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Chief of Staff at Remilia Corporation @remiliacorp333 Warlord Commander at YAYO Corporation @YayoCorp THIS IS NOT A PROMISE OF EQUITY OR OWNERSHIP IN ANYTHING
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Feb 7 5 tweets 12 min read
Besides the obvious implications of a crumbling economy putting a stranglehold on the average consumer, the service industry has always been a bubble waiting to burst.

The entire foundation of working in service is built upon replicating the experience of aristocratic dining where every aspect of logistic necessity is removed from the act of preparing and consuming food. A majority of society for a majority of history has had to contend with these basic logistic necessities. The ingredients need to be procured, the food needs to be cooked, the eating environment needs to be set, and the mess needs to be cleaned afterwards. While variations and communal context varies, traditionally a matriarch performs the cooking within a single household unit, ingredients either literally or symbolically procured by the patriarch through provision, and both setting and cleaning either being performed by her or shared among the family as a duty.

What makes this different from being rich and having servants is that you’re taking the responsibilities away from those participating in the dining experience. A chef procures the ingredients and cooks the meal, servants set the table, servants serve the food, servants clean up the mess, and servants wash the dishes. Every participant of the actual dining experience is completely unburdened by the laborious necessities, free to enjoy the act of eating itself with as little imposition on their time and energy as possible.

However, because of this, those raised in wealth are given a strict standard of etiquette to follow with a higher form of ritual. The spiritual health of a society is both affected and indicated by the basic social rituals within a few key elements of the human experience. You can judge a people by the standards of certain activities they perform, including how they solidify marriages and therefore families, how they dispose of their dead, how they handle disputes, and most notably, what rituals they perform when eating.

The specific rules of etiquette exist as a function of acknowledging the presence of others and performing basic acts to reduce as much sensory imposition as possible. Belching is rude because it sounds disgusting, napkins are placed on the lap, not the table because it’s unpleasant to see food stains on them, elbows stay off because it shakes the table and disturbs other diners. In a high class environment, the act of eating itself is always relegated as a vehicle for the social element of dining. All of human history signified the act of breaking bread as a ritual of enhancing communication, understanding, and social bond between two individuals. The rich have learned that eating the food itself is never the focus of dining in company. The food is merely a vehicle for continual participation in ensuring your place in this world and working towards elevating your position in the hierarchy of those around you.

This is why it’s traditionally polite to never fully finish a meal. First it’s a function of abundance. To eat to completion is a symptom of scarcity, acting out of fear of starvation which is incongruent to living a life of means where there will always be more food available than you could ever hope to consume entirely. But furthermore it’s an expression of self control, all etiquette is. Etiquette itself is the act of enforcing both self control and focus on acknowledging those around you through followable mutually understood rules. Secondly, leaving leftovers fulfilled a function of rewarding the servants. They would always eat whatever wasn’t used, enjoying decadent meals which they otherwise wouldn’t have access to were it not for their position.

In many ways, the servant living in the palace, having families alongside their masters family, eating their food, and so forth created a symbiotic relationship. All of these dynamics were mimicked in the creation of the modern dining experience, an inevitable folly serving towards its own downfall. The modern dining experience began as a process of mimicking the dynamic of having servants. Someone seats you, someone serves you drinks, someone serves you food cooked by a chef, someone cleans up the table after you, and someone washes the dishes. Your only responsibility as the patron is to compensate for the food and service at the end of the meal. The concept of public dining is ancient, the thermopilia, the inn, tea houses, taverns, cookshops, bodegas, etc. Historical context varies but a significant amount of these public dining establishments would cater to the lower classes, often combining services with alcohol, prostitution, and gambling.

The French conceived of the modern “restaurant” in the late 18th century, the specific dining format described here, a simulation of having servants, chefs, access to an elegant dining hall, and a choice wine cellar. The revolution would disenfranchise many nobles, leading to the creation of many more restaurants across France and spreading throughout the world eventually.

Until the 20th century, having the title of “restaurant” would imply an experience elevated beyond simply having a bowl of slop handed to you at a bench or a table. The dining experience was still for the wealthy and many of the same expectations of etiquette would be expected of the customer. Restaurants would be iconic places of status, judged shrewdly by an elite class while becoming a social arena for them, places where empires could rise and fall, multimillion dollar deals hashed out onto cocktail napkins.

The inherent problem of the restaurant model compared to being served formally was the lack of privacy and the emotionally incongruent act of paying at the end. The former was managed by the highest possible emphasis placed on seating and architecture. An ideal restaurant creates a little world for each table where the background is reduced to a minimum, both visually through alcoves, walls, separators, etc and acoustically. The latter issue, payment, is a bit more complex.

The payment portion of the dining experience is the most jarring. Anyone who’s worked in the service industry can tell you how consistently and curiously patrons will behave one way the entire evening and then the mood will quietly shift when the check comes out. As if some flip has switched, the patrons are suddenly reminded of the realities of the world. The check symbolizes the cessation of festivity and a reminder of the dividing line between them and the server. They suddenly are forced to acknowledge a position of hierarchy, accept an imposition of need, and reconcile with the possibility that any rapport they’ve possibly built with their server was a completely manufactured experience.

All of these factors were kept to a minimum in the traditional servant-master dynamic. The question of pay was most certainly kept far and away from the act of dining, and the mark of a good servant or butler is defined by how invisibly they can perform their functions. Any good server should be trained in this art, understanding that the diners do not give a shit about you. A good server completely occupies an existence built around predicting and silently fulfilling the needs of their patrons with as minimal interruption to the intended dining experience as possible. If the customers have some need of socializing, a good server detects and fulfills that function, a great server finds a way to make that be or at least feel like a genuine human connection, much like a good prostitute makes her clients feel like she genuinely loves them.

The act of serving well factors into a variety of skills which were performed at their highest during the invention of the modern dining experience, where servers would have had all the same training, standards, and etiquette of an actual servant. With time these standards could only have fallen as they did because the model of a restaurant is incongruent to the thing it tries to imitate.
Dec 7, 2021 17 tweets 11 min read
It is highly likely that the most ancient story on earth, The Epic of Gilgamesh & its many concurrent forms are the descended tales of an evolution of stories passed down from half remembered fan fiction about an ancient Atlantean TV show being told over post apocalyptic campfire ImageImageImageImage Ideas and the network of fiction, philosophy, and knowledge which those ideas can connect to create, are all built on biological foundations. Ideas are tangible and have a living consciousness that is fed by the creation, interaction, and reproduction of the idea itself.
Nov 14, 2021 8 tweets 3 min read
Average TNG plot: the crew encounters a new form of life created when the holodeck glitches the replicators into failing to process the crews shits out of their toilets properly. The resulting shitpile collides with subspace neutrinos and creates a shit based nano organism. Image The sentient shit monster develops an ability to communicate through the ships computer within thirty seconds of its sentience. It proclaims its intent to rape and kill every living creature in the universe and that such an act is the sole purpose of its existence. Image
Aug 14, 2021 12 tweets 12 min read
The act of cutting open an animal and revealing its organs is one of the most ancient & powerful forms of divination known to humanity. It comes to no surprise that the meat industry is secretly one of the highest purveyors of animal sacrifice magic, both in benefit & consequence ImageImageImageImage Every time something dies, the entirety of its life, its past & the very meaning of its being are funneled into the means of its death. This is true for immaterial concepts as much as it is true for living creatures. The death of something defines a great deal of its life ImageImageImage
Jul 18, 2021 13 tweets 11 min read
Silicon Valley billionaires, in conjunction with rogue CIA cells, have been pushing DMT propaganda in media and culture because they want to create a legion of mercenaries in the Afterlife Dreamscape to control key access points where spirits and god-entities can alter our world. ImageImageImageImage Signals can be sent from spirit dimensions into our own in exchange for some form of incomprehensible spiritual currency. They manifest themselves as incongruencies, synchronicities, and strong abrupt feelings. Spirits, gods, demons, and everything else choose different signals. ImageImageImage
Jun 18, 2021 27 tweets 13 min read
There is an inherent trauma to learning. Whenever you learn something you are altering your physical being around that subject, taking in permanent features into your subconscious which will imperceptibly mold you to an established aesthetic. This is true for anything you consume ImageImageImageImage When I say trauma, I don’t imply it’s necessarily bad. Lifting weights causes micro tears in your muscles that when healing create hypertrophy and increased strength. That is technically still trauma but it implies growth in a positive way. Of course there can still be negatives Image
May 5, 2021 7 tweets 5 min read
Honestly the American on vacation is quite similar to the Romans who would take trips to Sparta, a meek shell of itself, and tour the city like a zoo, pointing out how brave and fierce these now slaves used to be. Powerful experience for a people who claim ancestry from Troy ImageImageImageImage The American boisterousness and overly social tropes of clapping inappropriately and tipping unnecessarily on vacation are akin to the proud celebration of some consul on a triumph giving away money and mirth to the downtrodden foreigner as if to say "Look how happy YOU could be" ImageImageImageImage
Apr 30, 2021 24 tweets 19 min read
Everything surrounding you is the product of meticulous design. Your clothes, your architecture, your products, your media, your music, your scents, your foods, etc. Your AESTHETIC alters your internal vibrations. This is an ongoing part of what I call...

The Vibe Wars ImageImageImageImage What would happen if "vibes" was a concept that everyone accepted as true? Not simply just a placeholder name for emotions, not just some vague hippie yoga concept, but a tangible measurable energy or substance that could be detected and manipulated with precise consistency? ImageImageImageImage
Apr 7, 2021 12 tweets 8 min read
My name is Scorched Earth Policy and I love beautiful women.
I want to have sex with beautiful women.
This expression is being evaporated by a sinister silent war against male vitality. There was once a time when men could gather around and mutually publicly share this sentiment ImageImageImageImage I want you to picture a mechanics garage. An old school place where people get their hands filthy and smoke cigarettes. Oil stains on a concrete floor, rusted well worn wrenches. On a particle board shelf with half empty oils & random bolts, a playboy calendar is taped up proudly ImageImage
Mar 23, 2021 12 tweets 5 min read
There is a man who has only one purpose in a place where everything is a game. He must lose one billion times. He works 8 hours a day, 5 days a week, and gets paid a moderate wage. He is the Designated Loser. In this simulated arena, he loses so that others can feel like they won Image The Man Who Loses has gone through a series of emotions when he began. At first enthusiasm. Then irritation. Then weariness. Then despair. Then subdued rage. Then crazed enjoyment. Then emptiness. This spectrum of reactions is a minute fraction left behind early at his job. Image
Mar 23, 2021 11 tweets 6 min read
There is a feature to your memories that doesn't reveal itself until you've accrued a great deal of them. When you are a child, your memories are mundane recollections of the recent past, a tube TV crammed inside your skull with a VHS player, little rewind buttons on your teeth. ImageImageImageImage With time, the places, people, and moments that were always available will change or disappear. The moment a totem of familiarity that participates in your life is gone, you start making copies of copies. Your memories are not of things, rather you remember previous memories. Image
Feb 13, 2021 7 tweets 7 min read
There is a secret subconscious cult that all young women participate in unknowingly. A thirty thousand year old sisterhood shaman priest knowledge passed down from mother to daughter, friend to friend, as memetic timebombs. A Mystery School of condensing and concealing language. ImageImageImageImage Technology has only made this power more apparent. With innate instinct, a young woman, plugged into a digital reality with fluent appendages for the chaotic hyperevolution of communication can string together hundreds of chess moves in a 7 letter text message with emojis. ImageImageImageImage
Jan 25, 2021 14 tweets 11 min read
Do you approach your life with a Cyclopian focus? Laser beam face melting lung exploding winddrift velocity heralds you now. Today is Monday. Today is a good day. Today is the day you purchase a hammer from a local hardware store. Open your mind for the next 5 minutes, it's time: ImageImageImageImage First, I want you to think about a specific time in 1993, some of you remember it well as adults, some of you remember blurry DMT style past life reincarnation memories as toddlers, some of you remember dualistic hivemind memories of being your dad's cum and your mom's egg. ImageImageImageImage
Jan 14, 2021 10 tweets 8 min read
Just think, if Napoleon would have won, we would be living in a Francosphere. While having to contend with their ridiculous language, we in turn would be in enmeshed in a pastry dough induced permanent coma of opulence and gold trims, juxtaposed against Jules Vernian cyberpunk.

I want you to picture a future where you velcro on an imitation French soldier's uniform and Napoleon cap as you board some phallus ivory supertrain that takes you across a skyline, holding billions packed like sardines in concrete hologram bunkers that look like Versailles.
Dec 26, 2020 26 tweets 19 min read
A lot of people that I made up have been asking me "Scorch, how do I get girls to like me?" Women have been historically and eternally an enigma to the male mind. Infinitely complicated, yet deceptively simple. Today I will reveal many secrets about what women really want:

Women are different and they ultimately aren't going to match up all their interests across the entire sex. And furthermore their interests can change with age. But there are a few things that almost all women can agree that they want in a man, and it begins with The Doors. Image
Dec 16, 2020 18 tweets 7 min read
Pain is good. Pain is great. Pain is actually the best feeling in the world because it is the most honest. Pain is not lying to you. Pain is not pretending to be anything. Pain has no pretensions, no complications, no layers, no traps. The only aftereffect of pain is more pain. Image Pain is the constant burn that hardens you like a sharpened stick in an open flame, purifying you, singing away and melting off every little bit of you that is incapable of withstanding more pain. Making you more resilient to further pain, with higher intensity in the future. Image
Dec 11, 2020 17 tweets 14 min read
The worlds greatest psyop was a global suborbital jet cropdust in 1983. Thousands of planes streaked across the sky with blue dye that would permanently float in the upper atmosphere. Global house arrest, major alterations to historical text and film. The sky isn't blue. ImageImageImageImage Black and white television becoming the prominent captivation of western society was a color reprogramming psyop. Once up to 85% of the population was having dreams in black in white, they introduced Technicolor with props and set being done in the wrong color. ImageImage
Nov 2, 2020 24 tweets 18 min read
Do you keep seven duffel bags filled with tools, supplies, manuals, weapons, clothing, chemical, toiletries, food and water? 21 duffel bags, 7 each for your home, car, and workplace for different situations, ranging from basic every day needs to complete societal breakdown? ImageImageImageImage Have you studied local NIMS and FEMA protocol for major outtages, natural disaster, pandemic, mass shootings, biochemical attack, and nuclear detonation? Have you memorized the road/highway setup, sewer system, AND the natural terrain topography 100 mile radius around your home? ImageImageImageImage
Oct 29, 2020 11 tweets 8 min read
There are periods of opportune time to be born that line up with great social or technological change. If you are lucky enough to be born to a point where you can grow up as these windows of opportunity open during your adulthood, you can become rich and successful. Image No greater example exists than that of the Robber Barons. Powerful industrialists and magnates, born at just the right time to capitalize on an emerging market and build an empire of wealth and influence. Born at just the right time in the right place. ImageImageImageImage
Oct 28, 2020 12 tweets 8 min read
Scientists and journalists have traded the time tested tale of reality being God's creation for a more Scientism friendly lore: the universe and all within it is a computer simulation.

Whether or not you believe this assertion, today we'll play with the implications of it. ImageImageImageImage First we must take the immediate idea of a simulation being run off of some greater realm of existence, implying there is limitation. Then we would benefit to apply Game Theory to this. The idea that man turns everything into a game, a dilemma between cooperation and competition. ImageImage
Oct 24, 2020 22 tweets 11 min read
Welcome to a Grassroots Nuclear Holocaust, powered exclusively by a storyteller from an alternate reality that sometimes leaks into our own.

Youtube channel for my vids and the Scorchcast:

Big, best threads down below:…
The definite step by step gameplan for AI and its implications for the human race
