RuminatorDan (same on Telegram, substack etc) Profile picture
'Men, it has been well said, think in herds; it will be seen that they go mad in herds, while they only recover their senses slowly,& one by one' Charles Mackay
6 subscribers
Mar 8, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
unvaccinated = no vaccination or vaccinated less than 21 days ago.
Oh dear.
As we saw in March'20 & many times since, no matter how impressive a model looks, if the fundamental assumptions & parameters are wrong, then the results will be WRONG - perhaps catastrophically wrong... ImageImage "Official mortality data for England suggest systematic miscategorisation of vaccine status and uncertain effectiveness of Covid-19 vaccination"

Our paper here discusses the issue of miscategorisation, along with other aspects:…
Jan 16, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
❓What's the difference between a SCEPTIC and an 'EXPERT'?

❗A SCEPTIC is censored & vilified for being right, whereas an 'EXPERT' is listened to & respected despite being wrong.

Being right is secondary. Being on-narrative is what matters.

(Screenshot is a random example)
1/4 Even calling for, or supporting, tyrannical measures is no impediment to being an 'EXPERT' (or journalist, or leader, or...).

Being right is secondary. Being on-narrative is what matters.

Thread r/t'd here shows some examples.

Jan 14, 2022 16 tweets 5 min read
"Official mortality data for England suggest systematic miscategorisation of vaccine status &uncertain effectiveness of C19 vaccination"
Our paper now includes the 'healthy vaccinee' effect, which we find does not explain the non-Covid mortality anomalies.… Logically, whether the healthy vaccinee hypothesis is incorrect or correct, the implications are the same: Something is causing significant anomalies in the data. Claims made on the basis of those data are therefore highly questionable.
Oct 15, 2021 14 tweets 4 min read
NSW Australia "Rules for people who are not fully vaccinated" 15 October 2021
"If you are over the age of 16 years and are not fully vaccinated you cannot visit another person’s place of residence, except in limited circumstances."
1/ "If you are not fully vaccinated you cannot visit a gym or indoor recreation facility."
Sep 21, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
__ONS England & Wales Covid Deaths by Age as % of total Covid deaths, from Jan 2020 to 10 September 2021__

Stacked in this way, only older age groups are visible. This is because the vast majority of Covid deaths occurred in older people.
59% were aged 80+
93% were aged 60+
1/ Zooming in 10x, the chart now shows age groups which, in total, account for ~10% of all Covid deaths. (Older groups have been greyed out for clarity.)
4.3% of deaths were in people aged under 55.
1.3% were in people under 45 years old.
Sep 13, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Israel Minister of Health explains to Minister of the Interior that the green pass in some places is required only so as to put pressure on the unvaccinated to get vaccinated.
(clip: Israel Channel 12)
English translation in thread below.
1/ Translation:
HER: I suspect that for outdoor restaurants you can remove the green pass.
HIM: I'll tell you, in swimming pools and also restaurants. Epidemiologically it's correct.
HER: Correct.
Sep 11, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
Whilst it might not suit the narrative and seems to have annoyed people, @Peston is correct in his observation. The data to which be is referring suggest very poor effectiveness against infection.
This is far from the first such evidence (e.g. Israel).
1/ Mr Peston can hardly be accused of having been critical of the narrative thus far, which surely means that the fact that he is questioning the data now is worth listening to.
Sep 10, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
Dictatorship... Democracy...
What's all the fuss about? They both start with a D so surely that makes them nearly the same thing?

Covid and Climate start with the same letter and they're the same thing too. Image On the democracy vs dictatorship matter...
Sep 5, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
__Israel, daily Child (ages 0-19) & Adult (ages 20+) Vaccinations & 1) New Cases, 2) Hospitalisations, 3) Deaths__

1) Israel, daily Child (ages 0-19) & Adult (ages 20+) Vaccinations & New Covid Cases (all ages),
20 Dec 2020 - 31 Aug 2021
1/ Image 2) Israel, daily Child (ages 0-19) & Adult (ages 20+) Vaccinations & Covid Hospitalisations (all ages),
20 Dec 2020 - 31 Aug 2021
2/ Image
Aug 10, 2021 8 tweets 3 min read
w/e 8 Mar 2020 - 1 Aug 2021

The risk of death with/of Covid varies enormously with age. England data show this clearly.
1/ ImageImage The difference is so great that one cannot usefully plot all ages together (without resorting to log or other methods). At this scale, only the top (oldest) few age bands are clearly visible. The younger ages are also shown - but they are too small to see.
2/ Image
Aug 9, 2021 8 tweets 5 min read
Repeated claims recently suggest more young people are becoming hospitalised with Covid than was the case in Jan 2021. However England's empirical data show otherwise: new hospitalisations in the young reached similar levels in July & Jan.
1/ The BBC, for example, reported recently that, in England, “levels of young adults being admitted to hospital was four times higher than the peak last winter.”
Without additional explanation, this is likely to be misinterpreted by many people.…
Aug 8, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
"We can't afford to wait two years, five years, 10 years - this is the moment"
Whatever you view on the topic, please consider how improbable it is that:
1) Of all the 2.25 billion or so 2-year periods since the Earth formed, today just happens to be *the* critical moment.
1/ 2) Having each witnessed around 0.000001% of the Earths's history by the time we are middle aged (& 0.0000004% if you happen to be 18) we, of all generations, are uniquely special, not only to live at this most momentous point in the Earths's history but also to know...
Aug 7, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
"Lockdowns unlikely to be needed again, Professor Neil F says"
We continue to treat the idea that lockdowns are effective & reasonable as a self evident truth. It is not. Apparent since last spring that many of the main covid "pillars of faith" are highly questionable.
1/ Image This, for example, comparing UK and Sweden a year ago:

Jul 10, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
1. Eerie restraint among MSM ahead of Monday’s UK decision (why no Armageddon?).
2. Out of character positive(!) words from SAGE.
3. Sting in the tail domestic passport story.
(links to all 3 below)
Which country is this again?
Enough BBB BS.
Restore freedom & get out of the way. 1. Eerie restraint among MSM ahead of Monday’s UK decision (why no Armageddon?).
Jun 10, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
Ridiculous to hear the pathetic attempts at justifying lack of quarantine requirements for G7. Are our leaders and their messianic advisers now such living gods that they are immune from diseases of the flesh?
If I may make a suggestion:
Stop digging!

The reason this looks like a hypocritical, elites vs plebs, "Rules for thee but not for me" situation is because that is what it is.
May 30, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
"PM [Boris J] says he wants G7 to sign on to plan to vaccinate entire world by end of 2022"

"We need to have agreements on issues such as vaccine passports, COVID status certification and the rest,"

"Nobody is safe until everybody is safe," Boris (really) said.
1/ Image "Johnson said that he sees a vaccine certification regime, or vaccine passport, as just one part of an international pandemic preparedness treaty that would set down approaches to deal with the next pandemic"

Hardly a temporary measure then.
May 30, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
"incredibly striking" how busy hospitals were... with non-Covid backlogs... seeing more patients who put off treatment in the pandemic -& who now require more complex care & longer stays"

NHS boss, in odd BBC piece, mentioning the huge physical harms our actions caused.
I'm sure what they meant to write was, "more patients WHOSE TREATMENT THE NHS PUT OFF in the pandemic - and who now require more complex care and longer stays."

The article is, of course, not billed as having anything to do with any of this. It's another unsubtle "V" title.
2/ Image
May 29, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Usage of “EXPONENTIAL” in media is growing exponentially again!!
Yesterday, 2 exponentials were found in a news article. Today, 4!
Modelling proves that by June 21 every news story will use the word “exponential“ OVER 33 MILLION TIMES!
We must act now! Together we can stop this. Image This article, from 28 May, used the word “exponential“ (or its variants, such as “exponential growth”) twice (subject to counting errors).…
May 29, 2021 7 tweets 3 min read
Demonisation of 'dissenters' has gone a little quiet this week as other stories took centre stage. Next week something else... The daily lunacy-du-jour keeps people deranged and focused on surviving the day; and keeps attention away from the bigger picture.
1/ Here's one story some of the media seem to have missed.

May 25, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
Kan News, Israel, reports an increase in myocarditis in young people following second dose. "A senior health ministry official told Kan News today that in light of these preliminary data "we will have to take this into account in our recommendation to vaccinate children"" source article:…
May 24, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
Plus ça change...
Does anything surprise anyone anymore?
"Boris Johnson's review of social distancing rules set to be delayed by Indian variant"

Let's be fair & not jump the gun as to outcome, but it's yet more uncertainty & yet more erosion of whatever trust still remains.
1/ "Mr Johnson's official spokesman on Monday said the review of social distancing rules would be published "as soon as possible based on the latest data, which will help inform us what measures we can take around certification"
Again, we shall see, but this doesn't sound...