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personal notebook. day to day thoughts and visuals 🇮🇷/ 🇬🇧
Oct 21, 2023 25 tweets 5 min read
Zionism, the Sultan, and the Empire: The Intricate Bargain for Palestine's Destiny

A Thread on the History of Palestine Image 1. The Jews spread all over the world after the Romans burnt down Jerusalem in 70 A.D. They had to endure torment everywhere they went. Since those days, they have been waiting for a saviour, a messiah, who would gather them under a single state. Image
Jun 3, 2023 24 tweets 5 min read
In the year 656H

"For years, I struggled to share this experience, as it was deeply horrific and filled me with such disgust that I stopped myself repeatedly. Image 2.

O how I wish my mother had never given birth to me, or that I had died and faded into oblivion prior to this unfortunate incident!" - Ibn Athīr
May 31, 2023 25 tweets 5 min read
In the year 1788

Abd ar-Rahman Ibrahim Ibn Sori was determined to make the man about to buy him, Thomas Foster, understand his awful mistake: the 26-year-old was the heir to one of Africa's most powerful kingdoms, and he wasn't meant to be enslaved. Image Abdulrahman Ibrahim Ibn Sori was born in 1762 in West Africa. He belonged to one of the most noble and influential families in the region. His father, Emir Ibrahim Sori, was a skilled military leader who successfully established his kingdom by defeating neighbouring tribes
May 17, 2023 19 tweets 4 min read
In the year 267H,

Ibn Fadlan, an ambassador for the Caliph of Baghdad was dispatched on a diplomatic mission. Along the way, he encountered some Vikings. It is the earliest known account of Vikings.

This is how he described them; Image "I have never seen more perfect physical specimens. They are tall as date palms, fair and ruddy, and the men dress in a garment that covers one side of the body but leaves one hand free. Axe, sword, and knife are carried by each guy, always close at hand.
May 14, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
"Certainly with hardship comes ease."

Know that mercy triumphs over anger, forgiveness comes before punishment and blessings triumph over trials. Allah has promised that every difficulty will be made easy, every hardship will be made light, and every challenge will be overcome. Image Ibn al-Uthaymin said;

"And who is telling us this, is it not Allah who never breaks His promise? So anytime something becomes difficult for you, wait for relief."
May 12, 2023 13 tweets 3 min read
In the year 1969,

An Iraq student studying in America wrote a letter to the Moroccan scholar, Muhammed Taqi ad-Din al-Hilali, asking for assistance on how to response to Christians who were challenging Islam. Image 'In a letter to me, my former student, Ismail ad-Drubi, who has been studying engineering at a university in the United States for the past four years, complained that Christians had organised a protest against him, debated with him about religious issues,
Jul 6, 2022 9 tweets 1 min read
Ibn al-Qayyim lists

- Four things destroy the body

- Four things bring joy to the heart

- Four things bring to the face joy and respect

- Four things bring hatred and animosity

- Four things bringsustenance (rizq):

- Four things prevent sustenance (rizq):

Thread 🧵 Four things destroy the body:

1. Grief.

2. Excessive sexual intercourse.

3. Hunger.

4. Staying up late at night.
May 17, 2022 6 tweets 1 min read
The evil eye is like an arrow which comes from the soul of the one who envies. Sometimes the arrow hits the target and sometimes it misses.

The Prophet ﷺ said the majority of Muslims will die by the evil eye [al-Albani]

🧵Here are 5 means of protection against the evil eye 1. Tawhid and Tawwakul

Stay away from charms and increase in Tawhid. One of the greatest myths of all is the use of talismans to ward off the evil eye. 🧿 = ❌

The Prophet said ﷺ: “Whoever hangs an amulet around his neck, Allah will not fulfil his wishes.."

[Ahmad no.16951]
May 10, 2022 7 tweets 1 min read
With inflation and a recession on the horizon. Here are 6 way to increase your Rizq - Inshaa’Allaah

Thread🧵: 1. Repentance

“Ask forgiveness from your Lord, verily, He is Oft Forgiving; He will send rain to you in abundance. And give you increase in wealth and children, and bestow on you gardens and bestow on you rivers”

- Surah Nuh 71:10