Dr Wes Robertson Profile picture
Chair of Languages & Cultures @Macquarie_Uni @LanguagesMQ. #Japanese sociolinguist & @Brutalinguist co-host. #日本語 の文字や #メタル や翻訳を研究する社会言語学者. He/Him.
Apr 25 14 tweets 4 min read
I'm a bit bored, here's a thread on the various names for ways you can read Japanese kanji: 🧵 The "big two" are of course 音読み (on-yomi) and 訓読み (kun-yomi). The on-yomi readings are called "Chinese readings" often, and can be divided into 4 types. The first three relate to what Chinese period/variety the reading was borrowed from... Image
Apr 6, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
This image goes viral every year or so with some comments about how "wacky" or "crazy" Japanese is. It's a funny sentence, for sure, but there's nothing bizarre here.

First let's just check out what's going on, and how the five sentences work: ImageImage As you can see from the right image, I could almost create some of the ambiguity in English. Not exactly, but we are dealing with different languages.

Can we do similar things in English though? Oh, yes, of course. For instance "I saw the man with binoculars on the table" Image
Sep 20, 2022 9 tweets 8 min read
Do you like learning about the Japanese writing system? Wow, me too! If you are looking to unpack the crazy history behind it, there are two key authors you should know: 今野真二(こんのしんじ)and 笹原宏之(ささはらひろゆき).

Here's a brief introduction to their books: Image First, Konno. 正書法のない日本語, or "Japanese Without Writing Rules" was the first of either of their books I read, and is a fascinating intro into the complexities of written Japanese history. Want to annoy your teacher by writing however you want? This book is your citation. ImageImageImageImage