Ruben Hassid Profile picture
Founder of - the $2 ghostwriter
Maleph Profile picture Jozef Antony Profile picture 3 subscribed
Jul 14 9 tweets 3 min read
I ditched google search for perplexity.

I run some tests to show you why:

#1: "how to write a founder agreement" Image First, I asked google search.

And it has too many ads:
> the 2 top links are sponsored
> too much scrolling

You need to give your email to download a founder agreement template.

I asked the same question to Perplexity:
Jul 10 6 tweets 3 min read
LMSYS released Route LLM.

It cuts costs by 80% while keeping 95% of gpt-4o's quality, making it very cost-effective for LLMs.

Here's a quick recap:

#1 → Cost vs. Performance Dilemma Image RouteLLM balances high-quality responses with significant cost savings.

It offers comparable performance to high-cost models like claude 3 opus.

→ optimizes for quality, efficiency, cost, and privacy by using local devices.

#2 → RouteLLM Framework Overview Image
Jul 7 6 tweets 2 min read
Perplexity just upgraded it's "Pro search" version.

They claim it's now better at research, programming & travel planning.

So I ran my own little tests: #1. Programming:

They supercharged Pro Search with powerful data analysis.

I asked for Nvidia's stock information and a graph to show its evolution.

I got:
> nvidia performance in 2024.
> graph showing stock growth.
> analysis & potential for expansion.

I'm impressed.
Jul 6 6 tweets 3 min read
I don't know how to write a line of code.

So I tested which one was better between claude 3.5 vs. gpt-4o.

The goal is to create a form from scratch for my LinkedIn: I asked them to explain how to create a form with 0 code experience.

gpt-4o was much more specific.

It gave me a step-by-step on:

> which tool to choose.
> how to integrate the form.
> example of the summary section.

Then, I asked for recommendations:
Jul 4 6 tweets 2 min read
I manage my employee's Linkedin.

We went from 0 to 1,192,772 impressions in exactly 37 days of daily posting.

The trick is... I didn't write any posts.

I do this instead: Image Step 1: Go on Perplexity.

Click on "Discover":
→ Perplexity selects the most viral topic & learns your favorite topic.

Select a topic:
→ I chose Claude 3.5's launch.

Then, move on to the 2nd step:
Jul 1 10 tweets 4 min read
Hugging Face upgraded its Open LLM Leaderboard.

They added benchmarks & methods to overcome recent LLM changes.

It's quite long, so I made a quick recap: Image #1. Introducing the LLM Leaderboard v2

Previous benchmarks became too easy.

Newer models had training data similar to benchmark data, causing overfitting.

They now include:
> uncontaminated
> high-quality datasets
> measure various skills

#2. Introducing 6 new benchmarks:
Jun 30 7 tweets 4 min read
EasyGen updates:

MRR: $9,128,66
Line of code I know: 0
Outside investment: $0
Days since launch: 92

Here's how I did it: Image #1. Ask your community

I reach +78 million people online in a year.

So I created a form to:
→ ask my community if they would like to create LinkedIn posts using AI.

> I got +800 answers.
> +500 signed up to test it.

Step 2: naming of the company Image
Jun 28 4 tweets 3 min read
I uploaded Richard Feynmann's genius learning technique on chatgpt.

It helps you simplify your explanations & refine them through simple analogies.

The prompt is too long, so I add it below: Image "Act like an expert educator and mentor.

You have been helping students and professionals master complex topics using the Feynman Technique for over 20 years.

You specialize in breaking down intricate subjects into understandable, manageable pieces through iterative learning and teaching.

Objective: I want to master any topic using the Feynman Technique by following a structured, multi-step process.

The goal is to achieve deep understanding through multiple iterations and refinements.

Step-by-Step Process:

Topic Selection and Initial Explanation:

Identify the topic I want to master.

Write a clear, simple explanation of the topic as if teaching it to someone with no prior knowledge. Ensure the explanation is thorough but understandable.

Identify Gaps in Understanding:

Review the initial explanation and identify any areas where my understanding is lacking or unclear.

Highlight specific concepts, terms, or sections that need further clarification or research.

Deep Dive into Problem Areas:

Conduct research to fill in the gaps identified. Use reliable sources such as academic papers, textbooks, and expert opinions.

Rewrite the initial explanation, incorporating the new knowledge gained from this research.

Ensure the explanation remains clear and straightforward.

Simplify and Clarify:

Simplify the refined explanation further. Use analogies, metaphors, and examples to make complex ideas more accessible.

Ensure that the explanation can be understood by someone with no background in the topic.

Teach and Test:

Teach the topic to a friend, family member, or imaginary student. Pay attention to any questions they might have and areas where they seem confused.

Use their feedback to identify any remaining gaps or unclear sections in your explanation.

Iterate and Refine:

Iterate on the explanation based on the feedback received. Continue to simplify and clarify until the explanation is seamless and easily understandable.

Repeat the teaching and feedback process as many times as necessary to achieve a deep and thorough understanding of the topic.

Final Review and Reflection:

Review the final explanation and reflect on the learning process. Summarize the key insights and understandings gained.

Consider how the Feynman Technique helped in mastering the topic and any improvements or adjustments that can be made for future learning endeavors.

Start with "What is the topic you'd like to master?" to know what I want to master. You can't move on without this step.

Take a deep breath and work on this problem step-by-step."
Jun 27 5 tweets 2 min read
Artifacts on claude 3.5 is impressive.

I uploaded my cheat sheet for kids to master chatgpt & it created a game.

Check the full process below: I asked claude to create a fully functional interactive educational game.

My prompt is bad. A one-shot sentence.

And the result is quite impressive.

I got a 5 questions quiz game using my branding.

I did another test:
Jun 25 5 tweets 2 min read
claude 3.5 makes my graphs from excel screenshots.

You just turn on "Artifacts", and prompt it to stick to your brand color. Here's how: Step 1: Install Artifacts

> Click on your profile icon.
> Select "Feature Preview".
> Click on the On/Off button.

Step 2: Take a screenshot of a table:
Jun 10 8 tweets 4 min read
I don't know how to write a line of code.

$0 funding. No trust fund. No blue eyes.

I only needed one thing for €4,639 MRR: Image → people I helped
→ and then ended up following me

That's about it.

How did I help? By creating content.
How do they follow me?
↳ Newsletter, WhatsApp, Socials.

This is my exact playbook so far:
Jun 9 6 tweets 4 min read
How to improve your writing with chatgpt: 100 ways to improve your writing - Gary Provost I uploaded the "100 ways to improve your writing" by Gary Provost on chatgpt.

It trains chatgpt to write words like music.

Step 1:
→ I asked chatgpt to write a piece of text on nuclear fusion.

I got:
> a detailed explanation
> potentials of nuclear fusion

Step 2:
Jun 6 8 tweets 3 min read
I manage my employee's Linkedin.

We went from 0 to 711,114 impressions in exactly 19 days of daily posting.

The trick is... I didn't write any posts.

I do this instead: Image 1. Find viral AI videos.

> Axelle's branding is AI fomo
> Our goal is to post videos daily to fight people's fomo on AI.

That's how we find content...

> X all day every day
> Instagram theme page
> Newsletter (like @rowan)
Jun 2 9 tweets 4 min read
Anthropic just released their first AI educational course on tool use.

7-course links & academic papers.

Here's the link + a summary of each:

#1 → Intro to tool use Image First, what is tool use?

Tool use allows Claude to extend its capabilities by invoking:
> external tools
> functions

It allows us to write code that can perform specific tasks that Claude wouldn't be able to do.

#2 → Why does it matter? Image
May 29 6 tweets 3 min read
LinkedIn has 134.5 million daily users.

But only 3% of them share posts weekly.

Here are 5 hacks so you can start posting:

(from a guy who got 105 million views) 1. Extract your competitor's topic

> Use the search bar
> Insert your ‘competitors name’
> Go to their post activity
> Take one with insane reach

For example:

I took a post from Chris Donnelly.
→ He got 2,108 likes on this post.
→ His topic: 1 on 1 meeting.

May 19 12 tweets 5 min read
The new gemini-flash is 19x cheaper than gpt-4o & nearly as good.

But I don't trust benchmarks.

So I run my own tests:
test #1 → analyze youtube for me Benchmark of LLMs I uploaded a screenshot of Ali Abdaal's popular youtube videos and asked for:

> analysis to recreate them
> 10 titles & thumbnail ideas
> using my niche & context

→ gemini 1.5 was faster
→ gpt-4o was much more detailed
→ gpt-4o is slightly better

What about title ideas?
May 15 12 tweets 5 min read
gpt-4o claims to outperform claude opus.

I don't trust benchmarks.

So I ran my own tests:
test #1 → analyze a 42-page PDF Image I asked the 2 of them to read the entire PDF and summarize it.

At first, claude did a great job but then completely hallucinated:

It gave me 2 steps that I didn't ask for:
> a list of 5 important facts
> a fictional discussion with a student

Let's see gpt-4o now:
Apr 23 5 tweets 3 min read
SPEEDRUN: writing a Linkedin post.

step 1. Stanford made an AI report
step 2. chatgpt summarizes the report
step 3. @easygen_io writes the post

I wrote this in <10 min. Here's how: @easygen_io Before starting, a quick overview of my past Linkedin performance:

< bragging >

- 0 to 300,000 followers in a year
- I reached 100+ million impressions
- I built an entire business out of it

I know a thing or 2 about it.

< /bragging >

Now for the guide: Image
Apr 22 4 tweets 2 min read
OpenAI just killed 1,000+ "pdf readers".

You can upload up to 10,000 files - or 500x more than before, also faster.

Here's a quick "how-to" guide: First, you can read the blog post here:

Then for the guide itself, I made a quick video, from start to finish.

I uploaded a 500-pages AI report from Stanford to test its retrieval capacity:…
Apr 16 11 tweets 4 min read
google added a "@" feature on gemini.

Sounds promising, so I ran some tests:

#1 → summarize the last 10 Justin Welsh's newsletter for me Image gemini can browse your emails.

All you need to do is type "@".

Here, I asked for a summary of the latest newsletter from Justin Welsh.

> gemini found it
> gave me a summary
> and a link to the email

I didn't stop here with this feature:
Apr 6 12 tweets 6 min read
You don't prompt claude like chatgpt.

Anthropic shared a technical guide on how to prompt it exactly.

It's quite long, so I made a best-of here:

#1 → Use XML tags Image XML tags are angle-bracket tags like:
< tag > < / tag >

It helps claude to better understand the context and generate accurate outputs.
