Labrador Skeptic Profile picture
Seeker. Husband. Father. Populist. Producerist. USDA Zone 5B. Proudly Midwestern. Heartland Enthusiast!
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Feb 21 12 tweets 3 min read
An interesting part of living in a declining Empire, is that if you pay attention - you can see why it's declining.

While they mostly don't realize it - people come to embrace Decline. They love Decline. All successful people must max-Decline.

The LW bears the primary
1/ responsibility, there is no doubt about that. The hollowing out of the productive class, the support of vast numbers of the lower class while importing still more, the open looting of the nation by the highest levels - this is the Left, and they are indeed pointing
Feb 19 24 tweets 5 min read
For years now, this has been fundamentally positive account. So, let's talk about the positives.

I believe in civilization. We live in an industrial civilization. Ignorant people may think it is post-industrial, because that describes their lives, but there is no person
who is more vulnerable to the degradation of an industrial civilization than some who doesn't understand the basis of their lives.

The modern Global American Empire and most particularly the large urban areas rely upon a vast and complex industrial civilization that spans
Feb 19 10 tweets 3 min read
Let's talk a few facts, boys & girls.

The Heartland is primary source of American & RW power. We're the source of the current revolution in politics, when it comes to electoral votes, senators & representatives.

We're the source of manufacturing, energy, food & America's
1/ Image
warrior class. Without the Heartland, in all our vast numbers from coast to coast, the self-styled RW thought leaders of the urban coasts would be completely powerless.

Somehow, they can't intellectually handle this, and you get truly weird stuff, like Mystery saying I have
Feb 17 6 tweets 2 min read
Call it "tough love", but it would be good for the UK to go to war. Same for Germany.

The reason is that War is the ultimate Truth Test. Narrative control doesn't matter, a domestic police state doesn't matter, it comes down to whether a nation, its leadership & people
1/ are weak or they are strong.

My apologies to my Brit frens, but the current state of Britain is pathetic. Deindustrializing. Invaded by immigrants. Run by totalitarians who hate their own people & nation. Incapable of real ongoing military production that can support a war.
Feb 13 5 tweets 2 min read
There's no mystery in solving the declining fertility problem. It's culture, and most of the people in our culture are not willing to face up to that, because they don't like what is says.

Our culture as a whole is suicidal - but not all of it, by any means.
1/ In broad strokes, we know the negative factors: liberalism, urbanism, atheism, and women seeking careers instead of motherhood. Put that package together in a single woman, and the TFR is below 1, across all nations.
Feb 12 5 tweets 1 min read
Instead of embracing the dumbshittery of recent US administrations - let's think about US strategic interests.

Russia is not our main rival - China is. Anyone except the bought-off whores of our political class can see that clearly.

The US does not have the troops or weapons
1/ for a two front conflict. So the logical action is the pivot to Asia - which means substantially drawing down US military assets in Europe.

So, if a deal is struck, the US puts some daylight between Putin and Xi, while moving most troops and weapons to the Asian theater.
Feb 12 5 tweets 2 min read
This is a fascinating post, and it of course coordinates with what Hegseth said, undoubtedly under Trump's instructions.

Zelensky was not part of this process, but rather Trump will be informing him of it after the long call with Putin.
1/ There is no mention of discussing things with other European nations at all. Indeed, the four negotiators are all US officials.

It sounds like Trump intends to negotiate a deal with Putin, and then Ukraine & the rest of Europe will be informed of the results.
Feb 12 6 tweets 2 min read
The Left has assumed for decades that they are only ones allowed to inflict injury. They could punch, kick, piss on the conservatives of flyover country, and they would never be scathed. Vicious cowards - but lacking the perspective to see that.

Predictably, some payback
1/ is finally arriving - and much of the Left has no idea how to handle this. That's unfair! The Right can't punch back! We can't face personal consequences!

The current "center", which used to be themselves Liberals, also have trouble with this situation.
Feb 10 4 tweets 1 min read
Hear me out: this is the consequence of an unnatural society. Modern society is dedicated to the massive, involuntary redistribution of wealth, which gives 78% of women the ability to say "f*ck you incels" to 80% of men.

The natural solution is for the 80% of men to cut off
1/ all forms of support, including money, housing, energy, food, to the 78% of women.

The "top" 20% of men refuse to support more than the top 20% of women. This leaves 58% of women with no means of support - unless they decide there are some worthwhile guys in the other 80%.
Feb 7 4 tweets 1 min read
Political reality is chess, if one wants to win. That means thinking multiple steps ahead, instead of reacting emotionally.

Am I very unhappy about firing the DOGE kid? Absolutely. Should we complain? Yes.
1/ We are in the midst of destroying the Enemy. Should we stop and form a circular firing squad instead?

Absolutely not - but there has been ample USAID encouraging "RW" whores to do so the entire time, including I would argue much or most of the best-known RW on X.
Feb 5 6 tweets 2 min read
Tbc, I love my brilliant wife & daughter, & the opposite sex in general.

The issues for women in general (not mine) are vulnerability to propaganda, status & broken evolutionary thinking. Many (but not all) women think in purely social terms.
1/ They have no idea why flicking a switch turns on a light, or how motors work - and they do not care in the slightest. Understanding the very basics of what their lives depend upon would be geek talk, LOL, don't be a nerd.
Feb 3 8 tweets 2 min read
Day 14 after the Inauguration, and the shape of Administrative State resistance is taking form. In the last 24 hours we have open attempted rebellion at the FBI as well as USAID, and an attempted doxing / threat from Wired magazine. The media is lining up in support.
1/ The linked Washington Times article is worth reading. Brian Driscoll, the acting FBI director, is refusing direct orders from the Justice Department to provide the names of the FBI officers involved in investigating J6 protestors.
Jan 28 10 tweets 2 min read
Stock market losses exceeded $1 trillion yesterday, including almost $600 billion in losses for Nvidia alone.

The lessons of DeepSeek are ones of arrogance, hubris & financialization. We're seeing what happens when a culturally homogenous nation takes on a DEI economic zone.
1/ Greed & arrogance created this situation.

China did not develop any of this on their own -they were given it on the cheap for decades, for small financial gains for US companies, universities & individual professors.

The entire business ethos of the GAE at this point,
Jan 25 8 tweets 2 min read
Well worth reading👇

There is still a staggering amount of real wealth & power in America. It is found in our skilled labor & engineers. It is found in our farmers, factory workers, tradesmen & so many others. This human capital is the real source of First World standards
1/ of living, not finance or HR or Big Tech.

I'm also of the belief that the big con will be falling apart one day, and that much of the standard of living we currently enjoy will - on average - be lost.

"On average" those are the key words. I don't think many average Americans
Jan 25 6 tweets 2 min read
The fundamental issue is the use of the State to involuntarily redistribute resources from one segment of society to another. This is the basis of the Dem party.

For someone who really only consumes, such as low income minorities & most urban service sector workers,
1/ they are indifferent to the source of the production of the real, that their day-to-day standards of living are completely dependent upon. They don't care about the producers in their own country, because the producers are low status people who live in bumbfuck nowhere.
Jan 25 5 tweets 2 min read
It was slightly more profitable to send chip production that is critical to our security & standards of living to a place that's very vulnerable, instead of maintaining our jobs, manufacturing capability & strength. Same thing today, but the CEO is more likely to be Indian
1/ than American.

Same thinking that resulted in gutting the Heartland by offshoring the manufacturing and destroying the greatest industrial power in history, while giving that power to an enemy.

Same thinking that has management hiring a flood of H1Bs and illegal immigrants,
Jan 23 10 tweets 3 min read
Generally, DEI/woke policies are a cancer that slowly kills the host, as a Competency Crisis builds to the point where Complexity fails.

The exception is DEI/woke militaries, where the host can be killed almost instantly. This may be the defining geopolitical event of our
1/ lifetimes. What has happened in the West is that we built the most awesome economic / industrial / academic / military set of institutions that had ever existed.

These have now almost entirely been taken over via institutional capture by a set of incompetents
Jan 23 10 tweets 2 min read
Canadian and other Woke militaries such as in Europe are an arbitrage opportunity, with arbitrage meaning you can score wins that should on paper be impossible.

On paper, Canada has 68,000 active duty soldiers. When it comes to army combat troops, however, there are only
1/ 3 Brigade Groups each of which has 3 battalions of infantry, plus some artillery & combat engineers. Call it 4,500 soldiers(?) per brigade, so less than 14,000 actual combat troops. The tail in this peacetime army is quite large compared to the small tooth, no surprise.
Jan 21 5 tweets 1 min read
So it begins. Not just the welcome wave of Executive Orders, but the immediate defiance of federal employees. The BOP is illegally delaying the release of pardoned prisoners. The NY post reports the ICE raids are being delayed because of leaks.

This is where Trump II needs
to be completely different from Trump I. Remember the early days of Trump I when ifed employees were leaking phone call transcripts to foreign leaders to try to embarrass Trump? There was four years of lying and defiance.
Jan 20 8 tweets 2 min read
Worthwhile three deep nested thread👇

The future of whites will be organized intelligence that teaches sons to emulate violent men. This was the source of Western civilization. The words "the Great" used to be reserved for the conquerors, those who directed organized violence
1/ to destroy and conquer rival peoples. This is only common sense, when all of history consists of regular violence and conquest, the civilization - and DNA - that survives will be those who do the conquering.

This is a very different type of violence from the low violence
Jan 18 6 tweets 2 min read
This version of AI profits exposes all of AI as being a Big Lie, a fraud that is being sold to the general public.

If AI leads to mass unemployment while not boosting the production of goods, then there are catastrophic consequences for the average person.
1/ The Big Lie is that AI, perhaps in combination with robots will automate production to an unprecedented extent. This will increase the amount of goods and make them cheaper, allowing much of the population to live on UBI. That's the (lying) theory.