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Public-Interest Litigation • Alternative Governance Structures • Business & Industry Chamber Network
Feb 21 8 tweets 3 min read
🔴 UPDATE: Employment Race Quotas planned for end-March 2025

The state intends to force employers to hire according to its strict quotas based on race, sex, and disability.

This proposes absurd social engineering and micro-management.

What you need to know 🧵 Image The Department of Labour recently disclosed that the long-awaited Employment Equity Amendment Act quotas would be announced in March 2025

The first round of quotas are supposedly to be met progressively within five years.

After which, they will be made even more stringent. Image
Feb 19 7 tweets 3 min read
🔴 UPDATE: Is Minister Steenhuisen sticking to his predecessor’s AgriBEE policy or not?

The minister of agriculture finally held a press conference - but failed to clear up a critical question Sakeliga and others have put to him.

Sakeliga’s response 🧵 Image The Key Question: Will Mr Steenhuisen uphold his department’s existing AgriBEE policy, or will he withdraw it and set out a new, positive vision for his department?

The AgriBEE policy is a standing internal policy to expand BEE requirements with the explicit goal to make BEE compulsory across the agricultural sector.
Jan 17 6 tweets 2 min read
🔴BREAKING: Sakeliga launches new BEE case resisting state overreach in the Property Sector

In 2024, the industry regulator pressured property businesses to comply with unjust BEE demands or lose their operating licences - a stark example of 3rd-wave BEE.

Here’s the update ⬇️ Image Last year, the Property Practitioners Regulatory Authority (PPRA) started refusing to issue Fidelity Fund certificates for property sector businesses not participating in BEE, barring them from operating.

Sakeliga threatened litigation and the PPRA was forced to back down.

This new case seeks to extend this tactical BEE rollback by having certain sections in the Property Practitioners Act (2022) and its regulations declared unconstitutional and invalid.
Nov 29, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
🔴 BREAKING: Financial Services Transformation Council (FSTC) exposed for overstepping authority on BEE demands

PAIA Records obtained by Sakeliga show that yet another state bureaucratic body has been trying to intimidate businesses to do BEE without the authority to enforce it. Image In March, the FSTC issued demands to all financial service providers to report on their BEE status and plans.

Sakeliga requested the FSTC indicate to the industry where it derives the authority to make such demands.

After being forced by the Information Regulator to respond, the FSTC has now admitted to Sakeliga and the industry that it is not entitled to make such demands.
Jan 7, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read

Die minister het Sakeliga se verlengde sperdatum van 6 Januarie 2023 misgeloop en bly in gebreke om aan die hofbevel van Nov 2022 te voldoen om aan Sakeliga haar besluitnemingsrekords oor Covid-rampbestuur te oorhandig. Ons prokureurs sal nou voortgaan met 'n hofaansoek om die minister aan minagting van die hof skuldig te laat verklaar.
Jan 7, 2023 8 tweets 3 min read

Having missed Sakeliga’s extended deadline of 6 Jan 2023, the minister remains in breach of the Nov 2022 court order to hand Sakeliga her state-of-disaster decision records.

We have instructed our attorneys to proceed with a contempt of court application. While obvious that Dlamini-Zuma is frustrating Sakeliga and the court, it is a legal requirement that we prove her contempt with a distinct court application. This is a necessary step in the process of forcing the minister to either reveal the records or face jail-time.
Feb 16, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
LATEST: Ending the State of Disaster is compulsory – it must not continue by stealth

Govt wants to entrench powers tolerated only temporarily under the State of Disaster. Sakeliga will oppose attempts to make such sweeping powers permanent.

READ:… Sakeliga believes that instead of restoring normality, the government is endeavouring to permanently entrench State of Disaster powers to force lockdowns, travel restrictions, vaccine compulsion, mask compulsion, and other invasive ‘public health’ measures.

This is unacceptable.
Mar 13, 2019 15 tweets 2 min read
Vandag by Sakeliga: ‘n openbare saakbespreking, met gasspreker prof Hennie Rossouw.

Op grond van “nuwe” en “bepalende” argumente aangevoer deur Sakeliga in die hoë hof in Pretoria kan plaaslike sakegemeenskappe waarskynlik miljoene rande se regskoste teen Eskom spaar. #Eskom Piet le Roux: Sakeliga het in die Resilient-saak as vriend van die hof betrokke geraak met die doel om nuwe regspraak te help skep wat op nasionale vlak gemeenskappe (en veral sakelui) toegepas kan word.