- filo socmed/narrative au
- genre: rom/angst
- qrts & likes will be appreciated 😊
- timestamps doesn't matter unless stated.
- there might be scenes that are not suitable for all ages. Please be responsible 🔞
- cctt to all the medias in this AU
Every customer had left except of that one lady that's still on her table with her nth glass of wine of the night. She got stood up by her date on the freaking day of Valentines.
- Filo SocMed/Narrative AU (short)
- Genre: romance
- qrts & like will be greatly appreciated
- time stamps don't matter unless stated.
- ccto for all the medias used in this AU.
- warning to some scenes ⚠️
"Too good to be true, I thought you was..."
Disclaimer ⚠️
A very very short drabble! Got the Idea from the tiktok video I saw earlier. Hope you will enjoy and like it as much as I do!
May 25, 2021 • 591 tweets • >60 min read
If you choose your dreams, you'll become happy. If you choose love, it will make you happy. But why is that, when you pick either of the two, you still feel empty?
- The author does not own the characters used in this au, only borrowed from the rw. Everything that has connection in rl may be purely coincidental to make the story as lively as possible. This is purely fictional from the imagination of the author.