Sahil Profile picture
Senior Developer Relations Engineer @Alchemy ⚡️
May 3, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
I got a job offer of $100k USD per year for a smart contract developer position but had to decline it.

Why I declined it? Which company was it? Interview process, more thoughts 🧵 It was a startup incubated by Polygon.

They were offering me $100k + a small percentage of project tokens.

How many interview rounds were there?

Only 1, that's all! This is what I love about web3.
Apr 1, 2022 9 tweets 3 min read
People are getting more web3 jobs on Discord than on LinkedIn or Twitter.

5 Discord servers to join in order to kickstart your web3 career.

A Thread 🧵 1. metaintro

Metaintro is a Discord server solely dedicated to web3 jobs.

A ton of opportunities for developers, designers, community managers, writers etc.
Mar 31, 2022 11 tweets 5 min read
Top 10 Youtube channels for learning web3 development.

A Thread 🧵 1. Nader Dabit ( @dabit3 )

Nader creates high-quality web3 content full of value 🔥
Mar 30, 2022 12 tweets 4 min read
10 websites to land your next web3 job, internship or freelance project.

A Thread 🧵 1. Web3 Career (@Web3Career)

This is probably the most popular one. You can find opportunities for a variety of roles here, can also subscribe to their daily/weekly emails for new web3 jobs.
Mar 29, 2022 7 tweets 4 min read
Learning alone is boring and dull but learning with a community is fun and exciting!

Here are the best web3 communities to join if you want to learn web3 development and earn over $100K+/ year 💰

A mini 🧵 1. @LearnWeb3DAO

LearnWeb3 has nicely curated tracks that teach you web3 development.

The difficulty of projects and concepts increase when you graduate from a track.

Start here if you are a complete beginner.

(PS: You also get graduation NFTs)
Mar 27, 2022 6 tweets 3 min read
I graduated from @LearnWeb3DAO 's Junior track a few days ago.

Learned a lot of new concepts and technologies such as IPFS, Graph, Ceramic etc.

Here is the best way to get the most out of these amazingly curated tracks (from my own experience)🧵

1/5 Image Don't just copy-paste the code given in the tracks instead:

I. Understand what you are gonna build in that level.
II. Try to build it on your own, without looking at the solution.
III. Successful? Good, now you have confidence that you can build that thing on your own.

Jan 12, 2022 17 tweets 4 min read
Why the Metaverse will change the way we live and how it will make us extremely happy and sad at the same time.

🧵👇 To understand this we first need to understand what we humans strive for?
Sep 26, 2021 27 tweets 7 min read
A lot of people find Big O scary but one should know it to determine the efficiency of algorithms, so I wrote a thread explaining Big O notation 🧵👇 First of all, what is Big O?

It is the way of determining the performance of algorithms as the input grows bigger and bigger.

In other words, how much time and space the algorithm would take to execute as the input grows larger.