Sabaun Gran💧سباوون ګران Profile picture
Je suis #Afghan. #DurandLine is a curse of division and suffering unleashed by the British upon Pashtuns. Pakistan is a henchman standing guard on it.
Nov 21, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
#TheMurderOfHistory (K.K Aziz)
"#MirzaGhalib, the poet, did not hide his pro-British leanings. In his Dastambu he was critical of those who conducted the hostilities [1857 insurrection]. Naturally, because since 1806 he had been in receipt of a pension from the British..... Image During the mutiny he gave up the use of the titles which had been bestowed on him by the Mughal court. He also wrote a number of qasidas in praise of the British rulers: one addressed to Lord Hardinge on the conquest of the Punjab (regretting that his old age did not allow....