Hassaan Bokhari Profile picture
Student of Islam, philosophy, and history. Islam above all else. For my views and research on history and politics, plz see my YT channel.
Feb 12 13 tweets 3 min read
I told many PTI fans this long before Trump was re-elected but they werent receptive.

US/Trump policy abt Pak: Not a very important country. But India wants it wrecked. Just let the current regime wreak havoc and keep them under pressure with "free IK" tweets ...

(1/n) ...so that they ll be good doggies if needed (say for example against Iran).
On the other hand, if IK does manage to return, then the US will turn on all the oppressive levers (IMF, Zionist slave "free" media, India etc etc) to make sure that IK finds it impossible to rule

Nov 14, 2024 23 tweets 5 min read
Lodhi sab is an honorable person. He believes that the only way forward for Pakistan is a modus vivendi b/w IK and the Estb under Gen. Munir. He is trying hard to build a narrative for that in this podcast even tho many contradictions arise from this approach.

He is wrong!
(1/n) I dont think he is unaware of the fact that the estb has become so tainted in the public eye that if IK does reach an agreement (or deal) with the estb (that involves giving a clean chit to all and sundry according to Lodhi sab), he ll lose most of his legitimacy.

Sep 6, 2024 45 tweets 7 min read
Remembering the Generals

On every Defence Day, Shuhada who defended Pak are remembered. The nation remembers them due to love whereas some “others” insist on their commemoration to gain political mileage. On this Defence Day, I intend to remember some of these “others”.

(1/n) Yes, I am talking about the High Command of the Pakistan Armed Forces. I believe that the story of September 1965 and the heroism of our Shuhada and Ghazis is incomplete without mentioning the “stellar performance” of our high command.

Jan 25, 2024 51 tweets 11 min read
Our beloved ruler, sorry COAS, Gen. Asim Munir Sab recently raised some very pertinent points in an address directed at the youth of Pakistan. I will address the points raised by him one by one in this thread:

(1/n) tribune.com.pk/story/2454258/…
Image 1) Should political parties be allowed to break the country?
Of course not. But, may I ask, who was in charge when Pak actually broke up in 1971? It was a general heading a political party masquerading as an army back then, was it not?

(2/n) Image
Oct 22, 2023 13 tweets 2 min read
A Short History of Israel and Zionism

Zionists (1917): We have been persecuted for centuries by Europeans. Plz let us settle in Palestine
The West: Sure

(1/n) Zionists (1936): We have been persecuted for centuries. Plz help us kill Palestinians so that we may live in peace under your rule.
The West: Sure

Sep 21, 2023 15 tweets 3 min read
A humble plea from a Shaheed’s brother: Plz Don’t Politicize the Shuhada!

A thread.

(1/n) Today, I watched the video that is being reportedly shown in many Army centers (and acc to some even in Army Public Schools) in order to show the “reality” of 9 May incidents and the PTI miscreants.

Sep 10, 2023 13 tweets 3 min read
No $100 billion investment is coming. Well, everyone knows this.

The economy is heading towards a crash, and the people are going to suffer. Well, everyone knows this.

So, now the regime-backed n CIA-paid Israeli lobbyists in Pak are going to sell a poisonous chalice...

(1/n) They are going to tell the struggling middle class the virtues of kowtowing before Israel. They are going to tell them how the Musharraf-era was a lost paradise because god (USA) smiled on us then.
They are going to tell them that god is now angry or indifferent...

Jul 4, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
Excellent article. Must be read.

For the West, Democracy is synonymous with whatever is in vogue in the West. eg if the West is supporting LGBT, you can't ever be a Democrat even if u win a dozen fair elections but u oppose LGBT.

(1/n) The Egyptian example makes clear one thing to all Muslims: If you want Islam to really become the basis of your state (not just lip service), you will always find the might of the USA arrayed against you.

Jul 1, 2023 21 tweets 4 min read
The newest IMF deal and the following jubilation by Pak gov have reminded me of a literary masterpiece: Munshi Prem Chand’s short story “Kafan”.
Very relatable so I ll start with the synopsis.
Ghisu and Madhu (or Madhav) are a lethargic father-son duo.

(1/21) The story starts with Madhu’s wife in death agony. That woman had been providing for these 2 drones but now she was dying and all these 2 could worry abt was who could eat more potatoes (stolen by them) at that time.

Jun 11, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
A few months after my brother's Shahadat, a Brigadier (he is still in the army and not a brigadier now) visited my father. I also was present. After listening to his monologue for a while I asked: "Why do you fight?" He replied "for honour". I was surprised and asked... ... "how do you define honour". Then I was entertained to another monologue that could have been uttered word-for-word by a ww2 era British officer.
Taken aback, I said that those who don't fight for Allah cant be called Shaheed. The gentleman was offended.
May 25, 2023 54 tweets 8 min read
A Thread on our “Matyrs’ Day”

25 May has been declared Yom-e-Shuhada by the army and the gov. Many have asked: Why 25 May? Fair question.

(1/54) Usually, days for soldiers are celebrated on significant historical dates eg Australia and NZ celebrate the ANZAC day on 25 April in commemoration of their landing at Gallipoli in WW1. The USA is a bit of an outlier here.

May 17, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
Our family has been greatly saddened by this vandalism.
A local person contacted my father and informed him abt it on the day it happened.
He quietly waited for a while and then paid himself for the repairs.
After the repairs, he contacted Isfand's unit and expressed .... Image ...his deep grief and disappointment over the fact that the local authorities had shown complete apathy abt this vandalism. The hooligans who committed this vandalism arent paid by the state but the authorities are. Hence their apathy caused him more grief.
After the news ....
May 16, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
The current political instability and upheaval has brought forth a signature part of our nation: the compulsive need to lie.

Diehard supporters from all political parties (PTI, Pak Army, N-League etc) are spreading fake news to paint themselves as the wronged righteous... Lies are the bedrock of "fasad-fil-Arz".
But unfortunately from school children to the inspector generals of police, our nation is taught by example to lie n save one's skin instead of owning up to any imperfections or mistakes.
We lie to make others look bad.
We lie to ...
May 13, 2023 46 tweets 7 min read
"The Disease Plaguing Pakistan"
Just read an SC of a random account saying "no doubt why Taliban killed those brats in APS, give me my tears back"

Many yrs ago I read Gen. Farman Ali's book abt his experiences in East Pak from 1966-71. He mentioned an interesting incident

(1/n) He once overheard a Bengali student saying to his friend, "I have stopped reading the Quran because it is written in the "Urdu" script."

May 9, 2023 34 tweets 6 min read

I love the Pak army. My brother attained Shahadat while wearing the uniform of the Pak army.

(1/n) I know that the Pak army is one of the biggest hurdles obstructing the Indian dream of subjugating the Muslims of South Asia.
This means that anyone harming the army is an enemy of mine. No one is a holy cow. Not the PM, not the COAS, not any political leader.
Mar 23, 2023 13 tweets 3 min read
Pakistan's Stellar "Institutions":

1) The World's best Army.
Capable of doing everything under the Sun except winning wars against the chief adversary.
Since only a few men are needed for the actual security of borders apparently, they keep busy and govern the country.

(1/n) 2) The World's best Judiciary
Capable of doing everything under the Sun except for dispensing Justice. Can provide relief to innocent people like the Kanjus and Jatois tho.
Our judiciary also showed the world how to ruin an economy through unbridled judicial activism.

Mar 20, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
The Islamic Republic of Pakistan is neither Islamic nor a Republic nor Iqbal's envisioned Islamic vanguard. (apologies to Voltaire)

Pak Army represents a fundamental contradiction in Pakistan's structure.

(1/n) On one hand, it is req to preserve Pak's present existence (at least until a better guardian can be created).
On the other hand, its colonial structure/legacy ensures that any attempt to actually create Iqbal's Pakistan will be vehemently resisted and sabotaged by the army.
Jan 27, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
His name is Faisal Khan and he is from Uttar Pradesh.

Now, what he's recommending to his masters is the classic ethnic cleansing/demographic change technique which never remains limited to just dislocation/relocation. It always includes massacres and concentration camps.

(1/n) Now, lets teach "Khan Sir" abt the problem of India with Kashmiris. It isn't ethnic, its religious and Kashmiris being Muslims have been experiencing Indian state tyranny for decades now.
Proof: The Hindus of IOK have never faced any repression/action from the Indian state
Jan 14, 2023 20 tweets 4 min read
What a defeatist article! The former AVM effectively tells us to lay down and beg Indian cooperation coz India has grown too big.
Unfortunately, this disease is much prevalent among our military officers and bureaucrats.


tribune.com.pk/story/2395510/… They are captives of a closet mentality and can't ever envision unconventional solutions.

True, India has grown huge but Pak can not only survive but also chase its strategic goals thru unconventional methods, an unbending will, and national unity.

Jan 13, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
The army is also a pivotal source of middle-class jobs in countries such as Sri Lanka. If implemented, ethnicities like Tamils would be dropped preferentially resulting in a more Sinhalese-dominated military and an angry/disappointed Tamil middle class.

(1/n) This will enable India to become the benefactor of SL Tamils more efficiently. As a result, India would again be in a position to play off Tamils and Sinhalese against each other and try to pull SL away from the Chinese and under its thumb - a scenario preferred by the USA

Jan 2, 2023 53 tweets 13 min read
A thread on The Fall of Grenada and parallels with Pakistan.

On 2 January 1492, Grenada’s ruler Abu-Abdullah (aka Boabdil) came out of the city gates and surrendered the city to King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella. Thus ended the Islamic presence in Spain after 780 years.

(1/n) The fall of Islamic Spain is one of the most traumatic events in Islamic history. Flipping through the history books about the tragic fall of Grenada awakens one to the eerie similarities between Grenada and Pakistan.
