne Corps Vet
Apr 12, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
Democrats have agreed to do whatever it takes to put Democrats in The White House and the Leadership in Congress. Yet, any fool can see that Trump has incredible accomplishments for the country in his first term. So, Dems say Trump is a failure. Actually they just want the money. Have you ever wondered why a candidate for Congress is willing to spend millions to get elected to a job that only pays $174,000 per year? It’s the government “cash registers” they get to plug into. Why do you think all the Dems (and Republicans) fall in line behind their leaders
Sep 11, 2019 7 tweets 2 min read
1/ Tony - The Left has researched terminology and the Right doesn’t even THINK about combatting the Dem’s finding that “Assault-like” is where the discussion ends. The word “Assault” coupled with “Weapon” is all-powerful. But . . . 2/ The FBI says, “Anyone using the term ‘Assault Weapon’ is using the wrong term. Assault Weapons are not available at retail in the U. S. The rifles available in the U. S. Are the same hunting and target rifles we’ve always had redesigned and painted black to look military.”
Sep 4, 2019 5 tweets 2 min read
@TuckerCarlson - Brad Whitman said “90 people per day are killed by guns.” Not true. 33,000 people die each year. He divided that no. by 365 days. Of ALL causes of death, GUNS are ranked # 107. 106 other causes of death EACH kill more people than ALL GUNS OF ALL TYPES COMBINED. 2/ The Flu and 106 other causes of death (like measles) kills more people each year than all rifles and all pistols of all calibers COMBINED!
Aug 4, 2019 5 tweets 2 min read
@SenTomCotton @SenMcSallyAZ 1/ Gen Hyten-
Sadly, in issues of “sexual confrontation” we must struggle constantly with non-specific “Definitions of Terminology” as used by both the accuser and the accused. 2/ As the Former Secretary of the Army said, the accuser may believe her accusation. But the more important focus must be on how the event, if any, is defined by her and by the accused.
Jul 24, 2019 4 tweets 2 min read
@parscale - Marketer. NYC, (Coke, McDonald’s, Bristol-Myers, more.) Univ.Tech Commercialization pro, Market Segmentation specialist, created “Youth Market.” Invited Spkr(transcripts requested by Obama WH & President’s Council of Econ Advisors). I can help. 2/ AZ Ronald McDonald House Founder & Chmn; “Outstanding Citizen” Award from City Council; AZ Governor’s Award; Recruited as advisor to 4 Western State Governors on Econ Dev; Founding VP, Mktg, built $400mil NY Public Benefit Corp; Created other companies, led successful IPO’s.
Jun 5, 2019 5 tweets 2 min read
@ElisaMichaels - Mueller’s BIAS is obvious in the very beginning of the Report when he states: “Trump fired Comey.” He conveniently omits the fact that Rosenstein wrote a letter to Trump RECOMMENDING that Trump FIRE Comey. 2/ Since Rosenstein was recommending the firing of his “boss” directly to the president, Trump was obligated to follow that recommendation. Mueller skips that part of the scenario and, with the omission of that fact, changes the entire dynamic to make it SEEM that Trump
May 30, 2019 9 tweets 2 min read
DECODING MUELLER- 1 — Two reasons Mueller didn’t indict Trump: (1) he didn’t have the authority to do so and that he knew before he started his two-year probe (2) Mueller also said he found no evidence of collusion so there was no crime to charge that could be proved. DECODING MUELLER - 2 — Whenever Mueller says, “Charging the president is not an option we could consider,” he’s saying, (1) long-standing policy prohibits that move and, again, (2) “we could not prove he colluded with Russia to do anything).