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“Only Jesus can save you & everyone sucks” - Andrew Klavan on politics. Cohost to @RowdyRick73 for “Whatever” Wed at 7PM EST on KLRN.
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Feb 28 8 tweets 2 min read
So here’s what we all know.

A prolific pedophile who coordinated the sexual abuse of hundreds of minor girls was murdered in jail before all of his wealthy & powerful clients were outed. We can’t PROVE it, but we all KNOW it.

Then his pedo palace was raided & thousands of/1 hours of video/audio tape was removed along with other evidence. Now we know that evidence was taken & destroyed. You will never see it. And it is highly likely it was destroyed by members of our federal “law enforcement” agency. You KNOW this. /2
Feb 4 9 tweets 2 min read
Okay guys…..

What you have to understand is USAID funding transgender opera in Columbia is not “woke”.

It is meant to be divisive & ultimately create protests/unrest.

Obama’s ambassador to Russia Michael McFaul outlined the steps in a color revolution /1 Image USAID is not only funding the transgender opera as part of creating a united opposition to a government the Blob wants to overthrow. They are funding a compliant media. /2
Jan 28 10 tweets 2 min read
The amount of money being spent by Big Ag & Big Pharma to quash @DrJBhattacharya & @MartyMakary is telling.

They want to turn the focus of the NIH & FDA to investigating the chronic disease epidemic in the US, rather than things like gain of function research. /1 Researching things that will improve the health & longevity of Americans & requiring that results of studies can be independently replicated. We need to know why there is a complete collapse in the metabolic heath of Americans. There is a lot of good research out there /2
Dec 31, 2024 8 tweets 2 min read
Heard something both horrific & stupid today when I was with a family member at a cardiologist’s office.

Patients with abnormal stress tests are being denied cardiac cath procedures, where blockages in the cardiac circulation can be visualized & corrected if needed. /1 This is stupid because patient’s who are admitted once with chest pain will then be told to return to the ER if they have chest pain again. So more ER visits will create more costs & eventually easily outstrip the cost of the definitive test. The cath procedure. /2
Dec 11, 2024 12 tweets 2 min read
To all the morons tweeting about “for profit insurance companies,” you are idiots. Let me help you.

The majority of any private insurance’s book of business, is self insured programs. That means the enployer, the state or the federal government actually pay the claims. /1 Most of them also outsource approvals to a 3rd party approver. One large example is Evicore. The only entity that saves money if a procedure is denied is the employer, the state, or the federal government.

The primary way insurance cos help the self insured control costs is /2
Nov 13, 2024 14 tweets 3 min read
I am going to write a short thread on one of a zillion reasons your healthcare costs are so high & our outcomes are so shitty. Meet my 3rd party approver @evicorehc

That is correct. It is no longer your insurance company who approves & denies your claim. Your premium now /1 includes the insurance company’s admin fees & whatever a 3rd party like Evicore costs.

Anyway, for the last 9 years I have required epidurals to my lower back to reduce sciatic nerve symptoms that radiate to my right hip & down my left leg. These treatments allow me to /2
May 30, 2024 25 tweets 5 min read
So, in 2019 I did a bit of digging into the Ukraine phone call. There I found the work of Michael McFaul & color revolutions. I summarized my research in this article that includes the seven steps he outlined to overthrow a government.… I also expressed my concerns that the mishmosh of government agencies, NGOs & left wing billionaires were going to bring these steps home. Like @glennbeck, I was VERY worried about violence & chaos 2020 in the event of a Trump win. That was BEFORE the George Floyd riots. /2
Mar 15, 2024 13 tweets 4 min read
RANT: Bayer bought Monsanto
Monsanto made Round Up
Round Up contains glyphosate.
Glyphosate was used to chelate pipes & boilers.
Unsurprisingly, it also kills plants. Many natural plants.
Geniuses decided to spray it all over your food to kill weeds & dry grains. /1 To allow food crops to survive this poison, fruits & vegetables were genetically modified do glyphosate could be used to kill weeds.
Grains were not, because they spray this crap all over wheat and other grains to kill them before harvesting & threshing. /2
Oct 7, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read

The Biden adminstration’s focus on “domestic terrorism” AKA ideological disagreement is going to end as badly as it did during the Clinton administration. Focusing on Ruby Ridge, Waco & other anti-government dissenters in the US took their eye off /1 the issue of foreign threats & Al-Queda flourished. We all know how that ended /2
Aug 15, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
Is @FultonCountyDA corrupt? You bet. The whole county is. People don’t go to Atlanta because it is safe or clean. It used to be.

Is the indictment she tripped over reading a politically motived pile of crap? Sure. /1 That doesn’t mean a Fulton County jury won’t convict Trump & jail him. Georgia was selected by the corrupt federal apparatus because the governor does not have veto power. Trump would have to apply to the state bureaucracy after serving five years. /2
May 16, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
Joe Biden shouldn’t buy green bananas. Yet he is presiding over a complete banana republic.

Now you know why they thought they could go after parents at school board meetings & Catholics at church.

They got away with destroying a president based on evidence they fabricated /1 And they are still attempting to destroy him based on fabricated charges & “novel” legal theories.

And the only reason hyperpartisan Americans support this nonsense is the original fabricated charge: RUSSIA!RUSSIA!RUSSIA! /2
Mar 29, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
I want Tik Tok banned.

However any member of the @GOPHouse or @GOPSenate who votes for the RESTRICT Act as written deserves a primary challenge at the next opportunity. /1 The devil is in the details & the bill in its current form is the Patriot Act 2. It gives extraordinary censorship powers to the Executive branch via the Commerce Department. /2
Feb 21, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Trump gave defensive weapons to Ukraine after Obama did not (In fact O said Ukraine was not of strategic interest to the US) and sanctioned Nord 2 which insulated Ukraine from the Russian threat. This mess is on Biden. /1 The idea what we do in Ukraine is a binary choice is also bullshit. At this point an end comes through a negotiated solution, which either Trump or DeSantis would have the intestinal fortitude to force. Because they know /2
Nov 4, 2022 10 tweets 2 min read
Let me tell you how “tax credits” for solar panels work. I have gotten three bids & hilariously one sent me the whole financing spreadsheet. I probably was not supposed to see it, but I did. Let’s chat. /1 First, you will be told you are going to get a ridiculously low rate - I saw as low as 0.99% for 25 years.

Okay, then you spec your system, panels, batteries, etc based on your goals. Then you get your monthly payment options. /2
Nov 3, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
Democracy dies when a cabal colludes to “save” an election. /1… Democracy dies when government bureaucrats censor the news to the benefit of one party. /2…
Oct 7, 2022 13 tweets 3 min read
The dumbest summary to date. Let’s break it down 🧵 /1 Lindy doesn’t know anything about political systems. Saudi Arabia is a theocratic monarchy. North Korea is a Communist dictatorship & client state of China. Russia is a corrupt oligarchy. The situations she points out are a direct result of Biden’s energy & foreign policy. /2
Jul 31, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Having followed reporting from @julie_kelly2 & @RevolverNewsUSA pretty closely there is stuff in here I did not know. Strongly suggest you watch. /1… via @epochtimes I will also add that @crossroads_josh did a definitive documentary on the origins of COVID in the 1st half of 2020. It included the 2015 gain of function study used by @RandPaul to question Dr. Fauci. /2
Jun 10, 2022 6 tweets 1 min read
I was horrified by Jan 6 that day & for some time after.

However, I am far more horrified by the difference in the standard of justice for the detainees from that day & the rioters from the summer of 2020.

Biden’s DOJ just asked for mercy for 2 leftwing attorneys /1 that threw Molotov cocktails into police cars & almost all federal charges related to the months long riots have been dropped.

People accused of misdemeanors on Jan 6 are in solitary confinement for months at this point. /2
May 23, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
These geniuses have been wargaming pandemics at the global level for decades. They have also been pulling viruses out of the buts, mouths, ears & veins of bats, monkeys, birds, pigs & God knows what for decades. /1 They were trying to predict & preempt the next disease emergence. Yet COVID came along and every last one of them had NO ideas rather than taking your liberties, ruining your small businesses, locking your church, ruining your children & forcing you to take an experimental /2