Z. Scott Colter ✒️ Profile picture
Chairman & CEO @DanburyInst | Partner @ColterCo | Professor @MABTS | Conservative Christian | Husband & Father | PhD
Mar 16, 2024 24 tweets 6 min read
Regarding the SBC, great challenges, and even greater challenges

Around this time each year, discussions regarding the SBC rise toward a fever pitch.  Baptists are as divided at this current junction as they ever have been—perhaps more so.

I have been a Southern Baptist for my entire life.  I’ve been concerned about the direction of the SBC since 2015.  I’ve been actively opposing the rise of liberal and moderate factions in our convention since 2018.  A few thoughts: In 2020, the Conservative Baptist Network emerged as a true grassroots coalition to stand for the inerrancy and sufficiency of Scripture against a leftward drift that was being propelled by platform leaders and various groups within the SBC.  Brad Jurkovich answered the call to help lead this new group at great personal and professional cost.  I cannot overstate the respect I have for leaders like Brad who stand for what is true even when it is unpopular and detrimental.  He is a warrior.  Thousands resonated with this new group.  I’ve received literally hundreds of calls and notes of support, appreciation, and gratitude that the voices of “everyday” Baptists were being heard.
May 16, 2022 11 tweets 5 min read
I am asked frequently about the state of the SBC. After the latest Book of Reports and the annual ACP numbers were released, the only possible answer I can offer is: Not well.

A brief thread: 2/ Don’t take my word for it—check the numbers out here for yourself in the full report:

Jun 27, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
THREAD: I spent 14 years as a student in theological higher education. We have been taught from literally the first day that taking someone else’s material without attribution is plagiarism and will not be tolerated. 1/ I’ve sat in countless preaching courses where such practice in preaching is harshly condemned.

Now to see multiple seminary presidents & profs scramble to excuse the almost verbatim taking of someone else’s sermon by the president of SBC without attribution is…interesting. 2/
Nov 17, 2019 6 tweets 4 min read
For the record, @_PPatterson_ is not a racist.

During his life and ministry (so far) he:

-Led an African American church while their pastor was ill for several months.

-Endured confrontation with KKK over leading an African American to Christ in Mississippi while in seminary. -Hired first African American professor at @SEBTS.

-Hired African American dean @SWBTS, who has since been removed from position.

-Issued degree and alumni award to African American previously denied admission under earlier administration @SWBTS.