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Scrutineers is an action-oriented, nonpartisan online community working for USA election fairness & transparency. Protect ALL the voters! Protect ALL the votes!
Oct 19, 2022 9 tweets 6 min read
Election day is fast approaching!

Are you still hoping to make a bigger difference?

Here are the 8 most important things you can do before, during, and after election day!

(Have you ever heard of #7?)

#VoteAND #2022midterms #Volunteering

1/9 Before we get specific ... In general, work exponentially for biggest impact. Whatever you choose to do, if you bring in more people, your impact will grow. And if you bring in more people who will themselves bring in more people ... now we're talking!

Aug 7, 2020 5 tweets 3 min read
Voting challenges for unhoused people include not having a permanent address for registration and receiving mail-in ballots, not having the required (in some places) photo ID with matching address and 1/
#OurMarchToVote unhoused people living in shelters who encounter long lines to vote might lose their place to sleep if they can't vote and get back to the shelter before curfew. 2/
Jun 13, 2020 12 tweets 3 min read
@pbuzz3 @Jennycohn1 THREAD The unacceptably corrupt practice of election system vendors providing election *results* to counties goes way back and is not specific to Broward County, FL or to ES&S. #handmarkedpaperballots1/ Richard Hayes Phillips unearthed this in his investigation into the Ohio 2004 election, documented in his 2008 book, Witness to a Crime: A Citizens’ Audit of an American Election. 2/