Sassiest Minx nka Petty Betty 🐆 🇺🇸 Profile picture
#HarrisWalz2024! 🪷 NO LISTS. Paralegal. Board Game lover. 🏳️‍🌈 Ally. Paralegal. 🚫Maga. Dog Mom #Resist 🐆 No Lists/DMs.
Nov 24, 2024 6 tweets 3 min read
“WE NEED A RECOUNT!” No, folks. We DON’T and here’s why:

The biggest problem is not with the ballots or the totals. The problem is with the tabulation software. The ballot totals per machine are likely accurate. In the most suspect counties/states they ARE being recounted. The hack went like this:

I am being simplistic.

Machine 1 total: 100,000 votes for Harris. 73,000 votes for Trump.

The data is uploaded on to a memory stick and then uploaded into the Microsoft tabulation software. That’s where the totals change.

Machine 1 total becomes: 69,423 votes for Harris. 73,000 votes for Trump. The difference is a set percentage of the Harris mail-in ballots – in this example 4.95% or 3,577 votes.

Down ballot races were likely impacted as well.

We don’t necessarily need to recount every ballot. We need to only use the machine data and not the uploaded data in the tabulation software. The ballots are organic, real. (Assuming there was no online voter registration fraud – which is currently being investigated in PA, for example).

IF there was a hack/fraud, this is how it was done. I am no cyber expert – simply a person who is far too logical for my own good, perhaps.

What must happen is the hack has to be exposed once all counting has concluded. It has not – yet.

Holler all you want but ask yourself why Harris is in Hawaii chilling out, regrouping & resting before Thanksgiving when she could’ve just waited until January 21st to vacation.

Ask yourself why our allies are slowly building a united wall around Russia and Ukraine and allowing their weaponry to be used. Ask yourself why the ICC has issued an arrest warrant for Bibi and one by one our allies are announcing they support the ICC and will detain Bibi.

Remember, Bibi visited DJT at his home, y’all. Take a look at the timeline below. Raises eyebrows, doesn’t it?

March 8th: Orban speaks on a panel with the head of Heritage Foundation before meeting DJT at MAL

1st: SCOTUS issues presidential immunity ruling.
3rd: DJT plane at Dulles is parked next to planes owned by higher ups in the UAE and RU.
11th: Hungarian dictator Orban visits DJT at MAL.
13th: Leon publicly endorses DJT
19th: CrowdStrike/Microsoft update hack
21st: Biden withdraws.
26th: Netanyahu visits DJT at MAL.
28th & 30th: DJT says he doesn’t need votes.

So, must every ballot be recounted in every state or swing state? No, not necessarily. They only have to be RE-TOTALED. PS: If you don’t see posts for a full day, that means I’ve been um ... forcibly quieted and you can find me where the skies are blue.