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“Disdaining incrementalism is the privilege of those for whom the increment is unimportant.” - Jake Anbinder
Oct 2, 2024 7 tweets 1 min read
One of the things I’ve thought about a lot in the last few years is the fundamental attitudinal differences between liberals and conservatives, prompted by the strange bedfellows we have in the fight against authoritarianism. We’ve all seen the research about the amygdala and…/1 the greater susceptibility to fear-based propaganda, but I’ve been more focused on the fundamental world views because that is key to working effectively with conservatives to govern. /2
Aug 19, 2024 8 tweets 1 min read
There are many Republicans who are not excited about voting for Trump. The task is to get them to vote for Harris. This🧵is to summarize the prominent Republicans who are saying it’s Ok to vote for Harris.


Bookmark this & add names as you learn them. * Former Appellate Judge J. Michael Luttig
* Former Trump WH Official Stephanie Grisham
* Former Homeland Security and Counterterrorism advisor to VP Mike Pence Olivia Troye
Jul 30, 2024 8 tweets 2 min read
I want to take a moment to think about the thing with “weird” and its companion, “creepy.” + 1) It’s accurate - it’s probably the most ignored aspect of the #FascistGOP schtick. Nobody in the press will say it. Even W said “That was some weird shit” at DJT’s inauguration. Most Americans probably instinctively and instantly see it, once we have the courage to say it. +
Nov 1, 2023 21 tweets 4 min read
Interesting that Rick posted this today. I’ve been thinking about the general anxiety that I and many of you are feeling right now. /1 First, I would really love to see some polling to confirm (or refute) my #1 concern: The level of disengagement by the voting public. What would you wager is the % of voters who know who Mike Johnson is? 5%? 10%?

And how many of those have any idea what his agenda is? /2
Jun 1, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
“[T]he researchers found that ‘the issue primarily seems to be a supply issue…There’s just way more fake news on the right than the left.’” “In experiments giving Democrats and Republicans equal amounts of fake news that confirmed their world views, Republicans were more likely to share the falsehoods — but only 1.6 times more likely.”
May 31, 2022 9 tweets 1 min read
“What’s intriguing to me is the intense symbolic importance these AR-15-type guns have taken on. Throughout blue America the feeling has intensified that assault-style weapons have no place in civil society.” “Yet in pro-gun America that very fact — that it arouses such intense opposition — has itself become almost a point of prideful defiance.”
Ryan Busse: “It’s a middle finger”
May 15, 2022 13 tweets 2 min read
I have gone on endlessly about how the cluelessness of Americans is going to push us over the edge into authoritarianism or fascism. /1 I have also been critical recently of the NeverTrump GOP refugees who sneeringly blame the feckless Democrats for not putting out the fire they started. /2
Dec 21, 2021 13 tweets 2 min read
The other day some ignoramus posted a comment that the thing truckers want most is de-regulation. Let me tell y’all a bit about #TruckerLife And no, de-regulation isn’t one of their concerns. 👇 My son drives a big rig from MI out to the PNW every two weeks. Heads out every other Friday. With luck he gets all deliveries made, gets his return load in a timely fashion, heads home, and has, on average, TWO DAYS to do laundry, shop, prepare meals and then head back out. 👇
Dec 21, 2021 6 tweets 1 min read
I mentioned the press’s incentives. Those incentives include abject fear of RW criticism:

“The point here is that it is nothing new for editors at the New York Times and elsewhere to be uneasy about calling too much attention to reality — when that reality has a liberal bias.” “that friction is particularly at issue today, at the Times and elsewhere, as political reporters and their editors struggle to accurately and sufficiently convey facts about the Republican assault on voting rights and democracy.”
Dec 20, 2021 10 tweets 2 min read
This is all true. None of this will change. If you’re not preparing for local “trench warfare” in your local elections next year, your not part of the only solution we “little people” can put forward. 👇 “Republicans are poised for an investigative tsunami designed to paralyze the Biden administration and dominate news cycle after news cycle with hearings and outrageous, salacious accusations.” 👇
Dec 19, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
“Political hostility to public education in the Republican-dominated Idaho Legislature is causing some businesses to doubt the wisdom of moving to or expanding in a state that…” “ranks at or near the bottom in what it spends on K-12 students and has one of the nation’s worst graduation rates.”
Dec 18, 2021 16 tweets 3 min read
🧵 While it is very troubling to see people much more knowledgeable than I sound these kinds of alarm bells, maybe it’s time we talked about what an actual civil war might look like.

Dec 12, 2021 14 tweets 2 min read
Talked with an elected official tonight, one with decades of experience at the city, county & state level. We discussed the movement to introduce chaos into the state- and local-level election machinery. 1/14 He indicated that thus far much of the activity has been in major-party-controlled appointed positions - state and county boards of canvassers. 2/14
Dec 10, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
“This pre-planned coup is what President Biden enables when he refuses to raise the filibuster in speeches and does not signal that this is a red line for his party.” “It is what Republicans in right-wing media, in office, in think tanks and elsewhere enable when they make excuses for Trump, push the ‘big lie’ and refuse to repudiate violence.”
Apr 21, 2020 26 tweets 6 min read
I’d like to start a thread of these ads. If you see one I’ve missed, add it in a reply at the end.
Mar 11, 2020 16 tweets 3 min read
Earlier today I made the decision to begin a regimen of extreme social distancing. While I am very, very healthy, I am at risk due to my age. Marcy is a few years younger, but is asthmatic and is on immunosuppressant drugs for rheumatoid arthritis. 1/12 For days I’ve been listening to official advice that we should avoid people who are sick (well...duh!!), avoid crowds, and don’t go on cruises. 🙄 2/12
Feb 11, 2020 20 tweets 5 min read
The morning of Nov 9, 2016 was a gut-punch. We got up, dusted ourselves off and started to fight. AG Bill Barr delivers another gut-punch in March of 2019, spinning and twisting the Mueller Report beyond all recognition, and shutting down the investigation. Again, we picked ourselves up, dusted ourselves off and continued to fight.