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I write to right: exploring and communicating on topics of interest including energy, data, politics, and education
Jan 31 14 tweets 3 min read
Tonight it is likely the nuclear reactor at Bruce Power, Unit 4, will disconnect from the grid and enter it's refurbishment 3ish year-long refurbishment period
It's an important event for an alternative/better perspective on our nuclear history
B4 first connected to the grid in December of 1978.
Within 20 years the reactor was mothballed (along with all other reactors at Bruce A and Pickering A).

Before going into reasons for that, a quick performance review
Jun 25, 2019 9 tweets 5 min read
been reminiscing on a spat I had about a year after Vermont Yankee was shut down. Got me blocked by a guy claiming wind and solar replaced its output - but that li'l grief was more than compensated by what I learned about he NE-ISO grid from @yes_VY .
I hit the data for an update I "storified" the encounter in 2016, so I have only a .pdf to show of it…
There's a lot of grey areas, not the least of which is ISO data omits distributed sources such as residential solar and other self-generation, but nuclear is down, gas up, me right..
Jun 22, 2019 9 tweets 23 min read
@KHayhoe @leifsolmunde @FrantaJaro @thiesbeckers @kirstygogan @ChristiAnne67 @6point626 @EnergyJvd @Gen_Atomic @pinkheretic @Thoughtscapism @nuclearkatie sorry for the clutter folks, but I think it is important to respond to the specific mistruths about the costs of Ontario's move to a very low emissions electricity sector from the Professor - a topic she knows people would find uninteresting.


@KHayhoe @leifsolmunde @FrantaJaro @thiesbeckers @kirstygogan @ChristiAnne67 @6point626 @EnergyJvd @Gen_Atomic @pinkheretic @Thoughtscapism @nuclearkatie "if you dig into the original literature" [citation "professor"] paying off the debt incurred from building nuclear..."
There was a debt at the break-up of the "Ontario Hydro" in 1998 ( see… ), and it is complex, but there was a fixed fee ...
May 17, 2019 16 tweets 6 min read
The other day @elephanteating produced a thread on the economics of his woodstove.

I dug into some data for a home 148 miles northwest of Rochester.
Here's a thread with efficiency, rebound and relationships - including savings from a stove I pulled the data together for my electricity and gas bills, and just roughly estimated wood consumption.
Gas conversion: 277.8 kWh per GJ (and .038 GJ per m3),
Wood: 20 GJ/cord - a different mix of ash, maples, willow, cherry yearly (whatever came down)
Feb 4, 2019 16 tweets 6 min read
The very low capacity value/credit of Alberta's industrial wind turbine potential is well known to those who follow such things.
Far fewer follow such things than pump up excitement about vRES. looks like it's a high demand day in Alberta.

Maybe the highest:
Feb 2, 2019 6 tweets 2 min read
the science seems pretty confused on this, but the one thing most individuals can know without the science is the claim the CBC report ends with, and the Minister emphasizes: "more extreme weather events" aren't true where they live. not that the science is the thing that interests me, but there's a long post on Carbon Brief discussing many theories…

Here's 3 quotes from it related to what interests me:
Jan 22, 2019 5 tweets 3 min read
I've updated my PowerBI report mapping industrial wind turbines in Ontario with production, and cost, summary pages.

(continue to be amazed by @MSPowerBI )

@powerbi… includes new formats of old smash hits such as average monthly capacity factor, graphed by year!
PLUS... no more stale-dating!
cc @tomadamsenergy
Jul 1, 2018 5 tweets 2 min read
if you wanted monthly ON electricity reporting for Canada Day - especially if you've been jonesing for May reporting from the IESO - here's my shadow reporting for June:

Long:… toggle on some more months and the BI page can also provide quarterly figured:
demand up about 4%
imports up the most, followed closely by gas.
hydro down the most.
Jun 26, 2018 17 tweets 7 min read
I'm going to repeat some tweets from a couple of weeks ago that didn't thread corrected - please excuse the repetition, but the points could use repeating - on CA and what I consider the WCI scam ON is now escaping from. some people are probably confused by the vast difference in information coming from @AldyenDonnelly and the statements of confidence in the WCI scheme from the polished @EcofiscalCanada hive . Maybe my view of data will make you more attentive to Aldyen...