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Sasha Forster, 20 was detained under MHA, died after taking an overdose whilst on leave from @SABPNHS Her jury inquest starts 29/4/19, tweets by @GeorgeJulian
May 23, 2019 18 tweets 5 min read
We're back in court at the end of the inquest into the death of Sasha Forster.

Coroner: Can I ask please jury bailiffs have you returned the jury in accordance with the oaths you've taken

They have Coroner: Have you reached conclusions in respect of all aspects of the form

Jury: Yes we have

Coroner: Are they conclusions of you all in every case

Jury: Yes

Coroner: Section 1?

Jury: Sasha Sabrina Forster

Coroner: Cause of death

Jury: Drug 1 poisoning
Apr 29, 2019 44 tweets 12 min read
Coroner: Could I ask you please to turn to p8 of your bundles, this is another little document you may find useful referring to as we go along, it sets out the various parties involved, the key witnesses, who they are and what they do Coroner: p11 then pls, let's work our way through the chronology.

Again, this is an agreed chronology, so again it is, it may be useful to you as you hear evidence about events on a particular date, you can refer back to remind yourself what happened immediately before or after