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Seeker. Husband. Father. Populist. Producerist. USDA Zone 5B. Proudly Midwestern. Heartland Enthusiast!
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Sep 6 5 tweets 2 min read
This is an important point 👇for the many people who point to WWII & say the US can crank up military production at any time.

The US started building ships & bombers 6-7 years in advance. There was a long time to build the factories & the shipyards, providing Depression jobs.
1/ The US had not only the physical facilities, but most critically of all, it had the engineers & skilled labor who had 6-7 years of experience building warships & warplanes.

That's part of what we're seeing with Boeing - MBA idiots got rid of the most experienced skilled labor
Sep 5 10 tweets 3 min read
There's WAR raging in the comments about whether the US public wanted to go to war in 1940, and I'm going to link to 3 relevant posts from a May 🧵

Below is the version that I'm familiar with - consistent, overwhelming public opposition to entering the war.
1/ It's critical to note the exact wording, because the wording changes the polls results. When asked whether we should "send our Army and Navy abroad to fight?" the overwhelming answer of 90%+ was no. People did not want US soldiers dying in Europe.
Sep 3 7 tweets 2 min read
People breathlessly awaiting the arrival of cloning machines & self-repairing robots are an odd group, particularly when they themselves aren't making it happen.

The 2nd order effect of this coming about is that they cease to exist, along with 95% of the rest of humanity.
1/ If you look at some of the stuff coming out of the WEF & related areas, the problem is that there are far too many people in the world. A global population of 500 million to 1 billion is compatible with stopping global warming while rebuilding vital ecosystems.
Sep 3 7 tweets 2 min read
This is about people not being able to afford children from a subthread in the replies - and it is both true & not true

Completely false as demonstrated in the thread linked next. 👉

But true, as in tens of millions will indeed end their bloodlines over not facts but culture
1/ As developed in this 16-post 🧵👇, the facts are clear - by children and families are affordable for those living in some cities in the former Rust Belt.

This fact is a useful sorting system, as found in the numerous replies, many of which are vicious
Sep 2 12 tweets 3 min read
Women in the West are passing through a Darwinian bottleneck, in which many gene lines will die out - while other women's children will dominate the future.

The issue is that feelings are not a logical process - & that means they are necessarily blind to second-order effects
Again - this does not apply to all women! Instead, I'm exploring the reasons for the increase in genetically unsuccessful women, not the winners.

For a lot of women, particularly when they are young, decision-making is a social & feelings-based process, in which status is sought
Sep 1 10 tweets 2 min read
One of the weirdest parts of living in a nation descending into totalitarianism is the average people on the Left cheering on jailing the opposition & ending free speech - but thinking they still get to vote & decide things.

You idiots, that is not at all how this works.
We're already seeing this on display with Kamala - and yet the average Dem seems fine with this.

They're lied to every day about Biden's condition - hey, no problem.

A group of people on a non-public basis selects their leader for them, someone whose never won a Dem primary
Aug 31 7 tweets 2 min read
Excellent reply post👇well worth reading the whole thing.

We have a sample size of 1. All comparisons to previous reserve currencies - including USD before 1970s - are garbage, because those currencies were either literally previous metals (Spanish Real/Dollars),
1/ or were backed by physical precious metals, such as the US dollar having a gold peg during Bretton Woods, where a foreign nation could in theory turn in dollars and demand gold.

The only sustained fiat reserve currency there has ever been is the US dollar over ~53 years.
Aug 29 16 tweets 4 min read

My posts are an interrelated search for solutions. In outline form:

1. Complexity / Competence / $ Reserve Status
2. Urban / Rural false dichotomy
3. Elites / Chuds false dichotomy
4. The fertility myth
5. Heartland State's Rights & saving Western civilization

These are some quick summary notes for myself as I attempt several integrations.

For those of you who have been following the development, I invite you to read along & appreciate your comments.
Aug 29 7 tweets 2 min read
I enjoy the arguments in the replies, and this is where the physics guy earned the win, even if his opponent didn't understand.

Entertainment is spaceships fly like airplanes or cars. Acceleration & steer, any athlete can do it better than a nerd!
1/ The human mind can intuitively understand this, so this is essentially what is presented in Star Trek, Star Wars, etc.

Space itself, even in the Solar System, isn't intuitive. Incomprehensibly huge masses that are incomprehensibly far apart are moving extremely rapidly
Aug 28 10 tweets 2 min read
Good point, but let's explore this further. The key issue is preferential DEI admissions at the better engineering programs with competitive admissions (the majority of engineering programs are not as selective)

Let's say the natural state with merit is 80% white & asian men.
1/ This would then say that the "natural" state with pure merit based admissions would be 20% women & POC

The leading programs are under intense pressure to bring in 50%+ women, and substantial "minorities". So, let's say that moves white & asian men down to 30%, and women & POC
Aug 28 4 tweets 1 min read
The US is the wealthiest large nation in the history of the world - but most of the population only has a Cargo Cult type understanding of the Competence & Complexity their lives are based upon.

Engineers are nerds. Skilled labor are proles. Electricity & groceries
1/ just materialize out of the air as needed. Having access to smart phones is a human right.

Single women do performative theater sitting in cars in front of phones, with no idea why anything works. They think they are brilliant & special, but would have lifetimes measured in days
Aug 28 11 tweets 3 min read
This is one of 3 elements in play that will change all of our lives, for the rest of our lives, in the next 5-10 years.

They are 1) Complexity; 2) Competence & 3) Reserve Status. Mandatory participation.

CalTech was one of the best scientific & engineering institutions
1/ in the world. CalTech was extremely difficult to get in, very difficult to get through, and it produced some of the most competent STEM minds in the world

CalTech has fallen. While private, it followed the lead of the University of CA system, and banned the use of test scores
Aug 26 10 tweets 2 min read
The choice this election is not Right vs Left, but Freedom vs Totalitarianism.

What the Left in general - and single women in particular - don't understand is their votes will very quickly become irrelevant, if "their side" wins this election.
1/ Peacefully resolving differences in a constitutional republic requires the active support of both sides

Elections have to be free & fair. You don't get to jail the losers & supporters. The govt cannot be weaponized against one side. The govt & media cannot control information
Aug 24 14 tweets 3 min read
I think we need to go bigger picture. The ready availability of cheap drones & missiles for attacking sea routes is a form of Gray Zone Asymmetrical Warfare.

Not between Houthis & US, or Iran & US, but between China & US. The US has no effective counters without
1/ fundamental economic changes, that would be very financially disruptive for the "elites" in charge

There is a great deal of misinformation out there. Ukraine does not make drones by itself, nor does Russia or Iran. They all rely on assembling cheap Chinese electronics for the
Aug 23 10 tweets 2 min read
Part of the reason Chinese manufacturing is defeating the US geopolitically is bad paradigms that dominate our education.

Wall Street is almost ensuring that the US can't keep up - even if explaining why is going to make some MBAs really angry with me.
1/ A perfect example can be seen with what is happening with Texas Instruments right now👇

The big picture is the US is trying to greatly increase chip manufacturing, as a matter of catching up. Texas Instruments is an old line tech company that makes chips.…
Aug 23 4 tweets 1 min read
There is great value in Roman Empire comparisons - but only to a point, and they are quite invalid in other ways.

As I've written about numerous times, splitting the world into elites/proles is a false dichotomy. The world we live in is based on STEM workers & skilled labor.
1/ The STEM workers, with engineers being the most prominent example, in combination with skilled labor is what produces the standard of living we all rely upon, and there is no ready equivalent in the ancient world, nor in Marxist/Leninist theory.
Aug 22 6 tweets 2 min read
The ignorance of these two "alpha" women is extraordinary.

This isn't minor. The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) is the source of inflation & employment data, anyone remotely competent in the area knows the name, follows the releases.

This is a mask-off moment.
1/ The journalist doesn't know the correct name. The high government official responsible for commerce isn't familiar with the agency or the biggest financial news.

They're wind-up dolls selected on the basis of gender & social skills. A stunning degree of ignorance.
Aug 15 5 tweets 2 min read
My patrilineal ancestor arrived in New Amsterdam in 1650. Spent 170 years slowly moving the frontier west, and were among the earliest inhabitants of the lower Midwest. The great majority of my ancestors are Colonial stock.

We are not the same. This is not a slight on you.
1/ We'll start with the assumption that genealogy & ancestry matters. It does with a lot of people.

For the true Heritage Americans, those of us who (in my definition) are of Colonial stock, our ancestors had an entirely different experience than say, the Ellis Island arrivals.
Aug 15 8 tweets 2 min read
If Trump is sent to prison less than 2 months before the election on kangaroo court charges, it could end the US political system as we know it. That said, yes, in the short term nothing may happen at all

Imprisoning Trump would accelerate the de-legitimization of the US govt
1/ The US govt is able to function in its current form only because the great majority of its citizens accept its legitimacy.

That legitimacy is already in a lot of trouble, particularly in Red States. The stolen election of 2020.
Aug 13 5 tweets 1 min read
Apropos of nothing, with regard to no nation, or current situation, there is an inflection point that can occur with rioting that is difficult to comprehend before it happens.

Before this time - only a fool would oppose the govt. Arrest, prison, career destruction,
family disgrace and impoverishment... there are a long list of reasons why no reasonable person would want anything to do with rioting. "Success" for rioters may seem impossible.

However, sometimes a threshhold is crossed as we saw in Bangladesh over the last 2 weeks.
Aug 13 6 tweets 2 min read
Britain is moving very fast at this point towards something that has explosive potential. Let's put three pieces together from the last 2 weeks.

First 👇we have violent rioting based upon the continuing deaths of young innocents, at the hands of protected immigrant groups.
1/ Next, we have extraordinary new polling numbers out, showing that something like a third of all Brits have had enough, and are ready for violence to bring an end to these assaults.