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Dec 3 6 tweets 2 min read
South Korea martial law?
Are there North Korean moles?
No not quiet. It's the president's wife.

President Yoon can not just declare martial law.
Han Dong-hoon , the head of the ruling People Power Party (Yoon's own party) has also vowed to block the declaration. Democratic Party, Lee Jae-myung, has said the declaration of martial law is unconstitutional.
The opposition parties are investigating the first lady. They're impeachment cabinet members who failed to do the job. Yoon is a lame duck and this stunt assures her guilt. They also passed budget cuts that he cannot veto.
She's cookedImage South Korea's parliament has voted to block the president's move to declare martial law, according to the Yonhap and Reuters news agencies.

That was quick.
Told ya
Nov 24 6 tweets 4 min read
Some people ask me how I got the Epstein list.

People are naive thinking there is a list sitting in a locker somewhere Like some 1960s Batman villian wrote it all down and saved it. That doesn't exist.

I complied the list the way any real journalist should.

* It's from the victims owm mouths.
* It's from internal emails between epstein and his clients boasting about what they did.
* It's from the court documents and quiet settlements with hush money delivered by his lawyer Daren Indyke.
* It's from massive payments to Epstein run LLCs by these same people and normally through a Les Wexner front.
* And it's from testimony of his staff, body guards, chefs, drivers, pilots, desk girls etc.
* It's from the positions he was given as a trustee, consultant, board member for organizations where he didn't do any actual work.

You can complie and comb through these and corroborate the evidence. I did the real work for years. I didn't just scoop names of of their blackbook or flight logs. I didn't just watch videos on YouTube.

And it didn't matter. I have the list. Whenever new documents were dropped all the names in them were already on my map and list that I publically released years ago.

I don't have enough reach to get the media attention on this that it needs because I was canceled on everything for opposing Israel. I just got X back in 2023.

So no one gave me the list. I didn't find it. I made it by listing all the perpetrators that we know from multiple sources. If I was wrong I'd be sued into oblivion. I'm not wrong.

But what good is it? People don't want to know the truth. It's like the airplane deniers of 911. The entertainment of the fantasy and mystery is more important to them.

I need someone with real reach to sit down and talk to me.Image Gaetz was right
Sep 16 5 tweets 2 min read
They are saying. Trump's inner circle knew where he'd be and where he was golfing... Someone leaked they say and yet

He was golfing with Steve Witkoff the Jewish billionaire who acted as the middle man between Israeli billionaire Eitan Wertheimer and the New York police commissioner Bernard Kerik on 911.

They sponsored his trip to Israel and gave him a quarter million dollar loan. Kerik found a 911 hijacker's passport allegedly. An anonymous person handed it to him a disappeared and being the good cop he is, he didn't question them.

This thing stinks to no end. Frog river scorpion. Count to 3 and they'll blame it on Iran The donor class often donate to both sides so that they own whoever ends up in Power. Most of the establishment class is anti-Trump. The ones against him far outnumber the ones for him.
Jun 30 6 tweets 2 min read
Explains so much Image Image
Jun 13 6 tweets 1 min read
Been banned from
Authorize net
The old
It started in 2005, I've had to bank in Asia and work multiple jobs with 3 kids all because of opposing Israel's genocidal policies.
I'm on the ADL, Canary Mission, anti-hate Canada, stop antisemitism. SPLC websites being defamed as well as on Israeli TV. So Fuck Israel #FuckIsrael They banned family members and even my babysitter from YouTube and PayPal
Apr 5 5 tweets 1 min read
Criminal code 189 that same used to jail people for Holocaust "denial" should also be applicable to denying the genocide in Gaza
"Wer das Andenken eines Verstorbenen verunglimpft, wird mit Freiheitsstrafe bis zu zwei Jahren oder mit Geldstrafe bestraft."

"eines Verstorbenen" Denial of the Gaza genocide is supposed to be illegal under German law
Mar 23 8 tweets 2 min read
#RyanDawsonFilm Syria: Israel's Invisible Hand Israel: Al-Qaeda's Airfoce
Mar 20 4 tweets 3 min read
The Jewish God is the Devil.
It didn't want you to have free will and it punished man with a curse for obtaining that by eating from the tree of knowledge of good and evil.

Gods don't do human sacrifices or death rituals at all, demons do. They tortured and murdered Jesus. The death ritual with symbolic canabalism where you eat his flesh and drink his blood with idols of his corpse nailed to a cross is an unholy not holy eucharist. Destroying the innocent for atonement of the sinful is the inverse of righteousness.
The destruction of the innocent is coupled with the blood ritual of circumcision where they mutilate babies. Inflicting abuse on your own son is a demonic right of passage.

Jesus called them the children of the Devil. By their fruits (result of their actions) ye shall know them. What are their fruits? Look at Gaza this is every sin ever written and then some.

They want to murder red cows... every ritual involves blood or death. That is not team God.

Esau was the good twin. Jacob was the serial liar, thief and murderer. A man cannot wrestle an angel. Nothing but a demon is strong enough to wrestle with an angel. No loving God floods the world.

Moses was a genocidal maniac. Lott was incestuous. Elijah murdered children. These men did not serve God. They served the Devil.
Go read John 8:44 start there.

"You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies"

The Devil's children switched the places of God and the Devil. They have people unknowingly worshipping demons. All they ever do it lie.

But you know evil by its actions. Goodness is a behavior not a belief.
The path of light is in action not association.

The gnostic Christians were right.
The entire Old Testament is the devil in disguise as God. Ignore his words look at his deeds. This is an evil entity.

Muhammad was Christ's revenge. Islam has been partly subverted too. But ultimately regardless of belief, (Gods don't need worship, they are egoless) people of good ACTION will destroy these demons.

The Israelites are not Satan's chosen race. They are the race that chose Satan. They are a cancer upon the world. They lie, steal, blameshift, rape, torture, and desecrate, and murder.

There are demons watching you. There are demons in complete possession of some people. Netanyahu is a servant Arakiel
Through his lead they plot to commit enough human sacrifice, the more innocent the better, to awaken the archdemons who slumber. The slaughter of Palestine: burned, buried alive, starved, is a giant demonic ritual. The awakening will beget a world war.

Join me this Sunday for forbidden knowledge. ANC Report. Stop giving demons power.Image What kind of God has a whole book on how to murder and burn animals to its satisfaction?

Demons so blood rituals.
Gods do water rituals.
Dec 10, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
Israelis Destroy Christian Relics Image
Nov 27, 2023 4 tweets 3 min read
I hate being forced to debunk holocaust kook stuff. Same reason I ran out of energy to deal with 911 or JFK kooks. But we have alarmist kooks on one side like DrEliDavid and @visegrad24 both hardcore Zionist propaganda Vs revisionist kooks on the opposite side talking about muh Red Coss report. Neither studied the issue they just react to internet memes and 1 letter from Roswald McClelland about 1 area of 1 complex.

The Red Cross refused to allow their report to be used as German propaganda bc they knew what they were allowed to see was cherry picked. They also feared the Nazis would cut off access for delivering desperstely needed aid if they outed them in public reports. They opted to save lives over issuing condemning reports in 44.
This is why this topic ought to be allowed to be discussed freely. But we can't. Any deviation from the Hollywood version of the event is deemed "denial" and is punishable by jail in 18 different countries. You can't talk about what happened without some emotional creep yelling antisemite because you said people were not turned into bars of soap.

Jul 27, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Child prostitution ring where girls were branded is smashed by police
"Liliana del Carmen Campos Puello - and several unnamed Israelis who are believed to be the network's ringleaders."dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6… It wasn't that long ago that Assi Moosh was deported to Israel. He ran brothels in several Latin American countries including Columbia and worse ran a foundation for underprivileged children as a means of recruiting rape victims.
May 12, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Uncle Ted
14 Feminists are desperately anxious to prove that women are as strong and as capable as men. Clearly they are nagged by a fear that women may NOT be as strong and as capable as men.

15. Leftists tend to hate anything that has an image of being strong, good and… twitter.com/i/web/status/1… 123. If you think that big government interferes in your life too much NOW, just wait till the government starts regulating the genetic constitution of your children. Such regulation will inevitably follow the introduction of genetic engineering of human beings, because the… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
May 10, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Unless I am your brother dont not end sentences with bro.
We are not friends or even close. So do not bro at me.
If you make bro joke below I will block you. 17 people just got blocked
Feb 25, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Feb 25, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Feb 24, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
Thomas H Lee suicide. Epstein link
nypost.com/2023/02/23/bil… James R. Burritt who worked for Thomas H Lee also assisted Jeffery Epstein's Liquid Funding which took commercial mortgages and investment-grade residential mortgages bundled into complex securities.