Ross T-McD Profile picture
Cis-het white guy, striving to be a better ally. Married with adult kid. Dog parent. Gen X. Geek. Spec-fic reader and (occasional, unpublished) writer. He/him.
Jun 21, 2019 16 tweets 3 min read
1/ I just finished @nkjemisin's _Broken Earth_ trilogy. It was really good. Also, I have some thoughts. 2/ One of the comments I made frequently while reading it was, "It's weird... this is super dark, which is usually not my thing; but somehow this is working for me this time."
May 10, 2019 16 tweets 3 min read
It's getting hard to keep track of which states are competing hardest for the Your Uterus Belong To The State prize, so I tried to make a summary. 1/ Multiple states have passed or are passing so-called "heartbeat laws," which outlaw abortions once a "fetal heartbeat" can be detected. Two things about that: (a) this is usually around six weeks, by which time most people aren't yet aware they're pregnant; ... 2/
Apr 22, 2019 12 tweets 2 min read
1/ "It's not fair that someone should get a better deal than I did."

This argument underlies a LOT of conservative thinking. "I work hard to earn what I have; why should some deadbeat get free groceries while I'm busting my butt?" 2/ Remember TARP? The big bank bail-out after the mortgage bubble popped and all those banks were holding mortgages that people couldn't pay?

There were basically two ways we could have bailed out the banks: we could have paid off the bad mortgages...