How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App documents show that the U.S. is demanding a lien (legal claim) on half of all revenues generated from the extraction and sale of Ukraine’s natural resources. US had been able to borrow cheap money for years, and establish itself as the world’s reserve currency in part because it was seen as a predictable player, surrounded by allies and good for its debts. is what made Christianity so radical among tribal religions. When asked “Who is my neighbor?” Jesus chose a Samaritan—an outsider and theological enemy of the Jews—as the moral exemplar - to challenge the idea that obligation is primarily to one’s own people or community. "given cuts in FCO budget; the level of ambassadorial representation; the lack of designated language posts; and the minimal size of the FCO desk dealing with Ukraine, this capability gap is not unique to the MOD but represents a significant strategic gap for the Government." campaigners and some policy-makers are pretending to support these farmers in nature-based farming. But they are actually intending for the environmental payments to cease, the farms to fold, and the land to be abandoned for rewilding. This is deliberate policy.