Madam Trash Panda • Biotech Investor
Cybernetic Bard • Polymorphic Potato
Bibliophile - Literally literarily obsessed
☆Citizen of the Month - March of '97☆
Jun 25, 2021 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
Ya know how many ppl have come to me saying they want to be a full time trader & I've spent time working with them just to have them drop off within a few months. Why? Because unless you have at least a year to spend 12+hr days studying, learning, & trading, you won't make it
Don't let anyone fool you into thinking this is some easy game. Long-term profitability & SUSTAINABILITY is not an easy thing to achieve. I'm still learning & growing. I still struggle. I was in a unique position to be able to make it work. A no fail situation. But it ain't cake
Aug 29, 2020 • 11 tweets • 3 min read
Shortly after these photos were taken (I was 15), I attempted suicide for the second time and was institutionalized in Piedmont Behavioral Health center. A home for "at risk youth". I remember when they checked me in, I weighed in at 110...I was in the throws of anorexia and
bulimia, drugs and alcohol and insanely risky behaviors. I no longer cared about my life. I was put in the "Acute Ward" for weeks on suicide watch and double meals. Everything was taken away from me. I was alone and scared and entirely broken. I wrote a lot through these weeks