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Southern Black Girl Movie Nerd Hatched and Raised in NOLA-Jesus Christ Was Liberal-Armchair Politico-Patron Saint of Similes-Rural Teacher Cookieholic #WhoDat
Aug 7, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Questions I desperately want to ask the .@GOP Trumpfederates:

1. How making yourselves stupid and extinct preserves your socioeconomic white hierarchy?

2. How come your laws and beliefs in the name of Christianity all comes from the Old Testament when Christ doesn’t show up until Matthew?

3. How is coronacide, lynchings, executions, enabling pedos, racism, separating parents from children, hunger, poverty, denying healthcare, closing clinics, and waving your AK to intimidate teens working at Subway, is “Pro-Life”?

5. Do you really know
Feb 11, 2021 10 tweets 5 min read
THREAD I love my adopted state of Texas. And in 2022, whether Beto runs or not, I plan to support the Dem nominee and get people out to vote.

HOWEVER, I love my home state of Louisiana and I am appalled at how .@SenJohnKennedy and LA GOP not only abdicate their American duty, but abdicate humanity. Louisiana have good and sensible people there. Anyone who ever visited New Orleans can attest to that. Louisiana does not deserved to be represented by men who are so callous, ambitious, despicable, and willing to idolize and enable fascism, racism, and /1
Jan 29, 2021 16 tweets 4 min read
.@NicolleDWallace I have a story for you. I hope you read this.

When I was 14yrs, my mother decided to get me out of the Lower 9th Ward of New Orleans, rent out the house, and buy a home in Algiers. This neighborhood was truly suburbia. Neat lawns, quiet, and /1 there were a diverse group of families. My friends used to joke about coming to my house, to "escape reality." (My mother was also a kick ass cook and fed them). Across the street there was this white family, let's call them the Perkins. There was Mr. Perkins, Mrs. Perkins, /2
Dec 1, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
Trumpfederates know what Mango Macbeth is feeding them is a soup of bullshit. They just need a reason to stay mad at the changing world and to cover their fears (THREAD):

Trumpfed white men are afraid that the people they oppressed and marginalized for centuries are going to /1 turn on them in the same manner

Trumpfed White women are scared of losing protection and their power of accusation. They also fear having to teach their kids to work and not count on their whiteness if they want to compete

Trumpfed Evangelicals see a New Testament Pope, /2
Aug 13, 2020 15 tweets 5 min read
The first time I read about @staceyabrams I immediately looked her up and saw she too, was a writer. I saw a black woman with that southern black girl smile and my heart swelled with pride.

Meanwhile, there was this skinny white boy who was talking about running /1 against Rafael Cruz. At the time, Loki could run against Rafael, and I was ready to vote for him. But the more I read about @BetoORourke and the more I was impressed. His energy and focus on WOC was refreshing to see. I was hooked.

I admit in the beginning, /2
Nov 20, 2019 9 tweets 3 min read
Days after the Hell Yes debates, .@BetoORourke came to Plano. It was a hot Sunday afternoon and at a park. I met @BigSaladMoney ,@TXYesBoy and @zivinilee that day. I was waiting in this house to meet Beto before he was supposed to go on stage. But a protester showed up /1 with an AR and the police told us to move to a specific spot to avoid vantage points for snipers. While we waited for Beto, some Beto supporters went and chat with other protesters that were there (they did not open carry). Other supporters went to the man with the AR. There /2
Nov 11, 2019 43 tweets 13 min read
Hi Alexisa. Before I proceed, are you sure you want a black woman who was born and raised in the state that almost elected David Duke as governor and experienced a lot of racism in her lifetime, and doesn't throw that ugly word out at just anybody? Hope you can sleep tonight Let's begin with firing the black police chief over recording racists comments made by his police force…
Oct 22, 2019 14 tweets 3 min read
After this primary and election, I will no longer be a Democrat. The path we are taking as a party is reaching into Tea Party split category and it's depressing as Hell.
1. We have inadequate leadership. I do not know what the hell Tom Perez is doing. But the rules for the /1 debates are purposely designed to give unfair advantage to some candidates and make it easier for other candidates to buy their way in.
2. Allowing the progressive wing to take over and shut moderates and Red State Dems out. Progressives mocking or telling others to ignore /2