Sanjeev Newar | Agni | सञ्जीव नेवर | अग्नि Profile picture
Teaches Vedas, Sanskrit, Yoga, Data Science. IIT-IIM. Current Yajnas: @AgniSamaj, @GemsOfBollywood, @SewaNyaya. Sanatan Vedic Sanskrit Masterclass
25 subscribers
Sep 25, 2022 4 tweets 3 min read
जी हाँ। जो सनातन धर्म की आर्य पद्धति में विश्वास रखता है वह पहन सकता है। भारत में अनेक कन्या गुरुकुल हैं जहां बालिकाएँ इसे पहनती हैं। वाराणसी के पाणिनी कन्या गुरकुल ही चले जाइए। सावरकर ने कितने ही जनेऊ यज्ञ किए थे दलितों में।

किंतु @thewire_in से हो आप। आप को क्या लेना देना? यह देखिए वीर सावरकर का सर्व जाति जनेऊ यज्ञ। हमारा @agniveer भी सावरकर की प्रेरणा से सर्वत्र जनेऊ संस्कार करवाता है। स्त्री पुरुष सब पहनते हैं। जन्मना जाति नहीं मानते। किंतु कर्म व मानसिकता अवश्य देखते हैं। @thewire_in को धूर्त एवं शठ मानते हैं।
Feb 24, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
Hindi, English, Bengali, Marathi, Telugu and Tamil have more speakers than Urdu in India. (If we consider those who can "read" Urdu, the number will be much lesser)

Why does NCERT then publish books in Urdu? Why there is an Urdu promotion council under Central Govt since 1996? Some morons justify neglect of Sanskrit by citing number of speakers. This is foolish.
1. Sanskrit is actually the most popular language of India because all Hindus use Sanskrit for religious/ cultural purposes
2. Almost all languages are derivatives of Sanskrit. +
Feb 1, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
There is no evidence of beef in any of the 4 Veda Samhitas. On contrary, there are ample mantras that declare cow as fountainhead of all prosperities. In fact, as per Vedas, nothing must be done to trouble animals.

Refer my book "Hindu's Fight for Mother cow" for details Refer… for English edition
Jan 1, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
ये नव वर्ष हमें स्वीकार नहीं
- रामधारी सिंह दिनकर

ये नव वर्ष हमें स्वीकार नहीं
है अपना ये त्यौहार नहीं
है अपनी ये तो रीत नहीं
है अपना ये व्यवहार नहीं

धरा ठिठुरती है सर्दी से
आकाश में कोहरा गहरा है
बाग़ बाज़ारों की सरहद पर
सर्द हवा का पहरा है

सूना है प्रकृति का आँगन
कुछ रंग नहीं , उमंग नहीं
हर कोई है घर में दुबका हुआ
नव वर्ष का ये कोई ढंग नहीं

चंद मास अभी इंतज़ार करो
निज मन में तनिक विचार करो
नये साल नया कुछ हो तो सही
क्यों नक़ल में सारी अक्ल बही

Dec 29, 2021 6 tweets 1 min read
Swami Shraddhanand was star of Satyagraha movement and faced near-death situations to make it success.
However he dissociated from Satyagraha for following reasons:
1. Gandhi accused Satyagrahis for being responsible for being shot by police (like Godhra victims) 2. Lala Shankar Lal was falsely accused of inciting mob to beat a Muslim police officer Faquir Mohammad. Gandhi wired an order asking Shankar Lal to offer no defense. This prejudiced the court against Satyagrahis.
Dec 28, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
When Swami Shraddhanand was murdered by Abdul Rashid, Mohandas Gandhi said: "..I have called Abdul Rashid a brother and I repeat it. I do not even regard him as guilty of Swamiji’s murder. Guilty indeed are all those who excited feelings of hatred against one another." Gandhi had been blaming Swamiji for launching the largest Shuddhi (Ghar Wapsi) movement in history and hence upsetting Islamists.

There is no way I can even pretend to admire a person who makes murderer of my Gurudev his brother. I share same views on Gandhi as BR Ambedkar
Dec 18, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
I fully support increase of marriage age of women to 21 (across all religions) by @narendramodi as being in sync with Sanatan Vedic Dharma & Ayurveda which recommend marriage only after full intellectual and physical development

Other laws must be now modified to support this In fact I have been a strong protagonist for this and had also written to govt in its earlier term to increase marriage age of women across all religions to prevent LJ and move towards a society of educated women - foundation of Swarga.
Dec 15, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
Clearly @Profdilipmandal has not read Vedas ever. Because Shruti and Vedas refer to same thing.

Open challenge to anyone including him to prove casteism in Vedas and Bhagavad Gita.

On contrary, Vedas and Bhagavad Gita clearly uphold that deeds, intent, swabhava matter He uses word Shuddhikaran but doesn't tell that the word was used by Swami Dayanand Saraswati to embrace non Hindus in Vedic fold. He used Vedas to prove that casteism is anti-Vedic. Today every leftist book against Hindutva accuses Swami Dayanand of starting Hindutva movement
Dec 2, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
In my live session with @madhukishwar ji, she countered me on economic status of Muslims in India. I spent significant time since then in analysing this

I realize, at a per capita level, Muslims are probably far more affluent than non-muslims in India. I stand corrected Accounted income may be higher for Hindus. But if you include unorganised sectors, unaccounted incomes, control of crucial legal + illegal business segments, Muslims now dominate any other community of India on aggregate level.
Oct 19, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
Are you prepared to be Dharmaveers like Shivaji, Pratap?
Wake before anyone else wakes
Train more than anyone else trains
Know Dharma more than anyone else knows
Live Dharma more than anyone lives
Veer, Tapasvi - for entire life

Dharma needs this more than any outrage Its easy to tweet, retweet, like, trend hashtag. But that won't stop the mob on street

What would is a commitment to transform mana, buddhi, shareer, aatma into Brahmaastra through nirantar abhyaas. To let go of every distraction and dedicate life to prepare and perform
Sep 21, 2021 17 tweets 3 min read
My personal Dharmik belief system:
1. Like all major scriptures, I consider Veda Samhitas to be eternal knowledge of Eeshwar. Every other source of knowledge is acceptable to extent it syncs with Vedas

2. To interpret Vedas, I adopt the Nyaya Darshan method of 8 Pramana
+ 3. Every way of worship is acceptable so far it doesn't contradict core Vedic principles like equal Dharmik opportunities for all. Hence I totally reject the anti-Vedic ecosystem that decides on right to Vedas and Janeu based on birth

Sep 14, 2021 13 tweets 3 min read
"A Dwija (educated) who puts efforts elsewhere and not in pursuit of Vedas becomes a Shudra (uneducated) along with his future generations" (original Manu Smriti 2.168)

Clearly Varna is by education and merit. Not by birth. Birth-based Varna is Avidya… Manu Smriti is demonised because casteists, British etc inserted spurious verses in original Manu Smriti that contradict other verses as well as Vedas - source of Dharma

Due to this a distorted version of Hinduism cropped up that has rendered us incapable of countering invaders
Sep 5, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
Why don't they document on "Dismantling Global Communism"?

That madness where Stalin murdered even the founder of Communist Party Of India she represents!

Whom Ambedkar compared with wild fire

Who have only Talibani Terrorism as competitor to number of murders since inception. Fyi, Abani Mukherjee, founder of CPI, was killed by Stalin in Great Purge along with million others.

That Abani is dead came to be known only after 20 years!
Aug 19, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
It is a modern myth that saatvik means "weak goodness".
In old Sanskrit, "sattva" has been a synonym for energy, valour, strength and victory-streak.

When we do rigorous workout in morning, it is Sattva and not Raja

When we become Sattvik, we are far more powerful than Rajasik When we are Rajasik, we allow our emotions to drive our actions. When we are sattvik, our emotions are slaves of our mission.

To work as per mood is Rajas. To not work in Tamas. To wake up at 4 am and prepare to beat out Adharma is Sattva.
Aug 3, 2021 20 tweets 4 min read
36 Questions for Missionaries from Swami Shraddhanand
(Swamiji made Shuddhi (aka Ghar Wapsi) a mass movement and hence was murdered in 1926). He is role model for @agniveer

1. Is it true that original Bible nor original gospels by Jesus's disciples are nowhere to be found? + 2. Is it true that current Bible is translation of some manuscripts in Hebrew and other old languages?

3. Is there any evidence in these gospels that Jesus wanted to establish a new religion?

4. How do we falsify the claim that current Christianity is established by St Paul? +
Jul 24, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
Acharya Pandit Sudarshan Dev who has written most comprehensive commentary on Yajurveda and Panini Ashtadhyayi hailed from a Dalit samaj. His books are used in prestigious Gurukuls and also form basis of my Veda Swadhyaya. Was respected for his expertise in Vedic Yajna. + Remove your lenses. Caste discrimination is a society wide problem and affects even Dalit communities.
Among Brahmin samaj have come legends like Dayanand, Savarkar whose life was dedicated to destroy this evil. Ambedkar got his name from someone from Brahmin samaj.
Jul 11, 2021 5 tweets 3 min read
This @upword_ has been blatantly anti Modi, anti Yogi, anti RSS, anti Vivekanand, anti everyone. They have a perverted view of birth-based hierarchy of power. And will find reasons to abuse anyone under any pretext who is not in the enlisted Jaati list. Just like Mahram. Their role model Karpatri Maharaj used to be very angry on RSS, Savarkar, Vaishnavas. Why? Not for any other reason but that these groups allowed all castes to eat together, support entry of every Jaati in Mandirs, encouraged Ghar Wapsi, and did not prohibit Sanskrit for women
Jul 10, 2021 8 tweets 3 min read
With great anand, we announce 40 Days Crash Course in Sanskrit for all ages starting from 12th July every Monday to Friday evening 8-9pm IST via Zoom

Course Registration Link :…

Instructor: Acharyaa Nandita Shastri (profile descibed by @myogiadityanath)
+ Medium of Instruction: Hindi

Enrollment Fees :
₹ 2100 for Indian Students
$ 50 for Foreign & NRI Students

Payment Options :
1 UPI/GPay - gurukulam@sbi

2 Online (India) (80G tax benefit) -

3 Outside India -

Jul 4, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
.@swati_gs & I have moved an intervention application in the petition seeking same-sex marriage before Delhi High Court through @shashank_ssj. The original petition seeks to register such marriages under Hindu Marriage Act, 1956

We have strongly objected to this + In Hinduism, marriage is a religious ritual. Any tinkering is a direct interference by secular state in religious practice of Hindus.
Instead, it could happen through acts that consider marriage as a civil contract +
Jun 29, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
No. You are wrong. 7.96 lists what is left unprotected after a war and allocates who must take responsibility for them. Hence includes women (because men fought the war).

Manu Smriti 7.97 (very next verse) says that the army gives everything to the ruler+ Ruler then distributes common assets in just way.

However after a king wins, the people in defeated territory become his praja (subject) and are protected.
Swami Dayanand writes here that women and children of dead warriors get their property and security from king.
+ Image
Jun 29, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
I believe Sikh and Christian groups must unite with Hindus and do nothing that harms Hindus. Else they are only making their daughters vulnerable to criminals. Christian groups must stop all their conversion activities against Hindus. If they harm interests of their elder brothers they will end up being Dhobi ka kutta.

Sikh groups must accept that they are part of Hinduism. Do they come to roads when Sikh girl marries Hindu boy?