How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App problem for sport is that when it's applied this test in the past, it has produced some controversies. Here's an account from one athlete on their failed test, having previously passed it: What this, and other cases (Ewa Klobukowska) remind us… that slice of the female population happens to come from further towards the “high” end of athleticism, and the male slice is further to the “low” end, of course you’ll find similar performances. Look at the VO2, BMI, Fat %, and you know exactly how this “similarity” was made path that leads to this “departure” is interesting. Scientific evidence for retained advantage (and refuting its removal) was there all along, for all parties to recognize. What @BritishCycling had was vocal women who refused to be ignored. Plus a case that demonstrated the sports have to do is a find a balance between creating a pathway that filters out players so that resources can be maximized, and keeping as many players “viable” for as long as possible. At 8, rewarding performance is almost pointless because it’s almost entirely confounded physiology because of androgens and male development, so we need to prevent males in women's rugby until the evidence strongly suggests it is fair and safe". The latter group is not without evidence, mind. We know the initial typical M vs F differences, and we know the comes the second part, where I assume based on a lack of quotation marks, that we are now talking about real science. This is the sociological equivalent of “but Michael Phelps’ arms”, with a seasoning of blackmail. I’d answer the Qs at the end with: “please do & irrelevant” you do it by performance, how do you control for deliberate under-performance? Also, performance is the point of sport, so you’d be using the outcome as the input, so that you’d have a chance at an outcome? That is, well, perfectly circular and defeats the point of sport (2/ now, even the most obvious attempt to include TW at the expense of fairness (& safety - same source physiology) for women has had to abandon this “fairness deception”, and must now begin by accepting the retention of advnantage. It may not feel it, but that IS progress.