Spela Salamon, MD, Ph.D. Profile picture
Diagnostician, Pathophysiologist. #CovidIsAirborne #Maskup #MasksInHealthcare #DoNoHarm #MandateMasks #WearAMask #VaccinesPlus #CO2 #HEPA #Isolation
Sep 18, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
The highly requested English translation of the Austrian physicians letter, adapted for international audiences:

@EricTopol drive.google.com/file/d/1xdDsT5…

@BenjaminMateus7 @alitwy @AlisonGeorge10 @drclairetaylor @Sunny_Rae1 @emilygraymd_mph @DGBassani @VirusesImmunity @dgurdasani1 @NjbBari3 @YouAreLobbyLud @lisa_iannattone @MichaelPelusoMD @DrMarjorieRobe1 @NohaAboelataMD @tylerblack32 @lzj961 @jvipondmd @DCDoc33
May 3, 2023 4 tweets 6 min read
Dear fellow sensible doctors!

Please come to covidmeetups.com and join our doctor group. We have to organize.
@dgurdasani1 @lisa_iannattone @NjbBari3 @YouAreLobbyLud @DrPops3 @MelanieWeckert @JonathanCOnP @ToshiAkima @leanhealth @doceos2 covidmeetups.com/en/chats/9abb8…

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