A thread: it seems we have many smallholder farmers here doing piggery and many have requested that I do a thread on pregnant sow an piglet management. I will start with the mating process (serving a sow). Ensure the boar and the sow are of the same size in terms of mass
And ensure you don't force the process, hence the need for proper heat detection. Those who may want literature on heat detection just DM your email. Note down the date of serving the sow (eg 05/03/21), this date will give us the expected due date (birth).
Mar 4, 2021 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
Piggery 101: create a conducive environment for the pigs an environment that you are comfortable being in.
Have a deworming schedule for your pigs, visit your local Vet and get the right dewormer and deworming frequency.