Stop.Think.Connect Nigeria Profile picture
Stop.Think.Connect Nigeria is a global CySec Awareness Initiative run by @cyberexpertsng in Nigeria || IG: @stcnaija
Jan 29, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
As promised, we'll be briefly tweeting about mobile applications and their permissions.

Simply put, permissions determine what an app has access to on your device. For instance, Snapchat will need permission to use your camera so you can post directly.

#DPD2021 App permissions are good and necessary when it comes to privacy.

Many apps are intrusive and do more than they claim to do. Some apps have been known to covertly steal user data; which is made possible by the permissions we grant the apps we install.
Jan 28, 2021 9 tweets 22 min read
@cyberexpertsng @bictrwanda @CyberInAfrica @CyberSpaceKenya @CyberAwareTn @she_secures @kaagber @RemiAfon @safeonline_NG @nogofallmaga @bantu_tech Here goes...

We typically emphasize securing and protecting our data, especially those shared on the internet.

Today, we want to take a different approach. We will be focusing on learning to filter what we post on the internet, especially on social media.

#DPD2021 @cyberexpertsng @bictrwanda @CyberInAfrica @CyberSpaceKenya @CyberAwareTn @she_secures @kaagber @RemiAfon @safeonline_NG @nogofallmaga @bantu_tech By doing so, we will reduce the amount of personal information we share with the public, thereby reducing what bad guys know about us.