Rue Mohr Profile picture
1 Techie. Electronics, Programming, Mechanical. I do it for fun, but I walk a lonely road.
Jun 13, 2023 10 tweets 4 min read
12!! packages from aliexpress!!

What does Rue buy!?

a thread.... (cmon, click it!!!) Image 10x 360 degree servos for dust sweeping robots...
(makes 5 robots) $2.50ea Image
Sep 20, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
cleaning up the 6502 serial code, so I can finish it and get serial software upload working :)
I suppose I'll still have to write a little monitor.. hmm.. The 6502/6522 code is able to receive a character at 9600 baud and send it back!

... Once, then it all goes to hell and corrupts the memory...

working on it! :)
Sep 19, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Chapter two, Serial IO...
I have defeated the 6522, it now clocks 9600 baud serial bits into the shift register, BUT. I have to get them out, and then reverse them (the 6522 clocks it in backwards) I have to do some code cleanup too, some parts of the code are starting to step on each other.
I have a working transmitter already. so I can send back the values I read to see if their right.
Sep 19, 2022 6 tweets 3 min read
I need larger crimpers for these connectors...
Stores are closed, guess I have to make them myself... Image GOT IT!
hah! the whole "just weld metal where it needs to go" works GREAT!
Will it crimp pipe tho? Image
Sep 18, 2022 40 tweets 14 min read
-- THE 6522 --
6502 peripheral chip that was ahead of its time, and did not seem to be understood by the people who wrote its very datasheet...

[vs Rue]
* thead * Image I have SO many other projects I should be working on right now....

SO There are two timers in the 6522, T1, a fully capable 16 bit interval or duration timer...
And T2, a footnote in the datasheet mentioning that it exists too... Image