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Share things related to Buddhism, history, genetics and linguistics
Aug 26 4 tweets 2 min read
A huge patrilineal displacement of AASI(even before Aryans)!That's why most Indians carry the mtDNA haplogroup M, which is linked to the Out of Africa migration and represents the first migrants in the subcontinent, linked to AASI. In contrast, the paternal counterpart
Image haplogroups like F,C, are almost negligible in the Indian population & are only found predominantly among some South Indian tribal groups like Paniya,Paliyan. Instead,the most common patrilineal haplogroups in India today are R1a,L, R2, and J2 which r West Eurasian in origin
Aug 22 4 tweets 2 min read
Proto-Jallikattu seal from Indus valley civilization?

In Old Tamil poems from Kalittokai, life in the pastoral landscape is vividly depicted, highlighting festive contests of bull grappling, known as ēru-kōḷ/ēru-taluvu. In these events, wild bulls with sharpened horns were Image released into an arena, where young men demonstrated their physical strength to win brides, often risking injury/death from being gored or trampled. This tradition of bull leaping still continues today in parts of South India, especially Tamil Nadu, where Image
Dec 30, 2022 8 tweets 4 min read
Enarei from Anarya(effeminate/unmanly men) were an important part of the ancient Scythian society. They wore women's clothing, performed women's jobs and customs and spoke in a feminine manner..... They played an important role as priests and shamanistic soothsayers in the Scythian religion. The Enarei priests were especially consulted when the king of the Scythians was ill.
Dec 13, 2022 7 tweets 4 min read
Disgusted with these things and everytime these type of people uses Buddhism as a sheild to promote their agendas with new conspiracy theories but doesn't know a thing about Buddhism.
Do read the full thread✍️🏻
Infact Chamundi is a deity in Tantric Buddhism🤦🏻‍♂️.......👉🏻 and is a consort of Buddhist Dharmapala Kalarupa(the protector of the Yamantaka Tantric cycles) whose another name is Yama Dharmarājā. Similarly,these type of wrathful yidams/deities are very common in Tantric/Vajrayana Buddhism.
While there is no mention of Mahisasura in any... ImageImage
Dec 3, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
Those who don't have a good knowledge on Mahayana Buddhism shouldn't post things like this. Study about Trikāya(3 bodies of Buddha) concept in Mahayana: Nirmanakaya(physical/manifest body of a Buddha that has a form i.e.Shakyamuni), Sambhogakaya(body of enjoyment/reward nd is... bridge b/w formless nd material; eg. 5 Dhyani Buddhas), Dharmakaya(body of truth,formless nd is d personification of the truth itself, nd it is commonly seen as transcending(to go further than d usual limits of something) the forms of physical and spiritual bodies)........
Nov 9, 2022 6 tweets 3 min read
The most famous of An Shigao’s works is Da Anban Shouyi Jing(The Great Ānāpānasmṛtisūtra)which addresses the breathing skill of inhaling and exhaling, which Taoists of the time were fond of. Da Anban Shouyi Jing was the first Buddhist meditation manual provided to China. Image An Shigao skilfully translated the text using Taoist terms in order to make them more appealing to Chinese sensibilities....👉🏻👉🏻👉🏻👉🏻
Nov 9, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
AI reconstruction of Dharma master An Shigao. An Shigao (安世高) was a 2nd century A.D. Parthian monk whose real name was Parthamasiris/Partamasir who was d 1st translator of Buddhist texts into Chinese and an early Buddhist missionary to China....👉🏻 Image He is known by his pen name ‘Shigao’ but his name in Chinese was Qing (安清). Most foreigners from Anxi (安息) who took on Chinese names were given the prefix ‘An’ which came from Anxi which is the Chinese translation for Arshak i.e.Arsacid Empire of Parthia. Image