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If you're so smart, why aren't you rich?
Jul 24, 2024 10 tweets 3 min read
Maker Endgame delivers the easiest and best place to save up money while earning unique Token Rewards

Launch Season will make this a reality, and it is just around the corner

(1/9)…Image First stage of Launch Season is the Brand Reveal

The ecosystem will unveil a completely new look and feel, designed for simplicity and user adoption

Bonus Rewards available to Early birds that sign up for the Launch Airdrop on the new website (non-US only)

Sep 18, 2023 15 tweets 7 min read
While broader crypto is in shambles, Maker continues to grow its position as the biggest in DeFi

Everyone else shitcoin'd and ponzi'd. Maker built stuff that works & in the last month Dai grew by 400m

Next up is SubDAOs and they will be a gamechanger for growth in crypto Image 2)
Before we launch the 4 SubDAOs, early next year we will set the stage with a new simplified brand (name TBD) to be the foundation for SubDAO marketing & growth

We want something laser focused on being simple, easy and fun for new and existing users alike Image
May 11, 2023 10 tweets 4 min read
Maker Endgame is a series of 5 major product launches that will take Maker to the forefront of DeFi and AI innovation.

It involves a new brand, new stablecoin and governance token, 6 new SubDAOs distributed through farming and Governance AI Tools… Image Phase 1: Beta Launch arrives within months with a new unified brand, a new website and the tokens NewStable and NewGovToken (names will be based on new brand).

Dai and MKR will remain functional permanently, and holders can choose to upgrade to NewStable and NewGovToken.
Jan 5, 2022 14 tweets 5 min read
How is Dai engineered for resilience?

Threadooor time

Resilience is determined by the weakest link, and isn't just about checking some boxes. It's a fundamental question of culture:

"Is the security of your users your core mission?" Smart contract risk is the most important thing to consider when using DeFi, because of how bugs can sit dormant for years in mediocre code and suddenly be exploited as new anti-patterns are discovered.
A small flaw in a single component can cascade through an entire protocol
Sep 10, 2021 22 tweets 4 min read
A multichain future is a multisig future.

L1's by definition have unique security and governance models that means it is impossible to build trustless bridges between them, since the definition of trustless changes based on which side of the bridge you're standing. The only solution is a third party with a security and governance model that allows it to "translate" between the two blockchains and deal with things like hard forks.

But multisig bridges are the worst, because anything that crosses them becomes centralized.
Sep 25, 2020 15 tweets 3 min read
Another day, another long tweet thread, this time about Dai deposit tokens (cDai and aDai) as collateral in Maker, and how they unlock a new avenue of rapid scalability and distribution of Dai I'm really excited about when Maker can get cDai, aDai and other lending platform tokens as collateral. It has uniquely powerful synergy and I think its a type of composability that will stick around for the long run and be a key pillar of DeFi scale.
Sep 24, 2020 11 tweets 3 min read
Dai demand has completely exploded in the last 6 months. The high yield farms are gone, but there is still almost 900 million USD of demand for Dai, even at 1.01!

It's impossible to say how high the demand will be for Dai at 1.00 and a positive DSR - but it's a lot more. Scaling the Dai supply to balance such extreme growth is no easy task. We should all be grateful MKR holders aren't short sighted enough to just funnel the influx of capital to themselves by adding MKR as collateral or some other "algorithmic"/seignorage shares-derived scheme
Aug 17, 2020 10 tweets 4 min read
Excited to see @AaveAave getting in the Real World Assets game with tokenized real estate. RWAs are critical if DeFi is going to scale to have an impact on the real economy

Maker also has a lot of incredible MIP6 collateral onboarding applications for RWAs


(1/10) These are MIP6 applications listed as I found them on the forum, and I might have missed some so please tweet if there's others I left out. NOT AN ENDORSEMENT!!!

Check out the discussions in the threads! That's actually the more interesting part IMO

Sep 27, 2019 7 tweets 2 min read
So excited for #Devcon! MakerDAO will have some big news, and the Maker Foundation will have 6! speakers at the event! Day 1: Oct 08, 03:00 PM - Oct 08, 03:20 PM
MakerDAO Oracles: The Backbone of Decentralized Finance
By Niklas Kunkel, Head of Backend Services