Stephanie Ⓥoltolin Profile picture
So far outside the box that I don't know where the box is anymore. Artist. Socialist. Academic. Activist. CitizenJournalist. Ailurophile. Vegan. Married.
4 subscribers
Mar 25 7 tweets 2 min read
Liberals so clearly see Trump doing what they refused to see Obama and Biden doing.

Because nothing Trump is doing right now started two months ago. “...a pattern of deliberate & purposeful decisions by these officials to provide military, political, & public support to facilitate Israeli crimes in Gaza”, including “at least $17.9bn of weapons transfers, intelligence sharing, targeting assistance...”…
Jan 13 8 tweets 3 min read
The public was shredding the terrible narrative that the NYPD and FBI made in their charges against Luigi Mangione, so, of course, they are censoring everyone daring to challenge their account. One of those bad narratives was that Luigi managed to travel from the hostel to the hotel in only 6 minutes on a bike.

According to Google maps, the fastest you can get there is 15 minutes by car or trolley.

Bike takes 19 minutes. Image
Nov 13, 2024 11 tweets 3 min read
You're about to watch Republicans pass legislation without the 60 votes thst Liberals insist is necessary for Democrats to pass anything. Image A 51-vote simple majority is all that's required to pass a bill.

The filibuster is an excuse not to.,Senate%20versions%20of%20the%20bill.
Jul 26, 2024 8 tweets 2 min read
Stop looking at a politician's face and start looking at their record. Image
Jun 5, 2024 8 tweets 3 min read
Joe Biden is the same or worse than Trump on almost every issue.

Stop voting for blue Republicans too.
Jun 1, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
Dear fellow USAmericans who are conflicted over voting for Biden or Trump:

You can vote third-party instead

You'll send a message of no confidence that not voting doesn't & help normalize voting for more parties & independents

Every state ballot will have 3 or more candidates Image Not voting just contributes to keeping the blue-red lie in power. Image
May 25, 2024 14 tweets 4 min read
How H5N1 is about to become Joe Biden's pandemic.

A thread.

He isn't taking this seriously and is downplaying it, just like Trump did with SARS-CoV-2. "...there’s one known mutation, dubbed E627K, that [allows H2H infection] in a single bound by swapping an amino acid at a key position, a glutamate, for a lysine. The mutation’s first recorded appearance was in the virus causing the 1918 flu."…
May 15, 2024 9 tweets 2 min read
Liberals are comfortable under Joe Biden because they don't care about brown kids being genocided or kept in cages without food or orphaned by Covid.

They're hysterical about Trump getting re-elected because they fear that he will treat them the way Biden is treating brown kids. This is why they rage attack the Left for refusing to vote for Biden.

It's all about them.
Jan 29, 2024 9 tweets 3 min read
President John F. Kennedy and US Attorney General Bobby Kennedy forced the American Zionist Counsel to register as a foreign agent, blocking them from donating to US officials.

JFK was assassinated on November 22, 1963. RFK on June 5, 1968.

AIPAC replaced AZC without opposition Image AIPAC owns the sitting US President, all 100 US Senators, and most of Congress.…
Dec 23, 2023 16 tweets 4 min read
How much money does your Senator take from Israel?

(a thread 🧵) Image Image
Feb 25, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Democrats and Republicans are both owned by defense contractors.

Stop voting for them. Romney is literally repeating Democratic talking points on his tweet meant to scare people into supporting the war.

Russia isn't coming for us. It's histrionics purely meant to fear monger. fear·mon·ger·ing  /ˈfirˌməNGəriNG/  noun  noun: fear
Feb 24, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Oct 25, 2022 17 tweets 6 min read
Democrats are NOT pro-choice. 🧵

(Read the whole thread before commenting please) Image Joe Biden has opposed abortion for his entire career. He pretends he changed his mind, but his current actions belie his lies.