Sarah Unsicker Profile picture
Rule of Law is the antidote to Rule by Violence. Moved to Jackson and I'm not going back.
Mar 9, 2024 6 tweets 3 min read
Missouri's Attorney General has done quite a few things this week. I want to praise him for an action that he has taken against the Sheriff of Ray County, temporarily removing him from office.

I haven't seen @AGAndrewBailey brag about this. He should.🧵… You may remember the Ray County sheriff from a "Poor" audit done last year, which showed "inadequate controls" in the Sheriff's office in which they didn't pay bills on time or keep proper records.…
Feb 18, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
Societal failures.
Infrastructure isn't just roads and bridges, but also basic maintenance.
Our lack of government services is killing people. I wasn't joking when I said 6" potholes. If anything, it was an understatement.

I've been to northwest Missouri, where Jess lives. It's rural. It's sparsely populated. And you need 4wd to drive on public roads.
Dec 18, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Thank you, @JesseBogan and @stltoday , for this article highlighting the struggle this family has gone through because of failures in our social services. This has been going on for a long time.… I wasn't aware of this particular family's situation when I inquired of Children's Division two weeks ago about what we, as a state, are doing to reduce trauma.…
Nov 26, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Here's a quick and mindless research project -

The Department of Social Services has posted its budget proposal online for the next fiscal year. The document itself is 3,189 pages.

Can someone please break this up into manageable chunks?…
If someone would put it up in a public folder, then it could be accessed without crashing computers. I usually use Google Drive for this, but whatever works.
Nov 16, 2023 12 tweets 3 min read
I'm sitting on a Zoom this morning about ethics in politics, and an observation was made (specifically related to Trump) that the public does not seem concerned that their politicians are ethical.

That seems a valid concern, and I have a suggestion as to what YOU can do: Citizens need to share what they expect of their leaders. If high moral standards are important to you, communicate that.

Write letters to the newspaper.
Post on social media, podcasts, and blogs.
Tell leaders, don't assume it.
Talk about it as a thing.
Nov 14, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
The 2024 election cycle is shaping up to be very different from previous election cycles, and this should be encouraging for anyone who is in favor of a well-run society. A 🧵. Yesterday, treason charges were brought.
In Ukraine.
Including allegations of Russian interference with the US elections.…
Oct 31, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read

Same company that handles processing for a lot of Medicaid applications in Missouri?

And other states? "Missouri Medicaid Wait List Averages 90 Days."…
Oct 23, 2023 18 tweets 6 min read
I knew things were bad at Agape. Even with that knowledge, it was suggested last week that I not read the allegations put forward in the lawsuit when it was initially filed last week.

But an amended pleading was filed this week - less than 2 weeks after the initial pleading, so- I had to look. I first saw that it was amended from @kclaurab and @judylthomas's reporting on the amended lawsuit today.

Those two have done great work at the @KCStar in bringing these issues to light and keeping them in the public eye.…
Oct 21, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Day 3.

People are mad that he's exposing a child victim. She would be 13 now.

The only reason we would know who the victim is would be if the perp had told the truth when he was arrested. For child rape. While driving away.

Good way avoid the question of who he paid. 1/4 I think he probably lied that he was dad to get leniency, and the parties stipulated to that at trial.
There would be no investigation into whether there would be trafficking if he raped his daughter.
And then Bailey could use the conviction against "dad" to campaign. 2/4
Oct 7, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
For years, people have been talking to me, as a legislator, about problems they have seen here.

Big problems. Life-destroying problems.

Good legislators help these constituents and move on.

We have to stop moving on. These problems are connected. The first big, kid-related problem that I really got involved with was Medicaid related.

Missouri put a barrier between 100,000 Missouri kids and their access to healthcare, just because the parents no longer qualified, even though the kids did.
Oct 6, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
I visited the Korean War Memorial today.

It's getting chilly. The seasons are changing.

All who fought-the chosen ones and the chosen few-fought the same battle we still fight today. Image The chosen few lived to continue to fight. As I honor the memory of those who died, I also honor the work of those who live on. And their children and grandchildren who continue the fight. Image
Sep 30, 2023 26 tweets 7 min read
MAGA Republicans ... spreading lies for profit and power.

It's time to talk. Because the details of the MAGA operations are not good. And I have a feeling that @JoeBiden knows what's going on here - more than I do.

And I know a lot. @JoeBiden My story today is about therapeutic massage in Missouri. It is about a rule change (which goes through the Secretary of State), a political campaign (US Senate), lawsuits, and landlords.

It's a story about how MAGA lied to you about sex trafficking.
Sep 26, 2023 10 tweets 3 min read
🚨Can we talk very quickly about how 🚨🚨🚨unbelievably bad🚨🚨🚨this petition is (at least the lawyering) and how problematic it is for this to come from the *TOP LAWYER IN THE STATE* and the "Lawyer" who represents Missouri? 🧵 FIRST, the petition states very few facts. There are a lot of conclusions of law. But is there anywhere (other than the request for relief) that states:
1. when the meeting took place
2. who was there
3. whether it was scheduled properly ...
Sep 24, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
Americans have been given a steady diet of propaganda masking as facts for so long, even politicians often don't know the difference.

It's time for that to change. I will be officially launching my campaign for Missouri Attorney General on Wednesday evening. I hope to see you there.…
Sarah Unsicker for Attorney General: Join Sarah Unsicker at McGurk's for her official announcement,  1200 Russell Blvd., St. Louis, MO 63104, Wednesday, September 27, 2023. Event starts at 6:00 PM.
Aug 30, 2023 11 tweets 2 min read
Missouri's Attorney General claims he wants to make Missouri "the safest state in the nation" for children.

As candidate for AG, I can't promise that. But I do plan to do everything I can to make Missouri a safe place for children. Here's what I mean: 🧵 First, I won't make promises I can't deliver on. I believe there are many states that are safe places for children, and I think the whole country should be.

It's not a race, it's not a contest. I don't care that we're "the safest." I care that kids are safe.
Aug 2, 2023 28 tweets 9 min read
Good morning! Busy day on Twitter yesterday and going to try to take a hiatus today, but I'll start the day looking at Trump's 3rd indictment. Follow along here:… First off, an indictment is not a conviction. Trump has not pled guilty, nor has he been found guilty by a jury of fellow citizens. A group of prosecutors--who spends time looking at criminal behavior to put criminals in prison, looked at the facts.
Jul 24, 2023 10 tweets 4 min read
I posted this thread yesterday. Today, I'm going to pull a shameless fundraising plug, and tell you why it matters. Click on the link, or read below. 🧵…
First, I am running against corruption. I am running to stop criminal behavior in Missouri. I am running for law and justice. The real stuff.…
Jul 24, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
I was wondering why I have heard so little in the Capitol about organized crime after Mr. Garland testified about it in relation to child sex trafficking.

It's like nobody wants it to exist. Everybody is looking the other way.…
Then again, I know people are scared. I've gotten limited information from people who were terrified to talk with me. They would not talk about atrocities to a legislator because they were protecting their own children.
Jul 18, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
I find it so amazing that this tweet I wrote weeks ago struck such a nerve that @dougricheymo had to go on a podcast - not only to twist my words, but to use these 3 lines to attack all Democrats.

And so kind of the podcast to tag me in the post about it so I found out. Note my post says nothing about the government's role in all of this.

There was no "larger conversation" about how to care about people in need.

Nobody tried to ask what I meant.

Jul 16, 2023 10 tweets 4 min read
The Facebook West Lake Landfill site is starting to post documents from their FOIA request. I may talk about Missouri being a nuclear wasteland, but it's really nothing to joke about. Here's their Facebook link. I'll post some documents in the comments.… First, for background, this has been going on a long time, is quite serious, we have no idea how many people the US Government has killed, the bombs were built in Harry Truman's home state, and the leftovers are still in peoples' backyards.…
Jun 30, 2023 23 tweets 8 min read
BREAKING: Governor Parson has signed the Missouri Budget - less than 8 hours before first day of the fiscal year!

Follow along to see how his line-item vetoes hurt Missouri kids. 🧵

Here's the link to the full budget document:… I'm going to start with cuts to DSS - the Department of Social Services. This is the department that works on Medicaid, Children's Division, SNAP/Food Stamps, and other social programs. Full Budget:…