Albannach Profile picture
An independently minded Scotsman and European citizen. I will typically opine on constitutional, political and sporting matters.
May 29, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
Every independence supporter needs to understand that the british state spent every single one of its lies in 2014. They have nothing to threaten or to offer Scotland.

Their only credible strategy is to run Scotland into the ground whilst fragmenting the independence movement. For the hard of thinking: Nicola Sturgeon is a traitor to the Scottish independence movement.

1) Conspired against Salmond.
2) Failed to stop/react to Brexit
3) Pivoted from Scotref to 'stop Brexit in England' to 'You're not an indy supporter unless you believe in trans magic.'
Jul 7, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
"As long as but a hundred of us remain alive, never will we on any conditions be brought under English rule. It is in truth not for glory, nor riches, nor honours, that we are fighting, but for freedom - for that alone, which no honest man gives up but with life itself." This is, in my opinion, the single most important paragraph in Scotland's history. If all Scots read this quote, and remember what our ancestors swore; we have won. This is the foundation stone of Scotland's constitution.
Jul 7, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
All the No voters of Scotland breathe a big sigh of relief. I can picture them all telling themselves something like:
'The UK will NEVER have a worse PM than Boris Johnson, but he'd still be better than an independent Scotland. I can say this because I'm just as Scottish as you.' It's worth reminding ourselves that, clearly, most No voters lack basic political intuition and general critical thinking skills.

They aren't skilled or meritorious opponents. They have an infantile attachment to denying accountability and responsibility for Scotland.
Feb 9, 2022 18 tweets 4 min read
Has everyone else noticed how the usual british lickspittles are desperately trying to rehash the same arguments from 2014? If anything shows their intellectual and analytical limitations, it's that.

They can't deal with Brexit, they can't defend Johnson & have no future vision. The background No campaign is run by 'grass roots' organisations like 'These Islands' which largely comprises of people who don't live in Scotland. It's really quite odd. I suppose the intention is that we aren't allowed to call them out without being branded racist, it's absurd.
Feb 8, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Anglo 'progressives' appear to have convinced themselves that Boris Johnson is the architect of british corruption.


He's just brazenly dysfunctional/corrupt & Westminster has been unchained by the Brexit that THEY INFLICTED UPON US, that they can no longer hide it. They never blame the system.
They never accept responsibility.

Because their 'elite' culture is predicated on worshiping a bunch of inbred mafioso deviants, the matriarch of which is about to expire & this presents them with existential dread.
Like a cult losing its dear leader.
Feb 8, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Who are the major Scottish commentators who live in England, who make a living incessantly pointing out how dysfunctional, economically illiterate and culturally/politically incestuous the Westminster system and its appendages are?

Oh, right, that simply doesn't happen. UK debt has nearly doubled in just over 7 years, its head of state is an ailing 95 year old, whose successor once fantasised about reincarnated as a tampon, its PM is a dysfunctional & disassociated man-child.

How could anything be wrong? Is it the Russians or some other rotter?
Feb 8, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
The people who move to Scotland in order to 'explain' to Scots why they are too poor, too small, and too stupid to be an independent nation, and that Westminster is actually our Lord and Saviour, are, to a man and woman, colonialist trash.

Other cultures would call them out. They have gotten louder, more obnoxious and increasingly arrogant since 2014.

The people have a right to self-determination, and they have the 'right' to insult us, as I have the right to call their patronising, colonialist lies out. I wouldn't dare mirror their behaviour.
Feb 8, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
On pensions, the british are now asserting that they can renege on their pension debts to millions of Scots, some of whom have spent decades paying into the system.

Saying 'Sorry, but it's actually a ponzi scheme' isn't going to fly.

They're desperate, deploying clear lies. Pensions? Negotiation.
UK debt & asset share? Negotiation.
Nuclear weapons? Not much to negotiate.
Territory? Nothing to negotiate.
This is normal. The british are incapable of debating the flaws & failures of Westminster because they lose & because circular logic prevents them.
Feb 8, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
Out for Independence's campaign against Joanna Cherry has lasted for YEARS at this point.

They have broken countless rules and added to the image of the SNP as a narrow-minded, gender ID obsessed outfit who'll inflict these BS views as a condition of an independent Scotland. These fruitcakes have the gall to insist in their bio that they're advocating for a "fair, equal & independent Scotland" whilst also asserting that an MP should have the whip removed because they've taken on a client with <protected> views that they disagree with.
An enemy within
Feb 8, 2022 13 tweets 3 min read
The astroturf agitators calling themselves 'OutForIndy' are one of the main proponents of rainbow fascism on Scottish Twitter.

Their campaign against Joanna Cherry QC exists because she is a threat to the devolutionist, Sturgeonite trough.

Think I'm joking? Then pay attention. Sexuality has absolutely nothing to do with independence. So why has this, let alone transgender identity ideology (or faith, if you prefer) become a barometer for the 'worthiness' of independence campaigners?

Because the brits are trying to fragment & demoralise our movement.
Feb 7, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
Just how ignorant and slow are No voters?

Why do so few people ask themselves why Salmond was actually acquitted? Woman H lied through her teeth and her perjury was contradicted by other witnesses and records.

How she has failed to be prosecuted is beyond me. There's a LOT to criticise Nicola Sturgeon over, yet No voters and North brits always seem to swing and miss.

I assume it relates to their pathological ignorance of the case and generally. Ignorance is understandable, but a TOTAL lack of curiosity is pretty weird.
Feb 7, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
I see that a Sturgeonite councillor thinks that Jimmy Carr's audience should be arrested for laughing at his (shit) joke.

And yet there are still independence supporters who are absolutely fine with FM She/Her's leadership, and the culture and standards she promotes? Wow. FFS. I wonder what'll it take for the lazier/more oblivious elements of the independence movement to cotton on to what's happening & why people like me have open contempt for the First Minister.

The 'just be patience' line is, quite clear, spent. Many need to start asking questions.
Feb 6, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Have you noticed how, of ALL the assertions about Scottish independence, NONE of them are about problems that the rUK might experience?

Funny that.

It's almost as though there's a risible, one sided agenda designed to deflect from Westminster inflicted chaos and corruption. And if there are no problems caused for rUK by Scottish independence, then there must be benefits for them.

They do claim that they'd save several hundred million pounds PER WEEK if Scotland 'left' the UK.

So why hasn't a single rUK MP suggested it? They can't be THAT grasping?
Feb 6, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
As an independence advocate, I am content to admit that there are various weaknesses & uncertainty in our current argument.
Specifically; pensions, currency & the division of overseas assets. This is because we've had 7 years of a Stonewall dogma obsessed devolutionist in charge. Do you ever see such concessions from No voters?

Instead of accepting that Brexit was inflicted upon Scotland & has undermined our economy & rights, they claim EU will reject us. Instead of dealing with Johnson's corruption, they'll revert to the lazy 'grievance' line from 2014.
Feb 6, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
'The UK pensions system is too much of a ponzi scheme for Scotland to be independent!'

is up there with

'Scotland is too broke within the union to leave the union!'

in the catalogue of bizarre and intellectually cannibalistic North british regionalist sophistry. I've said it before, and I'll say it again;

It's better to understand britishness as an Anglocentric ideological cult rather than an authentic identity. Its acolytes routinely display such stunted and circular logic.

Westminster, despite being responsible, is never to blame.
Feb 5, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Those who still 'Stand with Sturgeon' also stand with:

Alyn Smith & Stewart McDonald's trip to sabre rattle with Ukraine.
Lesley Evans.
The missing £600,000 of indy campaign funds.
FM She/Her's treatment of Joanna Cherry QC, including replacing her with a drama school graduate. It's telling that her supporters will usually retort with some nonsense about Alba being a unionist plot, all whilst the Troon Tabard misses open goal after open goal, loses the SNP power and purposefully ignores every unsettled debate from 2014.

Why are some so slavish to her?
Nov 26, 2021 11 tweets 2 min read
If you *still* don't understand that gender identity ideology is used to intellectually undermine & culturally fracture the Scottish independence movement, then you've either not been paying attention or don't understand how politics works.

Joanna Cherry is pro-independence. The lunatics aren't just taking over the asylum; they're being offered positions of power and to draft policies that pander to their ridiculous, reality denying faith based approach to biology.

This didn't happen in 2014 because it wasn't needed for a No vote to succeed.
Nov 26, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
The TRAs really are determined to destroy the independence movement.

They are a collection of insecure/mentally unwell adolescents and genuine agitators, who are desperate to disarm an undeniable pro-independence advocate within the SNP. An Enemy within.… I've said it before, I'll say it again. This pseudoscience worshipping cult had NO PLACE in 2014, because they weren't needed.

They exist purely to steer the independence movement away from its objective & to prioritise their delusional nonsense instead.

This is Nikla's doing.
Aug 11, 2021 11 tweets 2 min read
Immediately following the Brexit vote, the Scottish Government should have followed through on stating that the outcome proved that Scotland & the rest of the UK were on different paths, and that in order to respect the result in England/Wales, we should have another indyref. Instead, after a woefully misjudged and democratically wrong effort to 'Stop Brexit' on behalf of the English (who voted 54% leave) rather than advance our interests. After this failed, and after we were told that the people of Scotland "would not stand" for Brexit: it happened.
Aug 11, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
I have a very specific situation for Type 1 diabetics, or people who work in treating diabetes, and I'm looking for some advice. I'm at my wits end.
I'll furnish this with as much detail as I can. If there are any further details that I can provide, please let me know (or DM).👇 My partner is a Type 1 diabetic and was diagnosed long ago.
Over the past 3 years, she has been repeatedly struck down by nausea, that results in vomiting, that cannot be controlled, meaning that she has sky-rocketing blood sugar levels and ketone readings north of 4.5.
Aug 10, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
Mr Midrul Wadhwa
Cat Kary
Tristan Gray

All insidious and highly disruptive creatures in the Scottish political scene. All with Twitter accounts that were started well after the independence referendum and into Brexit planning.

Maybe it's just a coincidence. I've blocked them. The movement was always going to attract parasites and grifters. There are plenty more, but I really can't stand this wave of lunatic who insist that Scotland has to convert to the Church of Transgender Stereotypeology before we 'deserve' independence. It's all gibberish.