Sara Lederman, MD, MPH Profile picture
PL-1 @ChildrensPhila | alum of @sesameworkshop, @WHO, @fulbrightprgrm
Jul 19, 2021 6 tweets 3 min read
When I tell ppl I'm interested in abortion and pediatrics, they're perplexed.

"Why not OB-Gyn? Why not FM?"
"So you'll want to specialize?"
"We don't deal with abortion in peds"

We may not *deal* with abortion, but pediatric patients sure do. Buckle up, a thread.
According to the (literal) textbooks, an estimated 1/3 of teens will experience pregnancy by age 20.

That's a higher prevalence than childhood obesity (19.3% per CDC).

We don't think about pregnancy as a pediatric issue because we don't want to.…