Marcus Profile picture
Habitual Line Stepper | Teller of stories | Generational Hater
Apr 14, 2021 24 tweets 7 min read
boy do I have a fuckin story for y’all... this girl didn’t tell me she was a whole ass satanist okay so I gotta start from the beginning for it to make sense because honestly I should’ve known some shit was off from the jump.
Jul 23, 2019 38 tweets 8 min read
I wanna tell y’all a story of something that happened to me at Walmart last year. I never talked about it but I feel like now is the time to talk about it I pulled up to a Walmart after work in February last year to pick up some milk, cereal and deodorant. It was like 12 or 1am and i like going this late because i usually can get in and out pretty quick. As soon as I walked in the store my mama text me and asked me where i was at.
Oct 15, 2018 43 tweets 10 min read
i know there’s are a lot of people who are skeptical of demons and spirits. but I would strongly advise you to stay far away from ouija boards. I learned this the hard way as a child so a few weeks ago I tweeted this about my aunt who lived in New Orleans. Even though she was family she was mean as hell and overall a very toxic person to be around. She would beat me and my cousins alot as children and she would always curse at us for no reason.
Jul 6, 2018 4 tweets 1 min read
Did grown niggas try to talk to y’all when y’all was 15? these responses really got me like