J. Sanilac Profile picture
Beauty, thought, sound. The world's most-banned beauty expert. To explore my work, visit my site directly using the links below.
Mar 12 10 tweets 2 min read
Dear readers,

I'm too busy for regular posting at the moment, but here's an update on what I have planned for the coming months. I feel DISPELLING BEAUTY LIES is finally complete. Of course, I've said this before and been wrong. In the past I wanted to be done but was forced back by a nagging sense there were important things missing. With the long section on seduction I believe I've now closed those gaps.
Mar 7 28 tweets 6 min read

Romance depends so much on random matches that can't be foreseen in advance that we assume nothing can be done to make it more likely. I don't think that's true, and I'll share some ideas in this thread. Image First off, I agree that there's not much room for any positive “science of romance.” Beyond a baseline of physical beauty, incomprehensible, random factors become too important.

That's why I suggest the opposite approach: focus on the negative.
Mar 7 6 tweets 2 min read
My views on the Tates and other redpill thugs now being embraced by so-called "conservatives"

1. The redpill is crypto feminism. Macho posturing doesn't change that. Image 2. Passing off thuggery as masculinity creates a rift between the sexes that has negative repercussions for all of us, both personally and socially. It's the male counterpart to shrieking lesbian feminazis. Image
Mar 6 18 tweets 5 min read

Hollywood has stereotyped a low, husky female voice as the most attractive. Does this have anything to do with reality? In this thread I'll explain... Image I honestly have no idea why Hollywood keeps pushing the idea that a female voice closer to the male register is hotter. I mean, how does that make sense?

If you have a naturally low voice, it's fine to use it. But if not, a high soprano voice is a much better bet. Image
Mar 4 4 tweets 1 min read
Why haven't you given your girlfriend the Beige-Lingerie Test yet? Are you chicken?🐔 Image Never wear flesh-colored lingerie, girls. Never. Image
Mar 3 21 tweets 7 min read

This thread is for women. Sorry, boys.

Being a reasonably good lover isn't hard, but most women don't try and when they do try they try the wrong things. In this thread I'm going to cover the basic foundation to point you in the right direction. Image Point number one: men don't like the dead-fish sexual technique. It might not be a dealbreaker for all of them, but it's still really uninspiring. It definitely disqualifies you from being a good lover. Image
Mar 3 4 tweets 2 min read
The Greeks were gay.

Literally. Image
"The ancient Greeks were the first to establish pederasty as an institution." Image
Mar 2 5 tweets 1 min read
Romance is actually more powerful than sex, but people get scared of it, for good reason. Mainly cause the downside can be bigger than the upside. Reasonably good sex, otoh, is very predictable and could basically follow a formula. Whereas romance seems completely unpredictable. Generally people don't consider how much good sex could follow a formula because nobody wants to do the dirty work of writing the formula, and there is also some variation from person to person. However, I think it could largely follow formulAS, if not a single formula.
Mar 2 8 tweets 4 min read
Photos of Gene Hackman's Santa Fe Home Image
Nice house. New Mexico style is the best American home style. Only thing missing here is the brick floors! Image
Mar 1 5 tweets 2 min read

If you have a rare trait or exotic heritage that some men find particularly attractive, you should enjoy the free advantage instead of making up a silly reason to worry about it.

A new addition to Dispelling Beauty Lies Image Image
Mar 1 9 tweets 1 min read
Let's do a little math.

There are ten men and ten women. One of the men has twenty kids with the ten women. The other ten men have none.

1. What's the fertility rate of the top man?
2. What's the fertility rate of the group?
3. What's the fertility rate of the other nine men? Answers

1. 20
2. 2.0
Mar 1 5 tweets 1 min read
Reader-submitted example of the "skinny-hot" look. This is almost completely unobtainable and not a good target for women, but I think it would be wrong to not acknowledge that, even though I'd classify it as a minority taste, lots of men find it attractive. Image A key aspect of this look is that no muscle or bone is visible. It is more about a narrow frame with little muscle than a low bodyfat per se. And that's what makes it so impossible to obtain.
Feb 27 8 tweets 4 min read
"Aggressive Indifference," a new addition to THE ILLUSION OF DOMINANCE.

"Women are trained to believe it's their duty to be indifferent to men's desires, and only this indifference can guarantee their strength and independence, which, they are told, is a very important thing." Image
"Would you still rape me if I were a worm?" Image
Feb 24 52 tweets 13 min read

This thread is 100% GUARANTEED to work, as long as you follow the method correctly.

Are you ready to get started? Image 1. Step one: start your teenage years off as a B-class slut. Wait—I know you're skeptical about this step. You're ready to stop reading already because you don't think it could possibly work. “Billionaires don't like sluts,” you think.

But are you right? Let's find out.
Feb 22 15 tweets 5 min read

Black and red lingerie make an adult, directly sexual impression. But white and pink lingerie make a cute, innocent impression--even when they're made of elaborate lace. Your approach to seduction should influence your color choices. Image These differences apply to clothing in general, but they're stronger for lingerie. Image
Feb 22 4 tweets 2 min read
It's literally IMPOSSIBLE to do squats in the outfit on the right. Image
This one is OKAY for kettlebells but like, still a little constricting? Image
Feb 22 4 tweets 1 min read
Those of you who've read my article on religion know that I'm quite sympathetic to it. But I'm not at all sympathetic to superstitions, and extremely hostile to harmful ones. All the traditional religions, if taken literally and at their word, are infected with superstition, but fortunately even reasonably devout adherents don't take these superstitions seriously anymore. They find one way or another to reinterpret the texts and traditions so that the superstitions become optional or "metaphorical" even though past generations interpreted them literally.
Feb 21 7 tweets 1 min read
Gyms shouldn't be a meat market. I've written a lot about how women can look sexier, but I'm totally against lowering standards of public decency. It has MANY negative effects on society. Not pretending anyone will listen to me, just clarifying my position. Zoomer men have a problem with approaching women in public. To some extent this is their fault, but to some extent it's women's. Underdressing at the gym or supermarket doesn't fix it in any way. Actually it makes it worse--makes it HARDER for serious men to approach you.
Feb 21 5 tweets 2 min read
I've made a big update to the clothing section in DISPELLING BEAUTY LIES, which now includes all the ideas I've posted over the past month. None of this will surprise you, but it does make the article easier to share, as you can link women to this relatively inoffensive section. Image I ultimately decided to leave heels off the "sexy styles" checklist because I think women are too tempted to fetishize them instead of recognizing that they're MAINLY a posture/gait aid. Image
Feb 14 7 tweets 2 min read
I've improved the explanation of the Madonna-whore complex in DISPELLING BEAUTY LIES as I thought the original account was unclear. Posting the new version to this brief thread. Image Image
Feb 13 10 tweets 2 min read
The funny quote I found today has given me occasion for some comments on how instinct shapes our aesthetic sensibilities, which I've added to my article. I'll post them in this short thread. Image Image