Sam Patt Profile picture
Rational optimist | Worked on OpenBazaar | Wrote a book about Bitcoin | I love lifting / AI / amateur radio / voiceover / board & card games / programming
Jun 6, 2019 30 tweets 8 min read
The claim “Bitcoin was purpose-built to first be a Store of Value” is false.

In this article I've posting every single instance I could find across everything Satoshi ever wrote related to store of value or payments.

It wasn't even close. Payments win.… The evidence is all there in the post, but I've also put together a video summary if you don't want to read through all 38+ sources.

Satoshi built Bitcoin for payments.

Feb 16, 2019 4 tweets 1 min read
People seemed interested in my previous ham radio post, so here's another.

Wonder what the range of communications is using HF radio? Today I communicated with a station on St. Helena island, which is ~6,500 miles away.

I used 100 watts of power. Image Many variables here other than power: What frequency you're on, what time of day, how active the sun is, what type of antenna you have (and the height), what type of radio, and others.

But if you get them right, it's like magic. Point to point contact nearly anywhere on earth.
Nov 29, 2018 6 tweets 1 min read
Lots of Bitcoiners are scoffing at the US government issuing blacklisted addresses, pointing out (correctly) that this cannot stop people from sending to those addresses.

They know that, and that's not why they did it. Nation-states are enormously powerful compared to any given citizen. Individuals only have the power to meaningfully oppose state action in aggregate.

The state knows this. They are always trying to use their powers against individuals in a way that won't anger the aggregate.