मैत्री हिंदू 🚩 Profile picture
Politically incorrect kattar Hindu. माझी ओळख भगवा. हिंदू विंग. Dharmic. मोदीजी का परिवार PJ champ. No DMs. #PoheJalebi #RajmaChawal Editor @Hindupost
Jul 20, 2023 11 tweets 4 min read
Let us guilt trip Hindus while giving Hindudveshis free paas

Exhibit #Thread

1) Image 2) Image
Nov 20, 2022 26 tweets 5 min read
The Aftab-Shraddha case reminds me how Maa Saheb would always tell us (says even today): बाकी कोई अपना धर्म और culture नहीं छोड़ता, सिर्फ तुम्ही फैशन के नाम पर ऐसा करते हो 😏
I'll put down my thoughts on why #DharmicRooting is important
This lecture came to me in my college days when I wasn't so fond of putting the bindi while wearing jeans. Now I do out of choice because I love to (& I think I look good).
Dec 18, 2020 10 tweets 4 min read
There are numerous Shlokas and Stotras for Hindus to choose from. Here I'll list a few basic ones to recite
On waking up:

KaraAgre Vasate Lakshmi, Kara-Madhye Saraswati
Kara-Moole Sthitaa Govindaa, Prabhate Kara-Darshanam
KaraAgre Vasate Lakshmi, Kara-Madhye Saraswati
Kara-Moole Sthitaa Gowri, Mangalam Kara-Darshanam
Aug 9, 2020 14 tweets 7 min read
Topic: Gender Equality

When we speak of gender equality the first image that naturally crops up in my mind is that of Ardhanarishwar. Nothing conveys the concept of equality between man and woman better than Shiv and Shakti uniting as Ardhanishwar. 1/14 This form signifies more than just a unity between the masculine and feminine. It shows us that men and women do not compete with but complement and complete each other. 2/14

Jul 16, 2020 15 tweets 9 min read
So the #Karuparkootam was seen alleging Skanda Shashti Kavacham dedicated to Bhagwan Kartikeya as containing "vulgarcontent". Despite my limited knowledge of Tamil, I hardly have difficulty in comprehending most of the verses.


1/14 Image I'll just do a thread explaining some of the verses & link up a blog for a complete verse to verse transaction. I'm selecting verses randomly, so please bear with me.


Jul 10, 2020 14 tweets 8 min read
The encounter of UP gangster Vikas Dubey has reopened the 'extra-judicial killing' debate with both pro and anti people putting forward a variety of opinions & conspiracy theories



timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/breaking… A similar debate had erupted when the Telangana police had shot dead all the four accused in the wee hours of a December morning


