Ex-farm worker & crop scientist. Here to talk food, agriculture, and money.
31 subscribers
Mar 4 • 10 tweets • 3 min read
Ok we gotta talk about this whole thing.
It looks like "trying to get US farmers to grow food for domestic US market, instead of for export."
Remains to be seen what "tariffs on external product" means or if they'll even happen. This admin likes to tweet first, retract later.
Anyway, this would roughly boil down to "lots of farms switching from grain & livestock to fruits & veggies."
Funny enough, when I suggested some farms may wanna move acreage from grain & livestock to veggies, parts of the farm lobby got REAL mad.
This will be fun to watch! 🤠
Feb 4 • 11 tweets • 4 min read
Ok I know everything's been wild the last ::checks notes:: 96 hours but the farm news is buggin right now.
Preamble: Yes this is all part of the "let's move fast & shock them into submission" program.
Take a deep breath. FARMERS are pissed. This is just info on where we're at!
The Farm Bureau is yelling at Trump about the tariffs. In public!
The tariff'd countries buy $85B worth of goods from US farmers every year.
And 80% of our potassium fertilizer comes from Canada.
THANK YOU to everyone who’s supported my run in ways large and small. To all our many volunteers, our donors, and everyone who helped spread our message. What we’ve accomplished is a testament to you.
Nobody runs for office alone. I could not have done this without you. And I have to thank you for putting your trust in me to work for you. Even- and especially- when it’s hard.
I congratulate Mr. Troxler on his sixth victory and wish him well.
Nov 4, 2024 • 8 tweets • 2 min read
North Carolina, I ask for your vote.
We've come a long way in the past year. From being the "biggest underdog" to putting this race within the margin of error, this wouldn’t have been possible without you.
Thank you to everyone for your support. In the past year, I've traveled over 25,000 miles, speaking with voters from the Outer Banks to the Tennessee border. I'm humbled to have received donations from folks in 73 counties.
Nov 3, 2024 • 42 tweets • 9 min read
Just for fun, let's do some blueberry facts! 🫐
Ever notice how blueberries can be a soft baby blue, or a dark purple?
They've got a "bloom," or a layer of soft powdery wax when they grow on the bush. It helps repel water.
When you touch them, the bloom rubs right off.
Oct 19, 2024 • 23 tweets • 6 min read
It's time for BEE FACTS
For every donation to this link, I will post one (1) fact about bees!
To kick us off: if you need to find the queen in a honeybee hive, there's usually a ring of bees standing around her in a circle.
Sounds weird but the ring of bees is usually easier to find than looking for the queen herself.
Sep 20, 2024 • 7 tweets • 3 min read
New in the @newsobserver: I lay out my experience and priorities and my approach on farmland loss, water quality, and business development. I would honored to serve as North Carolina's next Commissioner of Agriculture.
#ncpol #Agriculture #TimeForTaber
Here's a quick look at the experience and education that prepared me—everything from working in the fields to making sure the FDA didn't ban a promising new sector.
Sep 6, 2024 • 9 tweets • 3 min read
Let’s talk US food supply. Right now, a quarter of our nation’s food comes from California, which is running out of both land and water. 🌵🧵
A perennial proposal to solve this problem? Piping water from the Great Lakes to California. In theory, this would solve the thorny issues around western water politics. But it’s also so foolhardy that even the New York Times can tell.
Ok, I watched AppHarvest’s rise & fall closely. At the time, I was coaching new greenhouse companies like AppHarvest through their build & first harvests.
All my clients are still in business! And Vance’s one attempt isn’t. There’s a lot to say about why. 🧵#ncpol
Fun fact: for every cow there's an equal & opposite bean.
Milking shorthorn & Jacob's cattle beans
May 10, 2024 • 14 tweets • 3 min read
We should talk about brain worms, I guess? I regret to inform you that they are real.
It's not super common, especially where there's clean water and basic sanitation. But it's also not unheard of.
On the rare occasions when people get a parasitic worm infection in the brain, it's usually the pork tapeworm (Taenia solium).
There's a whole Wikipedia entry on it if anybody's interested
1. It’s very hard to make a living as a new farmer.
2. About half our farmland is owned by wealthy families, investment funds, & others who buy it up as an asset- but don’t farm themselves.
There IS a fix to both problems!
It's called "landowners can pay people to farm their land."
It’s incredibly successful where it’s used. And it’s a big part of my own family story.
Mar 17, 2024 • 30 tweets • 8 min read
Y'all know what day it is🍀
In the US, St. Patrick's Day is strongly tied to the event that led so many Irish people to emigrate here: the famine of 1847.
Food systems & supply chains make history.
I'm working to build a better food system here in the southern US. Both regions share rich land that can grow plenty of good food- and a history of deep rural poverty, thanks to what could generously be described as "poor leadership."
There's also a lot of ingenuity in both.
Feb 6, 2024 • 9 tweets • 2 min read
A cool thing from the CHORE TOUR: A thread!
Wild things happen when you sit down with farmers & talk about their problems.
Real problems- flooding, the cost of land, access to markets, workforce, etc.
Not fake outrage issues like border standoffs & welfare cheats.
The neat thing about real problems? They have real solutions! They can be solved!
And hearing that is electrifying for farmers.
That's because "Yes, we can fix this" is something farmers almost never hear from lawmakers.
Feb 1, 2024 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
Time for corn facts! Ok so you probably know about huitlacoche.
There's a fungus that infects corn ears and basically gives them a freaky-looking tumor filled with spores.
This fungus-filled tumor is delicious. Like a sweet corn mushroom.
Huitlacoche is what we call a smut fungus (smut from the German schmutz for dark stain/dirt). These fungi spew dark spores all over the place. It's what they do to perpetuate the species.
Jan 31, 2024 • 17 tweets • 4 min read
Are you guys ready for the buck-wildest agriculture story I've ever heard
Let me set the stage: Umnak, the biggest island in the Aleutian chain.
Some guys thought it would be a good idea to ranch cattle there.
Jan 30, 2024 • 17 tweets • 5 min read
In honor of Texas border stunts, let's talk about what happens to agriculture when a state decides to "get tough on immigration."
And it always, always ends badly for farmers.
Let's start with an easy one: Georgia in 2011!
Georgia's HB 87 required farmers to use E-Verify to screen employees. It gave state police extra powers to enforce immigration law. And it created heavy fines & sentences for fake documents & transporting workers.
Dec 15, 2023 • 16 tweets • 4 min read
If you're seeing dire news about water & alfalfa lately, I have good news for you.
The US's water problems have solutions!
One of the most powerful solutions: give serious attention & investment to agriculture in the southeastern US.
Let's talk about just one way to do that.
In the South, we make hay that's as good or better than alfalfa... from peanuts.
We just haven't gotten around to exporting it.
That's a pretty simple problem to fix!
Apr 19, 2023 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
Keeping the North Atlantic right whale from going extinct is important for many environmental & ethical reasons
but hear me out: they like to have group sex parties & if this is what a few hundred get up to, I just wanna find out what the ocean is like with 200,000 of em
conservationists: there is a terrible tension between "making wildlife relatable" so people feel invested in their well-being, and anthropomorphizing them past the point of recognizability