Metroid fan #1 |
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Takoyaki lover
Jul 10, 2021 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
I received a few details for #Pokémon#Legends#Arceus
I talked about the inspirations for the title development, but if I had to describe it I'd say it's somewhere in between BotW's exploration set in areas that are somewhat reminiscent of Xenoblade's openworld wilderness style.
What I mean by that.
Some may expect Legends to be a game with a similar scope to BotW, in fact it is better to lower expectations, the map will be large but exploration will mainly be driven more for the search of rare pokémon.
Jul 9, 2021 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
Didn't you find the inclusion of the sequel to #BreathoftheWild in the #NintendoSwitch#OLED advertisement a bit odd, despite the fact that they could have just as well used other titles like Skyward Sword given its upcoming release?
(More in the comment)
As I had mentioned at the beginning of the year, the title was slated for the anniversary, but with the covid delays the plans have shifted to a 2022. The team will certainly take advantage of these extra months, to increase the quality of the game...
Jul 7, 2021 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
Get ready because this is going to be a bit of a long thread. A couple of months ago I talked about two models in development, a more powerful version and one that is on par with the basic but with some of the features of the new model. #NintendoSwitch#Oled is exactly the latter
I knew the OLed version would come out sooner, not surprisingly I had talked that there would be no major changes in terms of chipsets used for the 2021 console....
Jul 6, 2021 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
This is the month of Sinnoh! Soon TPC will finally reveal information about upcoming Pokémon games. I investigated a bit about the lack of Presents in June and the reasons are as follows:
-To give GF a few more weeks to polish Legends.
-Identify possible Unite network issues
The network test in Japan went with few problems, the launch set for this month should not be delayed and its release will be soon.
In these days they will continue to promote it showing the abilities of pokemon and maps daily before arriving at its release.
May 17, 2021 • 8 tweets • 4 min read
Many sites are reporting now rumors about a Pokémon Presents before E3 2021, even though I had already clearly mentioned it a few days ago and with a teaser last month, the "one more stop before the destination" 😉 #NintendoLeak#Pokemon#NintendoSwitch#E32021
I had already talked about these details in private with some people like @NintyPrime , now I make them public. The main focus will be three titles Unite, DP Remakes and Legends, alongside other small updates for mobile games like Master and Cafe Mix, and Switch titles