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Apr 14 10 tweets 2 min read
I had a stellate ganglion block performed at Stanford 10 days ago for long COVID symptoms. I think it made some symptoms better, while other symptoms actually got worse: First, I would say that I know the block definitely went through, as I developer Horner's syndrome for about a day afterwards. I had read that if you don't develop it, it's possible the block wasn't performed correctly.
Mar 18 16 tweets 4 min read
As the number of adults with long COVID has led to the labor shortage, the number of kids with long COVID has led to a student shortage. There's been plenty of coverage about "chronic absenteeism" in US schools. But this is not just an American problem. It is global: In the US, students have been missing class far more often in recent years. Some states are worse than others. In Alaska, about half of all students are missing 1 out of every 10 school days Image
Mar 8 6 tweets 1 min read
Long COVID trials they should be running right now based on many anecdotal reports I've read from hundreds of people and some limited evidence: Low dose naltrexone (LDN). Many people have told me they've recovered completely after taking it for a few months. But everyone who told they recovered reports wildly different dosages.
Mar 5 10 tweets 2 min read
Another data point came out recently that suggests many people (maybe even most people) will eventually develop some degree of long COVID in the future. This is something I've been concerned about for years, and is the entire reason I started writing. I'll explain: Given that immunity to COVID wanes rapidly, it is widely believed that people will have many COVID infections over the course of their lives. Some experts have put it at 1x/yr. I've personally had 4 infections in ~3 years, and many people I know have had at least 2 or 3 now.
Mar 2 6 tweets 1 min read
So I said I was going to hire a personal trainer again and just sort of force myself to try to return to my previous athletic level, as a sort of experiment. Well, I hired the trainer and it turns out that he also, in fact, has long COVID. But he didn't know until we talked about it. I walked him through the issues I'd had over the last year. I explained all my heart symptoms. He had the exact same symptoms. Went through all the same tests, and found nothing. His doctors never even mentioned LC as a possibility.
Mar 2 10 tweets 2 min read
Although the media is covering long COVID more often now, almost every article includes subtle propaganda techniques designed to minimize and mislead people about the risk. As you're reading any article on long COVID, see if you can spot these techniques: Noting the vaccination status of a specific person with long COVID if they were not vaccinated. If they were vaccinated and still developed long COVID, their vaccination status will not be mentioned. Reinforces the false idea that vaccinated people don't need to worry about LC
Feb 22 15 tweets 3 min read
After a 6 month wait, I finally talked to a cardiologist today at Stanford who specializes in long COVID. What he told me was pretty disappointing, but not surprising: For context: After my second COVID infection in October 2022, I developed heart problems. Initially it was palpitations and odd spikes in my heart rate. At first, doctors told me it was just stress.
Feb 19 26 tweets 5 min read
Someone asked me, "if many people are gradually developing long COVID, wouldn't we see it in the economic data?" Yes, we would. And in fact we are. A few recent examples: In the UK, the number of people with long-term sickness has been rising. Because of this, there are now fewer people working in the UK than before the pandemic began. Image
Feb 6 16 tweets 3 min read
It's obvious to me that COVID and long COVID are fueling the labor shortage - after all, when you kill 30 million people, and disable hundreds of millions more, I don't know how things could be any different. But some people remain skeptical, so I'll walk through the numbers. Official COVID death data is unreliable - did someone die "with" COVID or because of COVID? - so you have to look at excess deaths. As of the end of last year, The Economist estimated that just over 28 million people have died from COVID or related-causes since 2020
Jan 27 11 tweets 3 min read
COVID is the reason why there's currently a political crisis in the US over the southern border. And as long as COVID continues to spread unchecked, you can expect it to get worse over time. I'll explain: Although certain people choose to frame it as "an invasion" or people who are looking for free handouts, the truth is that the majority of people that enter the US illegally are looking for work.
Jan 14 14 tweets 2 min read
Recently, scientists discovered that bottled water contains 100-1000X more microplastics than previously thought. These tiny shards of plastic have been found in most organs, and can have devastating health consequences. Here are a few of the most concerning risks: Pregnant moms exposed to high levels of microplastics put their babies at risk: 20.3% of kids born to exposed moms were diagnosed with a neurodevelopmental delay within their first year of life.
Jan 13 6 tweets 1 min read
Reminder that @Bob_Wachter uses his massive Twitter following and the good reputation of UCSF to spread dangerous lies that can (and probably have) permanently ruined the lives of countless people in the state of California and beyond Image Just because you've had covid or a booster in the last year, doesn't mean you're protected from long COVID. I know from personal experience, and from the experience of many of my friends. The data doesn't even suggest this.
Jan 8 24 tweets 4 min read
I haven't fully recovered from my long COVID, but I have recovered from many symptoms. For months, I diligently tracked every symptom I had. Here are a list of symptoms I had that lasted for at least a few weeks, but haven't happened now in more than 3 months: Ringing in my left ear - it bothered me for months. My hearing would also go out in my left ear for a couple minutes almost every single day.
Jan 7 9 tweets 1 min read
I think the content on COVID twitter can be lifesaving and more people should see it, especially as the average person remains completely unaware of most of the research and is under the impression that COVID is just a cold. Here are some things I've learned you can use: The algo clearly downranks links to other websites. Do not include links in your tweets. Instead, screen shot and include article and/or study head lines. If people want to find them, they can find them. It's not that hard to use a search engine.
Jan 3 14 tweets 3 min read
Next month will be the 4 yr anniversary of my brother's death. He was 23 years old. He died from a pneumonia in late February that came on quickly - some of us think it was COVID, but it's impossible to know as there was no testing. He was severely disabled and he taught me many things that influence my thinking, especially about COVID, long COVID and the current state of the world.
Dec 31, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
COVID gave me an alcohol intolerance. I used to be a moderate to heavy drinker, but now even half a beer makes me ill. Guinness, my favorite beer, will reliably produce my symptoms. Some people suggested that it may be from the gluten, but it's definitely the alcohol. To test I bought a 4 pack of the alcohol -free Guinness and drank all 4 within 2 hours. No symptoms. Unless there's something else missing, it must be the alcohol that triggers it
Dec 30, 2023 17 tweets 3 min read
Objectively speaking, covid is worse than polio. 75% of kids who get polio have no symptoms at all. Only 0.5% of them have any degree of paralysis, and only a fraction of those paralyzed actually require iron lungs. You can get reinfected with polio, but it is rare. In contrast Somewhere between 1-20% of covid infections in children result in a degree of long covid, which is not well understood and may be lifelong. And kids can and do catch COVID over and over again. No one understands what this means in the long run
Dec 28, 2023 15 tweets 3 min read
Some may be like this, but others are people like me. People who embraced the "vaxx and relax" strategy and have been left disabled (perhaps permanently) because of it. In the summer of 2021, after I had my two vaccine shots, I threw away my mask and started going to bars again Image I went to restaurants again. I traveled across the country. I went to indoor weddings. I'm slightly ashamed to admit this but I actually argued with one of my coworkers about masks back then. "Look at this NYT article," I said. "Breakthrough infections are rare!" How wrong I was.
Dec 27, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
I think the reason metformin reduces your risk of long COVID is that improves your gut micro biome. Besides probiotics, what other drugs do that? Image
Dec 27, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
While the CDC does not explicitly predict that everyone will eventually get long COVID, it freely acknowledges everything that's necessary for that to happen. Some quotes from its website: Immunity to COVID (both vaccine and infection-derived) wanes rapidly, so people can be infected over and over again. Image
Dec 25, 2023 27 tweets 5 min read
With COVID spiking again, I wanted to write about my experience this year dealing with a very mild form of long COVID. I hope this can be a cautionary tale for people who are still convinced that healthy "low risk" people have nothing to worry about from a COVID infection. As I've written before, I was a healthy 33 year old with no obvious pre-existing conditions. No one would consider me to be "high risk" as I detailed here: