Seth Peribsen Profile picture
Not here for a good time, just here for a long time. Quantum mechanic. Disease highlighter. Spear bearer. You probably think you saw me somewhere before.
At-HOME Fitness Profile picture Karl Jacobs Profile picture 4 subscribed
Mar 9 12 tweets 3 min read
Oh man.

I think the breakaway species is Neanderthals. Well *one* of them. But the major one that's being referred to around phenomenon chatter. Even the "some stuck around" part fits.
Nov 18, 2023 24 tweets 9 min read
My suspicion is the root of cancer will prove to be HGT (horizontal gene transfer) from fungal pathogens via extracellular vesicles. There are many moving parts to this theory that require testing of course, so I'm going to outlay what I'm seeing in this thread. The research I have been engaged in has focused on the underpinnings of apparent disease progression, and in many cases, initiation related to invasive fungal diseases. There is a particular disease set known as APECED that is a key to this. See attached…
Sep 4, 2023 19 tweets 4 min read
My .02 is that if there is some manipulation of our genome and consciousness by NHIs, positive or negative impacts reflect the intent of that NHI. This is why I believe there are multiple interests in play. The biology related to this is reflected in studies and case reports. In my usual area of focus pathogens can be implicated in disruption of many functions of human bio and genes. Brain chemistry, brain structure, endocrine function, thymic function. The list is endless. There are entire endogenous systems that show to be damaged and turned "off".