Retweet Anon Profile picture
God called those torn by the knowledge of darkness, to awaken the masses and shine the light of truth upon the world. No DMs.
Sep 14, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
"You. Have. More. Than. You. Know."

It always gets me.

This time our fav anon is talking about Netflix...

So this is what I found so far...(thread). Wilmot Reed Hastings Jr.

Co-founder, chairman, and co-chief executive officer (CEO) of Netflix

Board: The Knowledge is Power Program, commonly known as KIPP, is a network of free college-preparatory schools in low income communities throughout the United States.
Oct 20, 2019 8 tweets 4 min read
@SpeakerPelosi 1) you don't have valid subpoena authority

Compliance With Procedural Rules
The second limitation on Congress' subpoena power is that,
for a subpoena to be valid, it must be authorized and issued in
compliance with the procedural rules applicable to the commit-
tee or @SpeakerPelosi subcommittee. The court discussed this limitation in
Exxon Corp. v. FTC:
To issue a valid subpoena, however, a committee or subcom-
mittee must conform strictly to the [rules] establishing its
investigatory powers, and only those parties expressly autho-
rized to sign