CTA Analyst/ Writer. RT = not endorsements and "Likes" are not necessarily for "Shit I agree with".
Feb 8, 2024 • 28 tweets • 5 min read
At a time when people are facing death from Israeli bombing and starvation in Ghaza or abandoned in civil war hell in Sudan, it's hard as an Egyptian to complain about what's going on in Egypt, even though its people are undergoing a catastrophic crisis of insane proportions. /1
Its hard to talk about the destruction that befall Egypt, since its technically still there, still visitable, & suffers no civil conflict nor external military attacks, but..the country is fuckin gone. Decimated on every level, & sliding down to a hell that can swallow the world.
Apr 15, 2023 • 14 tweets • 10 min read
Ok, #Sudan story time, or as I like to call it: a tale of "White Nonsense".
In October of 2021, the Civilian-led government of Sudan suffered a military coup on the hands of both the #SAF under AlBurhan & the #RSF under Hamdeti, the two leaders & forces fighting today.
This was naturally detrimental to #Sudan 's transition towards civilian democratic rule & a set back for the civilian revolutionary forces, who had finally removed ELBeshir after more than 30 years of dictatorship, Genocide, War & economic sanctions. So what did the US do?
Apr 15, 2023 • 6 tweets • 5 min read
The framing of the #Sudan current conflict as a proxywar between the #UAE backed #RSF & #Egypt backed #SAF is not only wrong, but one of the dumbest misinformed takes one could have about this situation. Rivalled only by the take that supporting the Generals wud lead to democracy
First off:
-the UAE doesnt back the #RSF over the Sudan military. They back both, but will always lean to the side of institutions (The Army) when push comes to shove, and has been for the past 6 months. Same with Saudi.