Pranav Radhakrishnan Profile picture
Science Communicator | YouTuber | #science #scicomm #youtube | debunking #Pseudoscience | My instagram handle is also the same. All my links below:
Apr 14 14 tweets 3 min read
Here’s the full story of my hacking experience. I used to think that having 2-factor-authentication will do the trick. No one can hack you unless they also have your phone. Not true. Read on if you don’t want something similar to happen to you. Particularly if you are a youtuber 1/n
I got a twitter dm from the account @robrobbyg saying he was a @lingoda PR manager, and wanted a promotion on my channel. The account was set up in 2011 and had lingoda’s posts from several months back. Everything seemed legitimate. @lingoda this is to notify you also. Image
Jul 1, 2023 12 tweets 2 min read
Dear Ayurveda Practitioners who think I’m anti-ayurveda

(A responsible reply, from a science communicator) 2/11
Im not anti-ayurveda. Im pro-public health. And pro-rational thinking.
I speak against all alternative medicine. It’s possible u may only have seen my content on ayurveda and jumped to a conclusion.
I have nothing to gain by speaking against ayurveda.There’s nobody paying me
Mar 15, 2022 8 tweets 3 min read
Thread: Detecting "Energy" using L-rods

Remember this video that went viral on twitter a few months back? 2/n
I think it was easy to dismiss it as pseudoscience. But here’s a thread for those of you who are wondering why the rods came together or went apart in the first place.
Dec 29, 2021 7 tweets 1 min read
Thread: My favorite science, math and rationality channels.

I’ve been watching youtube for quite a while now. Probably since 2010. And in that time I’ve discovered quite a few channels. 2/n

This thread is a list of my favorites based around science, engineering and math and rationality that I’ve been diligently watching since. Feel free to add your favorites and recommendations to the list.
Dec 7, 2021 15 tweets 3 min read

Often, I see videos like these that are extremely problematic. But creators like @abhiandniyu who make such content probably don’t realize how harmful such videos are not just to the image of India, but also to the viewers themselves (no link because I don't wanna share) 2/n

Let’s talk first about how it hurts the image of the country. Most of these claims have no or extremely weak evidence backing them. The people who share these only do so because it makes them feel good, had it been true. So, they assume it’s true!
Dec 6, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read
Is Ramayana History? 1/n

I can’t believe I’m actually making a thread on this topic but things have gotten so bad for scientific temper in this country that I feel I have to.
Dec 5, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
Just watched @NetflixIndia's video where they tried to recreate squid games using Indian influencers and I thought it was terrible.

I don't know if it's just me or I'm comparing it with the standard of @MrBeast 's squid game recreation which is now at 150M views. Here's the video in talking about
Oct 25, 2021 12 tweets 3 min read
Thread: Stories from Science 4:

How we first learned that the earth was round


This story begins around 240 BC with a man named Eratosthenes who was a mathematician and head of the library at Alexandria, Egypt.
Sep 30, 2021 9 tweets 3 min read
A response thread to a pseudoscience thread:

The following thread asserts similarities between the design of nuclear power plants and the shivling


The building in question is called a containment building in a nuclear plant and is usually shaped like a dome. In the event of an accident it's designed to contain the high pressures of steam and other gases.
Sep 13, 2021 13 tweets 3 min read
Thread: How to be an amateur astronomer without a telescope ⬇️⬇️


I got a lot of positive responses on twitter and instagram when I tweeted on Venus and the moon and the app Sky map. So, to all the stargazers out there who wanna take it up a level, read on… 2/

First things first - download an app like sky map, stellarium, star walk, sky portal. They’re designed to use your GPS location and phone’s orientation to show what stars are in the sky in your area.
Aug 28, 2021 15 tweets 3 min read
1. A thread breaking down @Sadhgurujv’s analysis of the model of the atom as promised: 2. Jaggi is very clever in the way he tries to discredit science. Models of the atom are not mere guesses as he makes it sound. They are carefully considered and proposed based on the evidence discovered so far. Let’s look at what he says and carefully pick everything apart.
Aug 26, 2021 14 tweets 4 min read
A thread of logical fallacies I've gotten in the replies so far:

This person is committing an appeal to ignorance fallacy. You'll often hear people defend their arguments with "science has limitations", "science doesn't know yet", "keep an open mind". No reason to believe in anything that doesn't have good evidence
Aug 25, 2021 13 tweets 3 min read
1. Thread about misconceptions that are spread regarding the science:

When someone like @Sadhgurujv makes really stupid statements to discredit how science works I can understand.
But when people with scientific training like Dr. B M Hegde do it, it’s really disappointing. 2. Tl;dw: Dr. B M Hegde talks about how JJ Thomson, GP Thomson(Hegde gets his name wrong in the video) and E Schrodinger successively said that an electron is a particle, then a wave and then a wavicle(mix of particle and wave) and they all got Nobel prizes for what they said.
Jun 20, 2021 10 tweets 3 min read
Thread: How Steve Jobs died because of alternative medicine.
1. Steve Jobs is perhaps one of the giants of human history who single handedly changed the course of civilization with innovations in smartphones and computing. 2. But for such a towering figure in the landscape of science, he also endorsed a lot of pseudoscience. He supported a lot of Eastern spirituality, which is riddled with pseudoscience. He also used to be a big believer in Complementary and Alternative Medicine and lifestyle ideas
Jun 12, 2021 26 tweets 5 min read
1. Thread about Juhi Chawla and the 5g controversy: Why do people tend to be afraid of 5g? The word radiation gets a bad rap mainly because of its association with nuclear bombs and the radiation aftermath. I’ll talk about this nuclear radiation later. 2. The word radiation comes from the fact that these photons/particles move outward along the radius of a sphere around the source aka radiate
Jun 1, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read
1. Don’t believe what someone says based on their qualifications. Believe them only based on the evidence they provide in support of their claims. Remember, there is no such thing as scientific authority. 2. There are only scientific experts. And experts can always be wrong. Which is why the good ones will always back up their claims with evidence. To emphasize my point that you shouldn’t look at someone’s qualifications as a reason for believing them, I bring you…