The Oracle🏺 Profile picture
Attorney, happy wife (NO DM’s), daughter, sister, aunt, friend, animal lover, bon vivant, bibliophile, lover of history/art, traveler, oenophile, contemplator
Sep 20 • 11 tweets • 2 min read
People really aren’t pushing back against the Republicans’ LIE that immigrants are voting. I used to work for DHS - if you even register to vote as a noncitizen, you’re OUT; no defense. And it DOES NOT HAPPEN. These LIES need to be called out so much more forcefully. 1/ Here’s what it would take for a typical immigrant to be able to vote: enter US with parole. Wait for your asylum hearing a few years later. If granted (huge percentage DENIED), you are in asylee status for a year. Then you can apply for a green card. That process takes time 2/